/ / Cultivation of potatoes: methods, technologies and conditions

Cultivation of potatoes: methods, technologies and conditions

In many countries, potatoes are considered the mostcommon culture. It is part of many dishes, provides our body with essential trace elements and vitamins. The main task of many summer residents is to increase the yield of potatoes. To do this, it is important not only to choose the right variety, but also to choose the right way of planting. Also of great importance is the region in which direct cultivation takes place. Of course, do not forget about the proper care of the plant.

Proper organization of work - a pledge of a rich and high-quality harvest.

High potato yield

Features of landing

In early May, they begin to plant potatoes in central Russia. By this time, the earth should warm up well (above 10 aboutWITH).Potato is a member of the Paslenov family. Experienced agronomists do not recommend planting it in places where sweet peppers, tomatoes and eggplants previously grew. The ideal predecessor are cucumbers, cabbage, greens, legumes, beets, green manure.

Potatoes grow well on black soil, loamy and sandy soil. The clay soil is too heavy, so the potatoes will grow poorly on it.

The plot on which the potato will grow should be sunny, reliably protected from the wind.

The soil must be prepared in the autumn. The land is plowed up, fertilizers are applied. It is recommended to sow siderats (rye or mustard). In the spring, the land is re-plowed along with sideratami.

Planting potatoes can be done in various ways. It is necessary to take into account not only the type of soil, variety, but also the location of the site.

Industrial planting potatoes

Preparing for planting

Growing potatoes from seed requires preparationsince autumn. Planting material must be taken immediately after the harvest. Ideal tubers weigh 70-100 grams with a diameter of 4-5 cm. In the autumn period it is better to green the potatoes. A few days is enough to hold the tubers in the sun. Such potatoes will not spoil the rodents, which means that they will be better preserved.

Прорастить посевной материал нужно за месяц до landing. To do this, pour the tubers into low boxes and arrange them in 1-2 layers. Boxes are left in a warm, lit place. After a certain time, sprouts appear. They should reach 1-2 cm in height. If the weather is still cold by this time, boxes of sprouted potatoes should be sent to a dark place.

Tubers are sometimes treated before planting.growth stimulant. For this often use "Zircon" or "Appin". It is better to process the acquired planting material on the market additionally from infections. For this, the tubers are placed for 30 minutes in warm water or in a solution of boric acid (0.1%).

Experts recommend be sure to considerpotato growing areas. After all, for arid regions a more acceptable one way, and for the middle band - another. In addition, you should choose the right potato variety. It should not only be resistant to many diseases, unpretentious in care, but also be adapted to certain climatic conditions.

Potato growing methods

Methods of cultivation

There are several methods of growingpotato seed. Attention should be paid to both common and fairly rare options. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Each summer resident must choose the appropriate option. Experts recommend allocating a small plot of land on which a new way of growing potatoes will be tested.

Potatoes in a barrel

Среди дачников популярна технология выращивания potatoes in a barrel. For this you need to prepare an old barrel. The bottom may be leaky, or it may not be at all. 20-25 cm of drainage are laid in a barrel, after 30 cm of fertile soil are poured. If there is heavy soil on the site, it should be mixed with 1/3 of the sand. Potatoes are laid on the soil and covered with soil 20 cm high. As soon as the potatoes germinate, it must be covered with soil to the edge of the barrel.

This method of cultivation is suitable for regions with a cold climate.

The advantages of this method include:

  • saving space in the garden;
  • lack of weeds;
  • pest protection;
  • early maturation.

The disadvantages include:

  • overmoistening of the soil is possible, which may lead to rotting of tubers;
  • can not be used in regions with hot climates;
  • time-consuming method of growing.
    Potatoes in a bucket

Potatoes in a bucket

Growing potatoes in a bucket is very similar toprevious method. The only difference is that in the bottom of the bucket you must make holes to remove excess moisture. Planted in a bucket need only 1 tuber.

This method allows you to create a mobile bed in the greenhouse. So ripening will accelerate, and soon it will be possible to get an early harvest.

