/ / The good floor pouring self-leveling mixture

What is good floor pouring self-leveling mixture

Today there is a hugethe number of different materials that can be used as floor coverings. But in order for the installation to take place as it should, it is necessary to prepare the base in advance, making it perfectly smooth. In this article we will talk about what is the filling of the floor self-leveling mixture.

Filling the floor with self-leveling compound
Of course, you can do everything in the old fashioned way.To do this, just need to put the beacons and pour the surface of the usual cement. But this process is more difficult and time consuming. That is why many people prefer to resort to special mixtures, which have a large number of advantages.

Заливка пола самовыравнивающейся смесью стала possible relatively recently. The use of modern materials provides a variety of opportunities with which to prepare the foundation for laying flooring has become much easier. Moreover, the quality of such mixtures fully meets all the requirements that are necessary for the subsequent finishing of the floor.

Before filling the floorself-leveling mixture, you need to know more about its composition. It should be understood that the conditions of its operation will depend on the materials used to create the mixture. Therefore, the purchase should be approached with special attention.

Fill the floor in the apartment
Mixtures may contain gypsum,cement or polymers. If a large layer thickness is required, the flooring in the apartment should be made using the mortar that was made on a cement base. To improve the quality should be applied another layer. It will consist of the mixture, which has in its composition polymers.

Before you begin levelingthe basis, it is required to put a special layer from a primer. It is necessary in order to improve the adhesion property with subsequent self-leveling layers. The primer contains not only binding materials that contribute to better adhesion of the subsequent layers with the base. Also in the production of primers used a variety of antiseptics that prevent the occurrence of fungi and bacteria.

Anyone can purchase more economicaloption. It is used if the surface is dry and has no cracks. In this case, the mixture itself can be used as a primer for leveling. Previously, it will need to be diluted with water in a much larger volume than when preparing the working solution.

Fill the floor with a self-leveling mixture shouldbe made only with carefully prepared foundation. It should not be debris, oil substances, coloring agents, etc. If all this is on the surface, then you need to get rid of it. In addition, the base should be dry. Before filling it is required to apply a coat of primer. This can be done with a roller or brush. Ideally, there should be two such layers. Between their application it is necessary to make a short pause to give time to the first layer to grasp with the base. After applying the second layer is also required to take a break at four o'clock. But also it is not necessary to pull with pouring, because in a day the desired effect cannot be obtained.

Self-leveling floors do it yourself

When preparing the solution must be followed.instructions that is attached to the package. It should be understood that the container in which the solution will be prepared must be dry and clean. To avoid lumps, the dry mixture should be gradually added to the water and stirred with a drill with a special nozzle. The stirring time should be selected based on the requirements of the instructions.

The fill layer should not be thinner than fivemillimeters. After it is completed, you need to roll the layer with a roller to get rid of air bubbles. As you can see, self-leveling floors do it yourself is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

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