/ / Fertilizer lock for fermentation: purpose and characteristics

Fertilization trap for fermentation: purpose and characteristics

A trap is a mechanism used topreparation of home brew, which will then be used to produce alcoholic beverages. During fermentation, care must be taken to ensure that the carbon dioxide that forms inside the tank goes outside, and oxygen does not enter the fermentation tank. For this purpose, the hydraulic lock is used for fermentation.

fermentation lock trap

What is it for and what is it for?

As we have already noted, the main purpose of this tool is to divert CO2 из емкости, наполненной брагой.This gas is continuously and continuously formed in the device. As a rule, each liter of mash produces about 4 cubic meters of carbon dioxide. But such devices are not used for making a liter of alcohol. At a minimum, the volume of such containers ranges from 5 to 10-15 liters. Therefore, during fermentation, it can form from 20 to 50 and more cubic meters of CO gas2. However, it should not just be withdrawn, buteliminate so that oxygen does not get back into the tank. Because if we just open the cork or the lid, oxygenogen will certainly penetrate there, which is extremely unacceptable for fermentation. Therefore, in the preparation of alcohol, a fermentation tank with a water seal is always used, which eliminates carbon dioxide so that the pure oxygen contained in the air in a certain amount does not penetrate back.

fermentation tank with water seal

Why is it important to use it in such cases?

Дело в том, что при попадании в приготовленную liquid (which will soon become an alcoholic beverage) of oxygen along with alcoholic fermentation, other processes that are very harmful for the mash can occur. For example, the most common option in such cases is the formation of acetic acid. Also, it is possible that the mash simply sours when it enters the oxygen capacity.


Based on the above, you canto say that the fermentation trap for fermentation performs the function of a check valve, that is, releasing one gas, it does not allow the penetration of another to it. In addition, this device serves as a kind of indicator that tells how correctly the fermentation process is carried out. The classic way to check the state of a liquid is the presence of bubbles in it. And if the process of “bubbling” in the gate has stopped, it means that the mash has been prepared. Absolutely every tool has this function. It does not matter whether you make a fermentation lock for fermentation with your own hands or purchase it at the store. By the way, it costs a little - about 200 rubles, so it is better not to suffer and immediately buy a ready-made device - this will save you a lot of time.

fermentation lock for fermentation do it yourself

Чаще всего в комплекте с данным инструментом A special rubber stopper is supplied (about one and a half centimeters in diameter), thanks to which the device is hermetically mounted in a tank for the formation of a mash. And the fermentation lock for fermentation is mounted on a sealed tank on top.

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