/ / Bath seat for disabled and elderly people - features and types

Bath seat for the disabled and the elderly - features and types

There is a huge range on the market today.goods that make it easier for a person with disabilities to use the bathroom and receive water treatments. One of these special devices is the bathroom seat for the elderly and disabled.

What does it represent?

This is an object in the form of a chair, bench or chair, which is made according to a special technology in order to make bathing more comfortable for people with age or certain physical limitations.

Some models are mounted on the sides of the tankfor water, others have rubber-coated feet that are placed on the bottom of the tank itself. There are other design options - they will be discussed below. However, all the bath seats perform one task - to help people with movement problems to perform the washing procedure.

However, other family members can also use this piece of furniture to provide themselves with additional comfort while bathing.

Tips for choosing

  • The main criteria when buying such seatsare, of course, their reliability and safety. Therefore, product quality should be prioritized. This is not an item to save on. Therefore, give preference to a proven reliable manufacturer, which has all the necessary certificates of conformity and quality for the goods.
  • The seat should fit exactly the size of the bathroom.You should know its dimensions (length, width and depth) and, already relying on them, look for a suitable specimen. From this directly depends on how safe and convenient it will be for a person with disabilities to use the purchased item.
  • It is worth exploring the maximum number of marketproposals in this area and choose from all possible exactly the model of the chair that will be most appropriate in each case. Be sure to consider the material from which the bath seat is made, as well as the nuances of the design, find out the pros and cons of all the options to make the right choice.
  • Be sure to specify the maximum weight for whichcalculated product. For example, a fairly large person should not buy a chair made of plastic - it is better to give preference to a more durable wooden counterpart.
  • Design is, of course, not the first priority.factor in choosing a seat for a bath, because there is not so much aesthetics as functionality. However, if you are buying a chair for a child, then it is better that it be bright, colorful, liked by the baby and cause positive joyful emotions in it. Moreover, in the children's product line there is a large variety of various patterns and colors, from which you can choose what you want.
baby bath seat

Types of seats

Bath seats are divided into several types according to the following parameters.

By material:

  • Wood.
wooden seat

They are not entirely made of wood. The frame is made of metal, and on it are already strung wooden plates, of which the main part of the product consists of.

These seats have many advantages.Firstly, they are environmentally friendly and do not irritate the skin when in contact with it. Also for durability, reliability and, as a result, durability, these chairs are confidently leading, which is why they are in great demand among buyers.

  • Plastic.
plastic seat

They are inferior in strength to their woodencompetitors and can not withstand too much weight, so they are suitable for use mainly by children. But there are more advanced models that are made from modern composite materials. They are much more durable and have a longer service life. This plastic is resistant to high temperatures and does not deteriorate from constant contact with water. However, these seats are much more expensive wooden.

  • Metal.

They are pipes that are attachedto each other by welding. And although these bath seats are very reliable and strong, they are not very comfortable and are not suitable for children. Recently, the demand for them has decreased significantly.

By design features

Here, too, have their own options:

  • Rotary (rotating).
swivel seat

This type of seat enjoys greatpopular, as it allows a person to make turns in different directions, thus making bathing much more convenient and easier. Thanks to a good fastening system, such a device is able to withstand even the most abrupt movements along a given trajectory, and a person may not be afraid that he will fall into the water. The advantage of this chair is that you can first sit on it, then turn to the desired angle and find yourself in a container with water.

  • Adjustable.

These bathing seats in the bathroom givethe ability to adjust the degree of immersion in water. A person chooses for himself the most comfortable mode. He can either raise the chair higher, for example, if he wants to take a shower, or lower it below so that a large surface of the body is in the water.

  • Mechanized and folding.

Folding seats are very practical because they do notoccupy a lot of space - after all, they can be simply folded and put down after use. For small bathrooms, this is just perfect. Also because of their compactness, they are very convenient for transportation.

Mechanized chairs today -the most advanced and perfect. Adjustment in them is carried out mechanically or at the expense of electricity. At the same time the wires are reliably protected from contact with water, which makes the device absolutely safe to use. These bathroom seats for the elderly and disabled have only one, but a significant disadvantage for many - too much price.

Armchairs with backrest

chair with backrest

Such a chair creates for a person sitting onthere is even greater comfort and convenience, since it is possible to rely on a wide back when taking water procedures, and this will contribute to additional muscle relaxation and relaxation. But it is better to take a model with a removable or retractable back, as sometimes it can interfere with the use of the product for its intended purpose. Often, these chairs are equipped with some accessories, such as a foot pad that prevents them from slipping, or, for example, folding handles to make it easier to sit down.

How to properly apply the bath seat and care for it

That the construction served as long as possible, notbroke down and, moreover, did not harm the person who will use it, it is necessary to operate it competently, as well as follow certain rules of care and storage. Here are some recommendations:

1. Clear fixation.

Bath seat for the disabled and the elderlyit is necessary to fix very accurately and thoroughly on the sides of the tank for swimming. Due to improper attachment, it is not only possible to break the object itself, but also the person on it risks serious injury. Therefore, always make sure that the chair is securely fixed.

2. The temperature for which the design is designed should be no higher than 40 degrees.

3. It is necessary to replace damaged rubber parts of fasteners with new ones in time.

4. Store the structure preferably in a place protected from the sun.

5. After use, the seat must be rinsed in warm water using special cleaning agents, and then wiped dry so that the metal does not rust and the wood does not darken.

6. It is not necessary to remove stains that appear on the product with solvent and all kinds of abrasive materials.

Now you know how to choose a bath seat for the elderly and disabled. And let it not the cheapest purchase, but it can make the life of your loved one much more comfortable and pleasant.

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