/ / How to choose and install a bulk water heater to give

How to choose and install a bulk water heater to give

Leaving the city apartment to go tothe dacha, many people think not only about the future harvest, kebabs, but also about how to “take with them” the hot water - it would be so useful in nature! There is a way: a water heater for filling will solve your problem! In modern hardware stores you can find many types of devices. It remains to choose the most optimal in your circumstances.

bulk water heater for summer cottage

New is well forgotten old

Один из важных факторов, который нужно учитывать, making a purchase is the presence or absence of communications to the house (water, gas networks). If there is no water supply at the site yet, and you are using a well, spring water, or from the nearest collapsible column, then you should choose a bulk water heater.

Typically, this is a tank that is equippedthermal electric heating element (heating element). To fill the "boiler", you need simple cans or flasks. This good is always in prosperity among summer residents, especially since there is no need for much: the working volume of the water heater is between five and twenty liters. Often the design is equipped with a shower (watering can) or sink.

A lot of advantages

Sometimes you can hear that the heaterwater-filled for giving - the last century. But more often lately there have been statements that the application of the “old principles” of life support in the presence of modern samples of devices allows you to create a very comfortable environment in the country! Indeed, the latest models of devices have a lot of advantages:

- easy to install and operate;

- water gets hot very quickly (because the capacity is small);

- have an acceptable price;

- strong and serve for a long time (which is very important!);

- have elegant dimensions, low weight;

- not energy-intensive (considering the price of light, this is an important plus).

bulk water heater for gardening reviews

As easy as pie

Bulk water heater for giving - gizmosimple, but still let's talk more about the nodes and details (design features). There are three elements: water tank, heater and faucet. If you wish, install a mixer, but then you need another cold water tank (do not forget: we have manual control!).

It is believed that such a system is practically notit breaks, except that sometimes it is necessary to change a burnt-out spiral (element). There are models in which blue fuel is used for heating - gas. If we analyze the line of devices, we can see that the electric water heaters for the dacha are arranged according to the same principle. But there are some differences (in design, functions).

Water heaters are in great demand.bulk for giving "Alvin", especially EVBO-20. It can be used on the construction site, in the garage, in cozy, small catering facilities. Moreover, the water is heated, it is still kept hot, because the device is designed like a thermos. Heating is regulated by a temperature regulator.

Live in comfort

When reaching the set temperature occursdisable the design. As soon as the "hotness" of the water reaches the bottom mark (set by the master's hand), the "Alvin" turns on. Thus, the water heater bulk for giving is not only convenient, but also safe.

Sometimes it seems like a miracle:On the table there is a neat, pretty washbasin (you can hang it on the wall, as you wish, there are fixings) with hot water! Who has not had such comforts for a long time, he will especially understand what this is about! Tanks of this series plastic in the metal case, capacity - 20 liters. TEN power of 1.25 kW.

water heaters bulk for giving Alvin

Есть водонагреватели, оснащенные мойкой (серия "Moidodyr"). A container with a spiral element is located directly above the sink. Water is heated by the "click" of automation, but can be adjusted manually. There is a safety system that does not allow switching on when the tank is empty or when overheating occurs. Used water is discharged into the receiver behind the door of the nightstand. There are craftsmen who organize the withdrawal into the drain hole. Do it for most people.

For the shower is used even more simple.construction - a vessel for 50-100 liters of water, equipped with a shower hose (watering can). Install the device where there is an electrical outlet. There are protective features. Those who have already used the facilities, note that the amount of heated water is enough to wash well.

The water heater bulk for giving happensthe complicated modification, intends for such sanitary equipment as a shower cabin. In addition to the tank and watering can, there is a stand under the bottom (pallet), where the water flows, as well as a curtain (curtain or partition), fasteners. Works both from electricity, and on gas. If it is warm and clear outside, the water can also be heated by the sun. But firewood and the eternal energy of the sun, as well as gas, compared to electricity, are less commonly used for heating.

bulk electric water heaters for cottages

Choose carefully

Выбирая водонагреватели наливные электрические To give, try to keep a reference point on manufacturers for a long time proven. In Russia, most often these are domestic producers (who know better than them “national peculiarities”?). Ask for the opinions of people who have come into contact with the topic. Perhaps they will tell you the subtleties that will suit (or alert) you.

Many people like a bulk water heater to give.Reviews often sound positive. But sometimes there are complaints about the design flaws: for example, insufficiently reliable connection of the crane with the tank, or when rusting parts are used for fixing the heating element, which leads to yellowing of the heated water. But you should not despair. Given the wealth of choice, everything is solved.

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