/ How to decorate a room with a garland? How to decorate a tinsel room for the New Year

How to decorate a room with a garland? How to decorate a tinsel room for the New Year

December is the time to decorate the room for the New Year.It is a pity that this holiday happens only once a year. The stronger you want to make the house elegant, creating a festive atmosphere, which will be remembered for a long time. Every family has its own traditional ways of dressing up a house for a holiday, but learning something new is never superfluous.

Room decoration

Decorate the room for the New Year can be severalways. For example, hang tinsel, garlands, Christmas toys. You can put a Christmas tree in the room, arrange flowers in vases or make "hanging gardens" of flowers. Some people buy jewelry in the store, and some do it themselves.

You can start to decorate the house from the front door.Hanging from outside the wreath of fir branches will emphasize the hospitality of people living in the house. In addition, such an accessory is a symbol of prosperity. You can buy this decoration in the store or make by yourself. In addition to the branches of spruce or fir, the cones, stars, nuts, wrapped in beautiful paper look great.

how to decorate a room with a garland

Ideas how to decorate a room can be found in magazines. Since September, many publications publish actual design solutions.

The main symbol of New Year's holidays is the Christmas tree.Before you hang toys on it, you need to decide which gamma will be the main one that repeats throughout the house. You need to choose a single style, then the room and apartment will look especially festive and fashionable.

To decorate a room for the New Year is tinsel andwith garlands. But now a huge variety of these festive lamps is offered, and you should not mix all kinds in one room. Before deciding how to decorate a room with a garland, you need to find out what kinds of it our industry is ready to offer today.

Kinds of garlands

Do you want the room to sparkle, but do not know howThis is achieved? Very simply - hang out in the room various electric garlands. Not so many there are their varieties that are suitable for this purpose.

LED Light

Such garlands look especially elegant, theyvery little electricity is needed. LEDs are used to decorate openings, firs or surfaces that do not heat up. The advantage of this LED podvette that it is water resistant, so it can be hung even in the bathroom.


Bending tape, on which there are cartridges for small bulbs. Such garlands look somewhat comical, they are suitable for decorating a room in the style of the 50's.


It is a flexible cord made of neon.For the independent decor of the room, the duralight is rude, but it is perfectly permissible to illuminate the perimeter with its help. You can make different shapes from the duralight, placing them on the windows or walls of the room.

Knowing at least minimal information aboutvarieties of this kind of lighting and how to use them, it is much easier to decide how to decorate a room with a garland. Choose the appearance and design solution is necessary based on what effect you want to achieve in the end.

Decorative garlands

how to decorate a room with tinsel

Decorative garlands can be made of paper or artificial fir branches. Spruce garland is better to buy in the store, since there is no point in making it yourself from artificial branches.

Paper decorations can be made independently or also purchased in the store. Making decor from paper is better to entrust to children - so they will feel their involvement in the holiday.

Garland decoration

Electric designs decorate windowsthe walls of the room, spruce. Before decorating a room with a garland, keep in mind that it must be inaccessible to animals and small children. Not only can they spoil this electric accessory, they can still set fire or suffer themselves. The rule of placement of electrical appliances - they need to hang up the higher, the younger children.

For decorating tables, fireplaces, dressers canto use both electric and decorative garland, interlacing them together. This composition will look great in the evening and in daylight.

decorate the room for the new year

Hang the garland in the doorway, attach to the ceiling - any option is acceptable. The larger the plane, the more interesting the pattern can be created.

To understand how to beautifully decorate a garlandroom, see photos - decorative varieties placed on tables, cabinets, walls, doorways. Around the chandelier will also be appropriate to place a garland.

Tinsel decoration

ideas how to decorate a room

Before decorating a room with tinsel, you needstock up with a fair amount of this material. It should start with a window. Using scotch or pins, the tinsel is fastened around the perimeter of the window or make a semblance of a grid. If you highlight it with a garland, the view will be even more elegant.

If you want to decorate the curtains - you canhang the figures made of tinsel strung on a wire. Thus it will be possible to give it the shape of a snowflake, fir, bow, stars. In addition, it is appropriate to make the numbers of the coming year and hang them in a prominent place. The numbers can also highlight the garland. If the house has small children, it is worth hanging the decorations higher.

Tinsel and secure the ceiling, and around the perimeter of the wallpaper. It will be more interesting if you hang the resulting garland not directly, but in a wave. Pin these compositions can be pins.

To decorate the door openings, you need to take a magnificent tinsel and fix it around the perimeter. At the same time in the very opening let the rain threads hang. Chandelier wrap tinsel, serpentine cones.

Generally, to decide how to decorate with tinselroom, better listen to your sense of style and desire. Do you want a bright, glowing room, or do you prefer a quiet classic filled with green Christmas and a modest sparkle of electric lights?


how to decorate a garland room

When decorating a room with any materials is not worth it.forget about those accessories that are constantly in the room. Is there a mirror on the wall? He, too, can be perfectly dressed up with any of the materials. To use any one item of scenery or to make compositions of them depends only on your preferences. Wicker garlands of tinsel, fir branches and cones look great. Instead of tinsel, you can use a long electric garland.

If you can’t decide how to decorate a room with a garland, you can turn to interior designers - they’ll decorate the room in such a way that it only remains to gasp from admiration.

But no matter how you decide to decorate your house to the Newyear, the most important thing is that it reigns comfort, peace, joy and good mood not only on holidays, but also on working days. Try to keep the feeling of fairy tales and magic for the whole year, and then he will bring only positive news and changes.

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