/ Colorado potato beetle: history and facts. How to deal with the Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle: history and facts. How to deal with the Colorado potato beetle

The insect with which we want to introduce you,surely met you in life. This is the Colorado potato beetle, one of the worst enemies of the gardener and the gardener. We will analyze its characteristics, origin, livelihoods, as well as the means to combat the uninvited guest of potato plantations.

Why is the Colorado beetle?

Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata) is the arthropod of the beetle order and the leaf beetle family. It belongs to the genus Leptinotarsa, being its sole representative.

The Latin name (Decemlineata - “ten-lane”, “ten-lane”) was given to the insect because of 10 characteristic black stripes on its wings (5 in each).

Colorado potato beetle preparations

But the more familiar to the Russian man in the streetthe name appeared thanks to the state of Colorado, where in 1859 a small pest made a huge pogrom - almost all potato fields were destroyed by a bug. Also known is another version of the origin of the name. From the Mexican (Mexico - the birthplace of this insect) colorado - "color". And this is quite consistent with the motley coloring of the insect.

Insect characteristic

Colorado potato beetle is a relatively large insect.The length of an adult representative is 8-12 mm with a width of 7 mm. The shape of the calf is circular, resembling a convex drop of water. Adult insect weight 140-160 mg.

The body is brilliant.The back is yellow with black stripes, and the belly is light orange. The head is relatively wide and rounded. On it black eyes of a bean-shaped form are allocated. On the head you can also see a spot, in shape resembling an isosceles triangle. Antennae (organ of touch) is 11 segments.

The pronotum of the Colorado potato beetle is convex, covered with black specks. I must say, their shape and size depend on the individual. Stains can also make patterns.

The abdomen is divided into 7 segments.There are also spots on it in regular rows. Here are three pairs of weak legs, "equipped" with special hooks, which help to move along the stems and leaves of plants.

The insects are hard, orange or slightly yellowish. They are black stripes. The wings are webbed and well developed - the animal is capable of fairly long flights.

against the Colorado potato beetle

Pseudo-Korado potato beetle

Leptinotarsa ​​juncta is a false Colorado potato beetle that looks like a Colorado beetle. Lives in North America, mostly in the United States.

It can only be distinguished from Colorado.the specialist is only concerned with the orange color of the legs and the slightly different arrangement of the strips on the sheaths. But the damage to agriculture, he does about the same - loves to feast on the leaves of the nightshade.

Vital activity and nutrition of the beetle

The average lifetime is 1 year. But some individuals adapted to survive the winter season, falling into diapause. Their age can reach up to three years.

Insects survive the winter by digging into the soildepth to half a meter. They are able to withstand substrate freezing to -9 ° C. As soon as the soil warms up to +13 ° C, the insects make their way upwards - to heat, sun and food. The process of "climbing" can take them up to 2 months!

We all know what a Colorado beetle looks like. What does an insect eat? The diet of all individuals is about the same:

  • Potatoes (favorite delicacy). Some bugs destroy not only the tops, but also the whole plant, reaching tubers.
  • In second place - cultural solanaceous. These are sprouts and leaves of tomatoes, eggplants, tobacco, sweet pepper.
  • Do not disdain beetles and wild growing nightshade.

Insects are extremely voracious. In search of food can fly very impressive distances. But at the same time they are ready to easily endure a forced famine of up to 2 months.

fight with the Colorado potato beetle

Insect spread

Despite its exotic name, the animal is distributed almost throughout the world. The exception will be the zones of the Far North and the desert.

Beginning in 1855, beetles systematically becamecause damage to farmers of Mexico and North America. At the end of the 19th century, the beetle declared itself already in Europe, and by the middle of the last century it spread throughout the territory of almost all its central and western parts.

In the European half of the USSR, the Colorado invasion first collided in the 50s of the XX century. In the 70s the beetle got to the Urals. And at the beginning of the XXI century - to the Primorsky Territory.

Reproduction and development of the insect

Colorado beetles begin to multiply after the establishment of heat, getting to the surface. Individuals undergo a development cycle characteristic of any insect:

  • Egg.
  • Baby doll
  • Larva.
  • Mature individual.

Consider these stages in more detail.

remedy for colorado potato beetle

Animal eggs

Why it is necessary to process land as soon as possiblefrom the Colorado potato beetle? The female insect in one summer can lay up to 1000 eggs! Masonry can be found on the bottom of the leaves of plants that insects eat.

