/ How to get rid of flies in a wooden house? Folk remedies and household chemicals

How to get rid of flies in a wooden house? Folk remedies and household chemicals

Spring...What could be more beautiful! However, with the advent of the first tender rays of the sun, all nature revives, and annoying, annoying flies do not become an exception. Especially a lot of these insects live in the countryside. A person should understand that the neighborhood with flies is not only an unpleasant buzz and tickling during sleep. Insects can be carriers of various dangerous diseases, so you need to know how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.

The danger lurks on the paws of flies

Unpleasant insects are often carriers of various diseases. A fly, arriving from the street and sitting on a person's food, can bring in any viruses and bacteria.

how to get rid of flies in a wooden house

Such a meal can lead even to lethaloutcome, because the habitat of flies is just suitable for the multiplication of viruses. And the infection can occur not only in the spring and summer. Flies in a wooden house in autumn are capable of causing many troubles. They suffer typhus, dysentery, cholera and other diseases. The fly can bring on food and a strain of anthrax, larvae of parasites.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in a wooden house

Many people do not understand where the flies are from in the woodthe house is taken at all. If they knew the basic preventive measures against the appearance of insects in housing, then this problem would not have affected them. So, how can you prevent the attack of flies in wooden housing?

 flies in a wooden house in autumn

  1. Flies simply love unsanitary conditions,so they do not like too much clean houses. Often spend wet cleaning, uneaten food immediately clean in the refrigerator, and food waste - in the trash. Garbage, by the way, too long to keep it is not necessary. Try to throw it away as quickly as possible. If you keep cattle, then flies fly into the house from cow dung. Water the manure with a weak solution of vitriol - and the multiplication of the larvae will be stopped.
  2. Protect windows and doors with nets against insects - the barrier method is very effective.
  3. The elder and cherry tree, planted along the house,scared off by the smell of flies. The same can be said of the potted room geranium on the windowsill. Drosophila "love" tea brew, so do not keep the old tea in a bucket for a very long time.

how to deal with flies in wooden houses

If preventive measures have not yet saved you, it's time to read advice on how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.

Rid of flies with chemicals

Modern manufacturers offer customers a variety of tools to combat indoor flies. Below you can find the most popular and effective ones.

  • Aerosol is a very simple to use product.It is only necessary to press the button and spray a jet of poison onto the insects. Very often flies are destroyed with the help of Dichlorvos. It is done this way: the chemical is generously sprayed in the room, then it is locked for an hour. After this, the hostess will only have to ventilate the room and sweep away the dead flies into the scoop. Manufacturers of chemicals know exactly how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.
  • Sticky tape is very effective in combating flies.It has been used for many years. The essence of the work is to hang the tape at the window or in the center of the wooden house. The chemical composition of impregnation attracts flies with a smell, they sit down on a tape, and can not fly away. Their paws are stuck in a sticky substance! From this poison the insect quickly perishes.

destruction of flies in a wooden house

  • Plates impregnated with vaportrin, give excellentThe result in the fight against the flies, which were planted in flowers. Destroying flies in a wooden house with the help of this method will not harm the person, but the insect will obviously have a hard time.

Chemical methods of fighting insects givehigh result, but they have a disadvantage. Some chemicals can harm a person (for example, to breathe "Dichlorvos" clearly to nothing). It is especially not recommended to use such methods in a house where young children live.

How to deal with flies in wooden houses in popular ways?

If the use of chemical products for youis inadmissible, and the flies are fed up to impossibility, then try to drive them out with the help of folk methods. For example, black pepper is a terrible dream of flies, for them it is the most real poison. Place three pinches of black ground pepper in a glass of sweet water and leave in the room. In an hour you will only have to collect the dead insects from the bottom of the glass.

Flies in a wooden house in the fall are not rareguests. You can prepare a trap for them yourself. Just take the newspaper and soak it with sweet water. When the paper dries, an unusually effective trap for bothersome insects will come out of it.

Extra-disposal of flies

It happens that to drive out insects is necessary in the shortest time (for example, you are waiting for important guests). In this case, you can use a less powerful chemical.

from a fly in a wooden house

If you do not want to do this, but you do not know,how to deal with flies in wooden houses, act easier. Tighten the windows tightly. The room needs darkness. After 15 minutes, open all the windows, doors, balcony - and flies will rush to the newly appeared light.

Another good option is to arrange a draft in the house. Flies do not like the wind and, most likely, leave an uncomfortable place for them.

By the way, do not sweep the spiders, suddenly found in the house. The room in which her worst enemy lives, the fly will avoid!

Well, the last method without involving chemicals is an ordinary fly swatter, which is also used very often in our time.

How to get rid of flies in a wooden house with the help of ultrasound?

Currently, very often to get rid offlies are used ultrasonic devices. They are effective and do not contain any chemical agents. From flies you will get rid quickly and safely. High sound waves, which people do not even hear (they, of course, are safe for our ears), are harmful to insects. Flies this high sound is too unpleasant, after hearing it, they immediately fly away as far as possible from the source. Ultrasound does not work in the open air, but it will perfectly cope with the task in the wooden house.

Now you know how to quickly and effectively get rid of flies carrying dirt and disease to our house. Do not let annoying insects into your cozy home!

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