/ / Colorado beetle, fighting with it: about the life of gardener

Colorado beetle, fighting with it: about the life of gardener

Colorado beetle, fighting with it takes a lot of energyand time for summer residents. But not everyone knows that this striped "gourmet" used to be completely harmless. He lived in the US, and ate wild foliage. But in 1859, his eating habits changed drastically. And after the devastation of the potato fields in Colorado, he got his name - the Colorado beetle. Since then, fighting with it has been a priority for any gardener.

Colorado Beetle Fighting It
It is not difficult to identify this pest in time,if you carefully examine the planting of potatoes and other crops in warm sunny weather. It is during this period that beetles are most active. If the first pests and their larvae are found, they must be collected manually, folded into a container filled with a strong solution of ordinary table salt (approximately 2-3 tablespoons per liter). Oviposition usually is torn together with leaves, however, they can also be crushed. If the number of beetles is too large, then you should lay the film on the ground, and then strike the bush, for example, with a broom. Now you can destroy the fallen Colorado beetles. Close attention should be paid to young larvae. They proceed to sabotage immediately and usually operate during the period when budding occurs and partial flowering of potatoes.

means of combating the Colorado beetle
Biological and ecological means of combating the Colorado potato beetle

Experienced truck farmers can give a lot of advice that will help beginners in the fight against pests:

  1. Option one: to plant the beds with potatoes with ashes (you need to use about a bucket of ash for one hundred of plantings).
  2. Option two: sprinkle with infusion of chamomile.The recipe for its preparation is: about 250 grams of slightly dried flowers should be poured with a liter of warm water, then insist for about two hours, carefully strain and add a couple drops of any liquid soap. For one hundred of plantings, you will take about 5 liters of the resulting infusion.

Colorado Beetle Fighting Measures
Colorado potato beetle: measures to control using chemicals

Ogorodniki with experience actively apply in practicesuch means as "Decis", "Confidor", "Pirinex" and others. If we talk about the use of insecticides, it is worth knowing that they are ineffective when exposed to adult beetles. And here the measure is important. Processing the site should be no more than two times per season. Before using any drug, it is necessary to see what is written in the instructions. In this case, amateur activity regarding the timing of application and doses is unacceptable. It is necessary to use protective clothing, gloves, carefully protect the organs of vision and breathing. A Colorado potato beetle causes a lot of trouble. At the same time, fighting against it must be literate. The last treatment of planting with chemicals is carried out three weeks before harvesting. Preparations are recommended to alternate, since Colorado beetles are opportunists, they get used to even potent remedies.

Folk remedies

There are methods of struggle and more simple, customary foran ordinary person. Let's say that haters of chemistry can plant calendula seedlings along the edges of beds and inside the plantations themselves. Beetles do not tolerate the smell of this plant.

Thus, the Colorado beetle, the fight against it will not become a problem, if it is wise to approach the protection of its site from pests.

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