/ / Handrails for bath - purpose and installation

Handrails for bath - purpose and installation

If the family has a disabled person or a very old person, the handrails for the bath are not a senseless fad, but an urgent necessity. About how they are installed, read this article.

What are they needed for?

As mentioned above, the handrails for the bath canneed not only for people with disabilities, but also for middle-aged people who have certain difficulties in getting up. It should be noted that there are a number of uniform standards and norms that must be met by a bathroom for disabled people. Let's briefly read them. First, the handrails must be rigidly fixed. Secondly, they must withstand the weight of the user, that is, differ high strength. And, finally, it is necessary that at the ends of the handrails there are special flanges with holes that will allow them to be fixed on the wall.

handrails for bath


Handrails for a bath will allow a person to make allnecessary procedures of procedure without assistance. However, in a number of cases it makes sense to equip the entire apartment with handrails - this will help the disabled person to move freely around the house. In this case, note that the handrails should be fixed in such a way that a person could easily find them even with the light extinguished.


Handrails for a bath, as a rule, are madeStainless profile or pipe, which has all the necessary bends. Mount them usually at a height of 70 to 100 centimeters. Often they are sold in sets, which include brackets (universal, side or the form of a ball), hinges, bends, tees, stands with special holders, plugs and all kinds of screws, anchors, screws, rivets ...

a handrail in the bathroom

Additional fastenings

Unfortunately, when designing housescontractors do not even think that not all people have equal opportunities, whereas such a simple thing as handrails for a bath allows disabled people to enjoy all the benefits of civilization on a par with ordinary people. At the same time, it is very important to properly install them - professionals should do it with many years of experience. During installation, attention should be paid to such factors as the installation site, the area of ​​the room and the individual characteristics of the consumer, that is, who will use the handrails.

handrails for the disabled in the bathroom


Handrails for the disabled in the bathroom can be twovarieties: with a full set of fasteners (the advantage of this option is that you can choose any type of attachment) and without fasteners (they are selected and purchased independently, which eventually comes out somewhat cheaper).

Choose the handrail

The handrail in the bathroom can be foldable andstationary. The first option is suitable for placing a standard size (referring to the homes of a typical Soviet layout, where the bathroom and toilet are very small) - they allow you to save space, because after use they can be raised to the wall. Stationary handrails can be installed in more spacious rooms. As a rule, a person with disabilities may need from three to four handrails, whereas in a small bathroom it is quite possible to manage one single copy.

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