Potatoes in boxes

This method of growing potatoes is suitable forsummer residents who have a small backyard territory. This method has much in common with previous ones. First, it is necessary to make the bottom of the planks, and on the sides to nail stakes 1.5 m high. The bottom is optional, you can just drive in the ground bars.

After it is necessary to build walls of severalboards. The height of the structure must be chosen, taking into account the volume of the contents. Be sure to contain 2 layers of earth by 30 cm in height. Between these layers is necessary to place the tubers.

As soon as the potatoes germinate, it is necessaryto pin additional boards and re-sprinkle the earth. If the tubers were planted in mid-May, the ground should be stopped in mid-June. At this time, the plant should bloom.

In late September, you need to cut the tops and leave the plant for a week alone. During this time, the potatoes will ripen. After the box is disassembled and take the tubers from the ground.

Such potato growing technology allows collecting from 1 m2 about a bag of potatoes.

Growing potatoes in a bag

Potatoes in a bag

Growing potatoes in bags slightlydifferent from the above methods. In this case, the drainage is poured into an ordinary bag. After spreading the tubers. After the first sprouts appear, the potatoes need to be sprinkled with earth mixed with compost. The soil must be poured as the growth of the tops. Remember that this method requires regular watering of the plant.

This method of cultivation does not require significant physical labor. In addition, you can save space on your backyard.

Growing on beds and ridges

For growing potatoes in large quantitiesuse ridge landing. After all, this method provides special equipment. Planting takes place with the help of potato planters, and hilling is done with hillocks. Growing potatoes in the field in this way minimizes the use of human labor.

This method of landing is characterized by the distancebetween the rows is more than 60 cm, and between the holes - 30 cm. As soon as the tops grow, the plant is spud, forming a ridge. This method is well proven when grown on wet soils.

This method also allows preparing the ground for planting in the fall. And in the spring without re-digging you can begin to plant tubers.

Some summer residents use this method.growing potatoes. Many people think that growing on beds contributes to an increase in yield. At the same time, the tubers are staggered. Planting material covered with earth, forming beds. During the season the plant must spud 3 times. When the tops reach 5 cm in height, carry out the first hilling. Plant bury completely. The second time spud the plant when it reaches 15 cm in height, the third - before flowering.

Potatoes under the film

This method allows you to get a good harvest.potatoes in arid regions. This method of planting potatoes involves the use of black film. You must first mark the territory and cover with a film, dropping its edges. Ensure that there are no sharp objects in the area.

After in the places of planting tubers need to do30 cm long cross-wise cuts on the film. At the same time between the bushes should be a minimum distance of 25 cm, and between the rows - 40 cm. Now you can make holes and plant potatoes.

The advantages of this method of landing:

  • no dry crust will form on the surface;
  • helps to get rid of weeds;
  • ideal for growing in arid regions.


  • film must be purchased;
  • poor soil ventilation;
  • the film can be easily damaged;
  • difficult to organize watering.
Potatoes under the film

Potatoes in the hay

One popular way is to growpotatoes under the straw. This is an easy way to get a good harvest, with little or no effort. There is no need to loosen and dig up the soil. You can grow potatoes even on an intact plot with perennial grass. This method is ideal for growing potatoes in heavy soil.

Tubers can be laid simply on the ground or madesmall holes. A layer of straw is laid on top. As the tops grow back, a layer of straw is added. For these purposes, you can use mowed grass or weeded weeds. In the fall, you only need to collect clean tubers.

Growing potatoes under straw also has its drawbacks:

  • It is necessary to prepare a sufficient amount of dry grass or straw;
  • mice may start;
  • Straw badly retains moisture, which means you need to water the plant more often.
    Growing potatoes in straw

How to get an early potato?

Growing early potatoes allows not only to feast on fresh vegetables, but also to make a profit. To get a good harvest, you should follow these rules:

  • use early varieties;
  • soil should be fertilized;
  • be sure to germinate tubers;
  • planting material must be healthy, tubers - medium size.

