It is always pleasant to admire the beautiful and healthytree. But few people thought that such beauty is not always given by nature. Sometimes it takes some effort to form the right crown. After all, to create a beautiful garden or park you must love nature and be an expert in this field. You need to know how to help a young seedling to form the right crown or how to rejuvenate an old tree. There are cases when the tree can not be helped and it must be cut down.
If the amount of work is big or if you need help, you can apply
In the case of independent work with trees, you need to know the small rules:
1) If the seedling is located closer to the structure than 5 meters, then it is either cut down or the angle of the trunk is directed 45 degrees from the structure;
2) If the tree is sick, the affected areas must be removed so that the disease does not hit the entire trunk completely. If it can not be saved, then it must be cut down;
3) For the prevention of early spring and autumn trees must be treated against insect pests;
4) Only healthy seedlings can be transplanted, damaged, they may perish;
5) The trunk should not create an emergency situation, for others. All dry areas and branches relating to power lines must be removed.
This is only part of the small rules concerningcutting and processing of trees. In doing so, it must be remembered that in carrying out all these sanitation activities, it is necessary to comply with safety regulations. Personal protective equipment and the availability of the first aid kit should not be "put off" in the background.
When processing trees, our experts, first of all, will appreciate the correctness of the crown and, if necessary, cut down the branches that interfere with the normal growth or fruit bearing of the tree.
Treatment with chemical and biological substancescrowns and pillars of the tree for a long time will save it from pests such as bark beetle, leaf rollers, barbel, snuffle and others. The duties of our employees also include the destruction of diseased branches, since it is impossible to leave pest-affected wood on the plots.
Caring for trees - it's pretty painstakingwork, which can only perform professionals, because if the wrong trim, the tree can die. If all the actions to produce in a timely manner a garden or a grove will please you with fruits and beauty.