/ / Chimney "Phoenix": description, species, manufacturer and reviews

Chimney "Phoenix": description, species, producer and reviews

Chimney "Phoenix" is made in Russia.In the production process, a corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, titanium-stabilized steel is used, the thickness of which is 1 mm. As for the thickness of the insulation layer, this parameter reaches a mark of 30 mm. The composition of the material is a small volume of carbon, which is 0.03%.

The material is well weldable, hasimproved qualities, is not inclined to intercrystalline corrosion, and also successfully replaces steel 08X13. These products combine mechanical and strength properties, have excellent plastic deformability and resist atmospheric influences. Chimney "Phoenix" can be operated at sufficiently high temperatures, which vary from 600 to 800 ° C, while the service life is long enough.

Manufacturer Information

phoenix chimney

The company "Phoenix" is engaged in manufacturingchimneys in 2007 and specializes in products intended for industrial and domestic use. At the beginning of the activity, the company was a small workshop, which over the years grew to a factory where highly skilled specialists work and automated production functions.

It can be argued that the chimney "Phoenix" hashigh quality, which is not inferior to European manufacturers. In the company's catalog the consumer will be able to find not only the main elements, but also shaped products. If necessary, specialists can make a chimney by individual order, for example, if the customer provides his own drawings.

Basic views

chimney phoenix price

Chimney "Phoenix" is made in twovarieties, namely in the form of an oval or circular cross-section. When connecting the appliance to the chimney and for the use of brick chimneys, these elements are used. Thanks to the created section and the smooth surface of the pipe, the formation of soot and the stable thrust are reduced.

Single-circuit chimneys guarantee a reductionheat loss, the formation of condensate and prevent the destruction of the brick pipe. Choosing unheated chimneys, you can install them inside the heated premises, while in non-heated rooms it is necessary to install non-combustible heat-insulating elements.

Round chimneys made of stainless steel "Phoenix"They are used for rectangular wall mines and guarantee good traction. Smooth surface of the pipe does not prevent the passage of flue gases, on the walls in the process does not accumulate soot and soot. If we are talking about an oval section, then we can say that this configuration eliminates the accumulation of gases in the corners, which prevents the appearance of dirt and soot. Among other things, such products can be used to work with devices on any type of fuel.

Customer Reviews

chimney phoenix reviews

Chimney "Phoenix", reviews about which you can read below, has many advantages. Consumers note that this product can be used on any heater, namely:

  • in boilers;
  • fireplaces;
  • in the bath ovens.

Fasteners and fittings are presentedmanufacturer in a wide range. According to buyers, these structures can work in a wide range of temperatures - up to 1000 ° C. The insulation used does not burn, is environmentally friendly and does not have synthetic binders. During the operation, the heat-insulating layer does not shrink.

In the production process, a basalt superfine fiber is used, the density of which is rather high and amounts to 120 kg / m3. The working temperature of this layer reaches 750° C, while the fibers begin to sinter at a mark of 1000 ° C. According to consumers, stainless steel chimney seams are manufactured using the modern welding method in argon environment, where no oxygen is supplied, this ensures high corrosion resistance and tightness.

For cutting and making shaped elementsthe newest European equipment is used, and preliminary elements are modeled on technology 3D. Consumers like that to ensure the smoothness and tightness of the joints, the method of stretching the pipe ends is applied. In the installation of such products are convenient and simple.

Description of sandwich chimneys

chimneys made of stainless steel phoenix

Chimney-sandwich "Phoenix" is also calledthermal chimneys and are two pipes of different diameters, one of which is installed inside the other. Between them is a basalt fiber, which shows all its positive qualities in the process of operation. This type of chimney is used to provide rapid warming of the inner tube, so that it is possible to achieve a stable thrust.

Thermal insulation material is necessary forTo ensure a decrease in temperature on the outer surface of the pipe. Two-circuit chimneys have the qualities of safety and reliability. The outer part of such products is made of stainless steel, and the design itself prevents the formation of sulfur and condensate, resists corrosion by external negative factors, and also does not require replacement for several decades.

Description of the chimney "Phoenix" with a diameter of 150 mm

chimneys 150 mm phoenix

Chimneys (150 mm) "Phoenix" are aproducts that are ready to serve up to 15 years. This straight element is used to achieve the required height of the chimney and has three varieties in size. The length can range from 250 to 1000 mm, while the average value is 500 mm.

The presence of these components makes it possible to facilitateassembly of the chimney, taking into account the project configuration of the system. If before you the pipe, which is designated by the manufacturer as "2T", then we can say that it is insulated according to the design features, and the range of sizes can vary from 115 to 1200 mm.

The cost of chimneys brand Phoenix

chimneys sandwich phoenix

Chimney "Phoenix", the price of which can varydepending on the design features, is a product with one or two walls. If it is a question of sandwich-chimneys, then a pipe "2T" with a diameter of 120 mm will have to pay 3585 rubles. If the diameter increases to 150 mm, then the price will reach 4122 r. With a diameter of 200 mm per pipe will have to pay 5200 r. Purchasing a telescopic tube with the following designation: "2 TT 380-610", you have to pay 3899 rubles. This is true if the diameter is 120 mm.


Chimneys of the brand "Phoenix" are made undermulti-level quality control, this gives the manufacturer the opportunity to give a guarantee for his products for 15 years. Products have a small weight, and the parts are executed with high accuracy. The consumer who has visited the store will be able to find among the large assortment of fittings that allow easy installation.

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