Опишем стадию развития.The potato beetle egg has an oblong-oval shape. The length can reach 1.8 mm. Depending on the stage of development (from the 5th to the 7th day), the egg changes its color from lemon, yellow to orange, and dark-yellow. After 17 days the insect larva hatches.

Four stages of larva development

As for the individual of the first stage, it can be recognized by the dark gray color. Body length 2.5 mm. It is completely covered with small hairs. The larva already eats tops, gnawing the leaf pulp from the inside.

In the second stage of development, the animal changes itsthe color is bright orange red. In size increase to 4-5 mm. At this stage, it is able to deal with the whole leafy pulp entirely, leaving only the central vein.

In the third stage, the larva becomesred and yellow, growing to 9 mm. Small hairs on her body disappear. Starting from this age, the insect is already able to move from one plant to another for fresh leaves.

And finally, the last stage of development of the larva. Here the insect increases in length to 16 mm. An individual is easy to find by its orange-yellow color. It feeds not only leaves, but also shoots.

Colorado potato beetle treatment

All four stages of development of an insect pass on average in three weeks.

Note also that at this stage it is easy to confuse the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle and the harmless ladybug. Their differences are as follows:

  • The larva of a ladybug is more immobile (feeling that it is tightly attached to the leaf), and the Colorado potato beetle moves freely around the plant.
  • In a cow, multicolored spots are scattered randomly around the calf. The potato beetle has the same 2 rows of black dots centered on the sides.
  • The larva of a ladybug is useful for gardeners and gardeners - it feeds on aphids. But the Colorado potato beetle is already at this stage begins to destroy the leaves of solanaceous crops.

Colorado potato beetle pupa

The stage of the pupa of the Colorado potato beetle is already in the thicknesssoil at a depth of about 10 cm. The insect is painted in orange, pinkish hue. The duration of the development phase depends entirely on weather and climatic conditions. On average, it is 10-20 days. At the end of this stage, an adult insect is selected on the surface.

What is it?The color is still bright orange, the protective cover is soft. Amazingly, 3-4 hours are enough for an animal to acquire the well-known image of an adult beetle! The next 20 days the young insect eats intensively. After this period, it is already able to reproduce offspring. If this stage of development has caught the beetle in August, then it goes into hibernation, bypassing the breeding stage.

As we have already noted, an amazing feature of the insect is to go into diapause, the duration of which can be as long as three years.

Fighting the Colorado potato beetle

With this potato pest, both the farmer and the gardener must definitely fight to ensure that they do not leave themselves and their neighbors without harvests. Today, three methods are widely used:

  • Chemical processing
  • The use of folk remedies.
  • Fight with the help of natural insect enemies.

Consider them in more detail.

what colorado beetle


Many stop on special preparations from the Colorado potato beetle:

  • "Prestige", "Masterpiece".Traditional products that have become famous because they are not addictive to pests. These are complex spraying insecticides suitable for large areas. Processing is carried out at least 20 days before harvest.
  • "Dendrobatsilin", "Batsikol".New tools that are safe for plants, their fruits and tubers - have a biological effect on insects. It is necessary to use drugs strictly according to the instruction, making processing from the Colorado potato beetle at least three times with a weekly interval.

Folk ways

The fight with the beetle can be effectively carried out as follows:

  • Manual processing of each bush: remove leaves from eggs, collect the larvae and adults. Then everything is destroyed either by crushing, or by placing in a strong saline solution, kerosene.
  • It is known that the beetle finds tasty food by smell. Sometimes it is possible to deceive him by planting garlic, onions, beans or beans next to the nightshade.
  • An excellent remedy against the Colorado potato beetle is to treat potato plantings with a decoction or infusion of bitter wormwood, dandelion, celandine, horsetail, and a solution of wood ash.
  • Some gardeners successfully apply mulching of potato rows between spruce and birch sawdust.
  • Еще один "рецепт" средства от колорадского жука - a solution of vinegar and mustard. In 10 liters of water, 1 kg of dry mustard and 100 ml of 9% table vinegar should be mixed thoroughly. Process the composition of the landing.
Colorado beetle

Natural enemies

A good option is to attract animals to your site that feed directly on the Colorado beetle and its larvae. These are the following individuals:

  • Bugs podizus and perillus.
  • Flies of the genus Doreophagus, laying their eggs in beetle larvae. Unfortunately, on the Russian open spaces are not found.
  • Gold-eyed, ladybugs, ground beetles.
  • Birds - pheasant, guinea fowl.

Colorado potato beetle is a pretty big deal forgardeners and farmers. Both its larvae and adults cause great damage to the crop. However, a number of effective and diverse methods of pest control are currently being used.

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