/ / Planting apple trees is a demanding job that requires attention and hard work.

Planting apples is a responsible job requiring attention and diligence

As a rule, trees are planted in the springand in the autumn. The process of planting seedlings includes the selection of planting material, selection of a place, excavation of a pit, addition of drainage and fertilizers, planting of apples and watering.

Для закладки сада необходимо использовать zoned tree varieties that are labeled. Usually planting of apples is carried out at their two-year age. When buying seedlings, you need to make sure that they have a conductor and not less than three or four side branches, the length of the roots is about 40 cm.

Apple trees develop best on loamysoils. In clay places add compost, peat, large river sand, sandstone is fertilized with a large amount of peat, humus, alumina, compost. In general, apple trees do not tolerate a lack of oxygen in the soil.

Planting trees in spring and autumn is made inthe following periods: the optimal time for planting seedlings begins from the 20th of April, in the fall - from September 20 to October 15. At a later time, trees are better prikopat, and plant them in the spring.

В процессе посадки необходимо подготовить ямы для apple trees. Places for future trees are dug up with a diameter of 100 cm, to a depth of 80 cm. The humus upper layer of the earth and the infertile lower one must be thrown in different directions from the depression. Pits dig a week before the future planting of apple trees. The bottom should always be loosened with a crowbar or a shovel to a depth of 20-30 cm, while the ground must remain in place.

Apple requires good drainage, for this to the bottompits throw tin cans and walnut shells. Then proceed to the filling of the seat substrate. The pit is filled to one third with the upper humus layer, then organic and mineral fertilizers are added: 3 buckets of manure or a glass of superphosphate, wood ash (10 tablespoons), potassium sulphate (4 tablespoons), packaged organic fertilizers (2 bags). All mixed with a spade together with the soil.

The remaining space is covered with fertile land,until a mound of 20 cm height above the soil level is formed above the pit. A wooden stick (stake) is inserted into the middle of the formed hill, which should rise half a meter above the ground.

Apple planting should be done in twogardeners. One should install a seedling in the middle of the pit to the north of the stake and lift the tree to a height of 5 cm from the root base to the ground. The second mate holds the sapling, spreads the roots around the hillock in all directions, and at the same time the root system falls asleep with fertile soil that is gently tamped, especially at the edges of the pit. Then the seedling is tied to a wooden support with plastic twine.

At the end of this process, the landing siteit is necessary to water until the time when water will easily penetrate into the pit. Usually 4 buckets of water are enough to moisten. Then they make mulching with peat, humus or usual ground to a height of 5 cm. Repeated watering is done in a week.

Saplings planted by young inexperiencedgardeners often die. The main reason for this lies in the fact that the apple trees are planted on the spot, next to which the groundwater passes. In order to accelerate the growth of trees and continue to get good yields, seedlings should be planted on mounds. In this case, the depth of the bayonet shovels make digging a plot with a diameter of three meters. Then fall asleep mineral and organic fertilizers as follows.

For one square meter contribute 1 bucket of manure,compost or peat, two tablespoons of potassium sulphate or superphosphate. Planting fruit trees is done in the same way as in the pit. Roots need to be tamped well, and saplings tied to a stake and water well. For the removal of groundwater near the landing site is necessary to dig a groove.

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