/ / Cement-sand plaster: composition, proportions, consumption and application characteristics

Cement-sand plaster: composition, proportions, consumption and application characteristics

If you ever did a repair, then for surefaced with such a problem as leveling and plastering walls. Without these procedures, it is almost never possible to do. Modern building materials help to cope with any problem. I want to pay special attention to such a mixture as cement-sand plaster. Gradually it goes into the background, but after all, we begin to forget that it has a lot of advantages.


There is a large number of cement mortars.All of them are good in their own way and have their versatility. Of all, cement-sand plaster is the most popular. Such a solution has the following advantages:

  1. The mixture is universal. Suitable for finishing wet rooms, such as a bathroom. It is ideal for balconies and even building facades.
  2. It differs from all other solutions with special strength and durability.
  3. Suitable for plastering walls in which no heating is provided.

Technical features

Cement-sand plaster has the following characteristics:

  • grey colour;
  • To wipe the plastered wall it is possible in day;
  • cement is an astringent product;
  • consumption of the mixture per 1 square meter about 18 kg (layer thickness 10 cm);
  • The frost resistance of the cement-sand wall is 50 degrees Fahrenheit;
  • the surface will become firm after about 30 days;
  • operating temperature from -50 to +70 degrees.

cement-sand plaster


For sure, everyone at the time of buying thought about what the dry mix is ​​prepared from. Consider the composition of cement-sand plaster and find out what secrets it hides. So, it's pretty simple:

  1. The main component of the solution is cement.It can be any brand from M150 to M500. For those who do not know, the figure in the cement denotes the pressure in kilograms that can withstand a ready solution of 1 cm3. Cement with a low number is recommended for interior decoration, but a variant with a large index can be plastered facades.
  2. Sand is the filler.It can be river or quarry. The strength and reliability of the plaster depends on the quality of the sand. Standard cement-sand mixture is prepared from a ratio of 1: 3. This ratio can vary depending on what kind of solution is needed for strength.
  3. The sand, which is used in the preparation of the finished mixture, must be large-fractioned.

These were the main components, without whichit is impossible to obtain a cement-sand mixture. Also, some manufacturers introduce additional components, for example, a copolymer or redispersible powders. Additives allow to increase some qualitative characteristics, namely:

  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • flexibility;
  • resistance to stress;
  • adhesion;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to wear.

Here such simple composition at first sight makes plaster universal and irreplaceable.

cement-sand plaster of walls


Cement-sand plaster is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The solution is divided into several varieties. Consider these:

  1. A simple mixture.Designed for interior decoration, where no smooth walls are needed. Work with such a solution takes place in two stages: spray and soil. Do not install beacons on the walls. They are mainly used for sealing cracks and holes. With the help of such a solution, it is possible to conduct hygienic treatment of the walls.
  2. Improved mixture.This kind can be used for plastering walls inside premises, as well as facades of buildings. Work with the solution takes place in three stages: spray, soil, cover. With proper operation it is possible to get a flat surface with the right angle.
  3. High-quality mixture.Use a solution to finish any interior and any facades. The work is carried out in several stages: splashing, several layers of soil and a covering, which must be cemented with cement. Beacons must be mounted on the walls. In total, you should get at least 5 layers of plaster.

Having dealt with all varieties of plaster, you can go to the next question.

cement-sandy plaster consumption


It is necessary to buy a universal solution with whichyou can work comfortably, choose a mixture such as cement-sand plaster. Expenditure is an important factor that worries many. Calculating the correct amount is not difficult. Let's consider some nuances:

  1. Before preparing the solution, carefully read the instructions on the packaging. Follow all the manufacturer's instructions exactly and you will get a quality solution.
  2. If you are preparing a cement-sand mixtureyourself, then you need to decide on the thickness of the finish. Here's an approximate calculation: if you want to get a thickness of 1 cm, then 1 square. m need about 8.5 kg of dry solution.
  3. If you need to prepare a sand-cement mixture for the facade, then the optimal ratio of all components is 2: 8: 1 (cement, sand, water).
  4. It is necessary to take into account one more indicator, andnamely the level of surface deflection. It is measured in at least three places. All indicators are necessarily summarized, and then the total is divided by the number of all terms.
  5. Specialists recommend adding 10% to the total volume of the solution for all kinds of unforeseen expenses.

It is easy to prepare cement-sand plaster. The proportions can either be found on the package, or calculated independently.

cement-sand plaster composition

Exterior finish

Separately, I want to talk about facade works.For them, you need to choose carefully a solution that must withstand temperature changes, and also differ frost and moisture resistance. Cement-sand plaster for exterior works is used for finishing the following surfaces:

  • aerated concrete;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • brick;
  • cement plaster;
  • wood (here you need to fix the iron grid beforehand).

It can be applied in two ways: manual and mechanized. After plastering, the following coating is possible:

  • ceramic tile;
  • decorative plaster;
  • finishing putty.

When working with this solution, consider the following specifications:

  • work with the mixture can be at a temperature of 5 to 30 degrees;
  • for one approach, it is not recommended to apply a layer thicker than 40 mm;
  • remember that when working with a solution on the street its viability is up to 6 hours.

Advice for beginners! If you want to plaster the facade in the frost, then choose a mixture that is adapted to work at negative temperatures.

The cement-and-sand facade must be of the M300-M500 grade. You will get a reliable and durable surface.

application of cement-sand plaster

Wall Preparation

Modern construction uses a variety ofmaterials. This should be taken into account when preparing the wall for plastering. If the materials are different, then the preparation will be appropriate. Let's consider some features:

  1. Brick. Necessarily the walls are brushed. After this, it is necessary to surface the surface with a layer of glue and fix the metal mesh over the entire surface.
  2. Tree. Installation of the crate from shingles or rails. But you can save. To do this, treat the surface with a primer and apply a metal mesh.
  3. Concrete. Here, too, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to treat the surface with a primer. Apply a thin layer of glue and install a metal mesh for plastering.
  4. Experimental materials.Surface must be primed. Pre-render plastering with a cement-sand mortar. Install the metal mesh and carry out the final coating of the solution.

Now you know how to properly prepare the walls. It is important to get acquainted with the tools for work.

Facade cement-sand plaster


To work was fun, prepare for your convenience the following tools:

  • plaster bucket;
  • trowel, spatula;
  • an ironing board;
  • grater;
  • level;
  • Master OK;
  • locksmith;
  • spray;
  • level;
  • rule.

The application of cement-sandy plaster passeswith a bucket. Perhaps the first time you will not succeed, but eventually you can learn everything. You can throw a ready solution using a trowel. For quick and high-quality mixing of the mortar, use a construction mixer. It will help to create a mixture of a homogeneous consistency without lumps.

cement-sandy plaster proportions

The final stage

When the cement-sand plaster of the walls is appliedby all rules, you can proceed to the finish works. They are in the grout. The procedure is carried out when the entire solution has dried. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • we dilute the liquid solution from the dry mixture;
  • we put it on the wall;
  • rub it with a shaker.

The surface will be smooth and smooth.

Advice of specialists

  1. If you are preparing the plaster yourself, use a PVA glue as a plasticizer.
  2. For the spray into the solution add the glue for the tiles. It will increase adhesion to the surface.
  3. If you buy a ready-made dry mix, then carefully study the date of manufacture and packaging.
  4. Before preparing the solution, carefully read the instructions that are on each package.


Based on all of the above, you can safelyto assert that cement-sand plaster is considered the most universal among all other representatives of its class of materials. Use it boldly for grouting inner and outer walls. Especially plaster is good for wall sealing in cellars, garages and sheds. Yes, and the cost of it will please you.

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