/ / Warm plinth electric: reviews, photo, do-it-yourself installation

Warm plinth electric: reviews, photo, installation DIY

Warm electric skirting is considered to be a completely new technology of residential space heating. This system is based on the principle of convection.

general description

warm plinth electric

Outside, said construction isbox made of metal. Its height is 14 cm, while the width is 3 centimeters. Installation is carried out directly on the wall instead of the traditional wooden or plastic counterpart. Inside, on special brackets, a heating heat exchange module is fixed, consisting of 2 copper tubes. Brass slats are mounted on them. Heating modules are interconnected by the method of copper brazing or using crimp nuts. In the corners, heat exchangers are connected by rotating tubes made of copper or polyethylene. Electricity is supplied to the plinth from the distribution manifold through pipes.

Reviews of electric plinth

warm plinth electric reviews

Теплый плинтус электрический обретает все большую popularity among modern consumers. It works by means of electric heating element, whose power is 200 watts per meter. The heating elements are interconnected in parallel, while the mode of their functioning is adjusted using an electromechanical or electronic wall thermostat. The latter has a built-in temperature sensor. According to users, this heating system is very efficient, the warm air that rises along the walls slowly releases its heat to the surfaces. Outside, a special screen is created on the walls and windows to prevent outflow of warm masses from the room. The walls themselves are able to emit energy that is transmitted to objects in the room, namely carpets, furniture and fabrics. According to experts, a warm electric plinth helps to warm the room twice. The first time this happens at the expense of the device itself, while the second time at the expense of objects. The owners of private houses and apartments emphasize that such thermal effects contribute to the uniform distribution of warm air masses around the perimeter of the room and height. As practice shows, no heating device is able to allow to achieve such an effect.

Reviews of efficiency and environmental friendliness

warm infrared electric plinth

Теплый плинтус электрический, как утверждают experts, is not harmful to human health. Among other things, he is able to create a barrier to cold air masses. The equipment heats the walls from the inside as well as from the outside, saving the room from excess moisture. The hostesses emphasize that when using this heating equipment, the dust in the room becomes much less, since the air moves much slower. Not to mention the effectiveness. Many homeowners install such structures, completely replacing the rest of the heating equipment with the one described. This is due to the fact that the warm plinth electric, reviews of which are recommended to be read before making a purchase, can be used as the main heating system. If necessary, it can be installed on the terrace, loggia or balcony. Quite often, this equipment is complemented by other heating devices. Due to the unique design of the heating module, as well as connection via a collector, the difference between return and flow line temperatures does not exceed 5 degrees. This figure is 4 times less compared to traditional systems. Due to this, it is possible to significantly save energy and fuel.

Safety reviews and space savings

electric warm plinth DIY

Теплый плинтус электрический, отзывы о котором It will be useful to read before going to the store, ensures uniform distribution of heat throughout the apartment. Among other things, this equipment allows you to save not only money, but also the space of the apartment. Unlike radiators, the plinth takes up a small amount of space. This is to the liking of the owners of apartments, whose area is very limited. Electric infrared warm skirting is a natural source of heat, it does not dry the air in the room, and is also completely safe. You can not be afraid of the fact that the adjoining surfaces by type of curtains and furniture can cause a fire. This is due to the perfect security of the system.

Reviews on the harmony in the interior

warm plinth electrical installation

If you decide to choose a warm baseboardelectric, with his own hands it can be easily installed. Designers and home craftsmen note that this equipment is suitable for any room, because the case may have a completely different color, which allows you to enter this device in any interior. You can choose a material that is made in imitation of marble, wood or other textures. Consumers quite often choose these baseboards for the reason that they are simply indispensable for rooms that have high ceilings and an impressive number of window openings. No condensation will form on the glass.

Features of the installation

warm plinth electric photo

Warm plinth electric, installation of which youyou can make it yourself, installed by technology, consisting of two stages. The first of them is preparing the findings for connecting equipment. Next is laying conductive tubes that go from the collectors. The master must supply the electrical cable. In the second stage of the installation of the plinth, you need to check whether the finishing work has been completed. Next is the installation of the elements of the body, and after the expert connects the circuits to the conclusions. It is important to carry out the necessary insulation measurements. After completing these manipulations, you can supply electricity, as well as adjust the thermostats.

Recommendations for work

warm baseboard electric do it yourself under the tile

Warm plinth electric, photo of whichpresented in the article, can be installed on any surface, be it masonry, brick, wood or drywall. The surface of the device must be protected by a coating that will endure mechanical stresses. It is necessary to use powder-polymer technology. Installation of warm plinth is made around the perimeter of the room, but it is not necessary to do it along the entire length. If you decide to install a warm electric baseboard with your own hands under the tile, it is important to ensure a safe connection to the outlet.

Site selection and installation

The plinth must be mounted in one row,ensuring a distance of 1 cm from the floor. 15 millimeters should be retreated from the wall using two stops. The gap is needed to create convection and safe operation of the system, it is required to avoid overheating. At the first stage, the wall is marked with a level. At the same time, you can use a chopping thread. The rear panel of the module is applied to the wall, which will mark the holes for drilling. After these manipulations, plastic dowels are inserted into them, and then the module is fixed in place. All subsequent modules are installed on the same principle, but it is important to strictly adhere to the level.

Methods of work

Теплый плинтус электрический «Мегадор» involves the installation of supply jumpers, which is done after the installation of all modules. In this case, be sure to make a ground. Allowed to connect 17 modules, but no more. Each module must be connected in series. After the above work has been carried out, it is necessary to fix the covers on which the suture caps are installed on the sides. If it is not possible to achieve sufficient fixation of the cover, then the lower edges will bend. The system provides for a temperature controller, which is located at a distance of 1.2 meters from the floor. It must be installed opposite the heating elements. This part of the system should be protected from drafts, as well as located in the most convenient place. This may be an area near power outlets and switches. The thermostat must be open to the outside air.

The rear panel of the regulator is applied to the wall.the place where you intend to install. It is important to mark the holes that are necessary for drilling. It is important for fasteners to use dowels, whose diameter is 6 millimeters. After the back is mounted on the wall, you need to check how securely it is attached to the surface. It is important to carry out all the listed stages with special attention, since the efficiency of the plinth's performance and its durability will depend on it. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you need to take the help of a specialist.

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