/ / Casing in a wooden house when installing windows or doors

A siege in a wooden house when installing windows or doors

The main disadvantage of wooden houses is theirtendency to shrink. Even after three years of operation, the value of this parameter can be 2-3%. The behavior of wood is also strongly influenced by air humidity and the degree of drying of the material before construction.

siege in a wooden house
Of course, the eye will not notice such vibrations.But if you are going to put plastic windows, a siege in a wooden house will be a prerequisite for their installation. In the old days, there were no problems with skewed doors and windows, as the log house was year by year and more maintained under special canopies. Today, no construction company will offer you such conditions for performing work, as cunning developers try to send goods to clients as soon as possible. In this case, no one cares about quality.

By the way, what is a siege?In a wooden house - this is a special box that is installed in a window or doorway. It is designed to compensate for the mechanical stresses and distortions that occur in any wooden structure. Voltages are evenly redistributed along the box, as a result of which the window remains intact, and the doors will close normally.

casing installation in a wooden house
Если в строении больше одного этажа, то обсада в a wooden house must be a must. Its production can not be attributed to particularly simple work, but because it requires a fairly high qualification. You can make it not only from the array, but also of the type-adhesive type. The most expensive construction of solid wood.

If you plan to reduce costs, you canto make a set-glue construction, having made it from the cut remains of a bar. Most often, in this case, a jumper and sidewalls are used from a solid array, while the window sill is made of a composable bar. Install this design on a special profile. Its shape depends on what the geometric configuration will be at the window or door. Specialists install casing in a wooden house in a variety of ways.

round-up of windows in a wooden house
The most commonly used cutting is specialcomb in the end of the window or doorway. On the installed okosyachka also a groove is cut, thanks to which it is possible to fasten it as firmly as possible, avoiding displacement and deformation. Among other things, this design will maximize the overall appearance of the house, as the openings will look much neater. In general, the siege of windows in a wooden house will not only make the whole building more beautiful, but will also significantly extend the life of the PVC windows themselves, completely eliminating their deformation and warping.

It should be made only from qualityand a well-dried wooden profile, because otherwise all your efforts will be meaningless. If a badly dried okosyachku “leads”, the effect will be similar to the shrinkage of the whole house. It is also desirable to impregnate it with an antiseptic. The experience of builders shows that the casing in a wooden house in most cases is an absolutely necessary element that carries not only decorative, but also functional load.

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