For early potato planting shouldtake place in early April. Often at this time the soil is not ready for planting in the open field. Therefore, it is better to plant the tubers in peat pots, planting seedlings. To protect young sprouts from frosts, the site can be covered with agrofibre.

Technology from Holland

Growing Dutch Potatoesprovides for the formation of wide row spacing. Tubers are planted in the ridges and pay special attention to good soil adhesion. This method involves strict rules of cultivation. After all, you should use only high-quality tubers, fertilizers and the treatment of leafy herbicides should be carried out in a timely manner.

Between the ridges there should be a distance of 75-100cm, between tubers - 30 cm. In the summer, planting 3 times watered, and hilling occurs by filling the ridges with earth from the row spacing. This method allows you to collect from 1 bush to 2 kg of selected crop.

Potatoes in the straw

Gulich method

This method involves planting potatoes insquares 1 x 1 m. At the same time, the tubers are placed with eyes down. After germination, land is brought to the center of the bush. As soon as the first leaves appear, the soil is replenished. Add earth until the bush gets stronger. With quality and timely care, the yield per bush can be 15 kg.

How to grow potatoes in the suburbs?

In this region, favorable days for disembarkingtubers come in early may. Folk omen says that potatoes should be planted during the period when the first leaves on birch trees reach the size of a penny.

Planting method is chosen based on the quality of the soil. For example, on the black soil, you can use row, smooth and ridge methods.

For growing potatoes in this region, it is better to give preference to medium-early varieties:

  • Son;
  • Tuleyevsky;
  • Anniversary Zhukov;
  • The cast iron.

How to grow potatoes in Siberia?

Potato growing conditions depend beforeall from a variety of plants. In Siberia, it is difficult to grow a large number of potatoes because of the short summer. Already at the end of March they begin to prepare the tubers for planting. They are placed in boxes for germination. Planting material is planted in May in ridges or rows. At the first hilling the plants fall asleep completely.

Collect early varieties of the crop in mid-August, late - in early October. As soon as the tops darken, it must be mowed. And after 7 days you can start harvesting.

Fertilize the soil in the fall.

Varieties that are planted in Siberia:

  • Adretta;
  • Prior;
  • Agatha;
  • Jelly

How to grow potatoes in the Urals?

In the Urals, the weather is unpredictable. Here and in June there can be frosts.

Еще с осени следует подготовить к посадке участок.It is covered with mowed grass or straw. The process of decay is accompanied by the release of heat, which means that in May it will be possible to plant the tubers. Top planting material is covered with straw.

Experts recommend planting potatoes inthis region in early June. A positive temperature will favorably affect the growth of the tops, and a late planting period will protect the plants from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle.

In this region it is better to plant such varieties:

  • Effect;
  • Bullfinch;
  • Bezhitsky;
  • Governor;
  • White spring.
Growing Dutch Potatoes

How to grow potatoes in Belarus?

Many consider Belarus the birthplace of potatoes.In this country, this vegetable is called the "second bread." The country is located in 3 climatic zones, so you can use different methods of planting tubers. Common varieties grown in Belarus include:

  • Lapis lazuli;
  • Dolphin;
  • Uladar;
  • Skarb;
  • Vesnyanka.

Germinated tubers are planted when the soil warms up to 10aboutC. After planting the tubers in the cold ground, the first seedlings can be seen much later.

How to grow potatoes in the Donbas?

This region is characterized by arid and hotsummer. Therefore, the ideal way of planting potatoes is planting under the film. It is advisable to pre-deep plowing. Shrubs should be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The width of the beds at the same time - 70 cm.

It is better to give preference to early varieties, because planting is necessary as soon as possible. So the tubers will have time to capture the spring waters before the onset of the heat. Ideal varieties are:

  • Bellarosa;
  • The lark;
  • Alyona;
  • Gull.

Early varieties of potatoes can begin to clean in the middle of June.


To get a good harvest of potatoes,It is necessary not only to choose the right type of plant. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the region, choosing the right way of landing Do not forget that a competent approach to care also allows you to increase the yield of the plant.

Taking into account all the above recommendations, you can properly organize the work, which means that soon you will get a rich harvest of potatoes.

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