/ / Gift and congratulations to the girl on her 9th birthday

Gift and congratulations to the girl on her 9th birthday

Именины – самый незабываемый и любимый праздник for a child. Congratulations to the girl with her 9th birthday can be done at home independently, without resorting to expensive services of special organizations. A girl of this age is a little princess, who in many ways wants to resemble her mother and become soon as an adult. She already knows how to do many things on her own, it is quite possible that she has her own individual hobbies and aspirations. Of course, caring and loving parents want to somehow especially surprise this day their child. How can I prepare a congratulation for my daughter on my birthday? 9 years is such a tender age, when each accidentally dropped phrase is memorized. That's why you need to be extremely cautious in your statements.

How to find the right words

The main thing is that they are sincere and go fromthe very heart. Parents who love their child, it will be easy to do it. How to say the cherished phrase: "Happy birthday!" A child of 9 years old? The girl will really like the surprise. It is possible from the moment of its awakening to arrange joyous exclamations like the following: "Our dear, beloved daughter! We are all extremely pleased that you are one year older. We are pleased to see your achievements and victories. You should know that parents will always help and support you in a difficult situation "

congratulations to the girl on her 9th birthday

Congratulations to the girl on her 9th birthdaymust necessarily begin with the tender words of a loving father and mother. It is very important for the child to have both parents on the personal holiday. It is extremely important to note the personal merits of her daughter, success in some area. For example, if a girl is engaged in dancing or drawing, you should say approving words to her passion.

Gift selection

For parents, perhaps, this is the most difficult question.Modern children are difficult to surprise anything. Some of them are sufficiently spoiled by expensive toys and bright prospects. And yet no one is better than Mom and Dad knows about what their child dreams about.

birthday present for girl 9 years old

A birthday present for a girl of 9 years mustto go from the heart. Do not make a present to your daughter, based only on your own thoughts. Of course, I want to present a useful thing, however, if your tastes differ with the child, it is better to give in to the wish of the birthday girl. Still, it's her holiday. An extremely useful gift will be a laptop, tablet or a beautiful touch phone.


This toy has won the love of consumers and herealready several years is the most popular gift. Furby is acquired not only by children, but also by adults. Surely such a fluffy interactive animal will like your dear daughter. This toy can become a wonderful friend to any child. In addition, not everyone has the opportunity to keep animals in the apartment. If you do not know what a birthday present for a girl of 9 years would be perfect, choose your choice for Furby, you will not regret it!

Reborn doll

In the nature of the girl there is a need for someonecare. Dolls for a birthday girl of 9 years - this is the perfect gift. Of course, not all children like to spend time fictitious feeding and dressing toys, but most are positive about this occupation.

happy birthday to a 9 year old girl

Dolls can also be different.Currently, the popularity of the use of reborn. These are baby dolls, which are almost a full copy of this newborn baby. Imagine, in what indescribable delight your daughter will come, when on a holiday you give her such an original and unique gift? Even if the girl has not been particularly fond of dolls so far, picking up the reborn, she certainly will not remain indifferent.

Children's birthday - 9 years old girl

Дома можно также хорошо повеселиться и с пользой spend time, as in the case of going to some prestigious place. Not all, unfortunately, have the opportunity to spend a lot of money on restaurants, cafes, movies and other entertainment. How to celebrate a holiday with your family?

It is desirable to think in advance of entertainmentprogram for the birthday girl and guests. Allow your daughter to invite girlfriends from class and close friends. Remember that a child needs a company. Do not be angry with children if they have caused you a creative mess. The main thing is that everyone has a great mood, the eyes of the children shine and shine. So, what can a festive program consist of?

Logic games.Offer children fascinating puzzles and fun puzzles. Not the ones they solve in school in math, but funny and funny. Believe me, this pastime will be remembered for a long time, it will leave pleasant emotions.

Outdoor games. What a holiday without active activities, joyful competitions and competitions? You can offer guests a little pores and run around in bags of race or jump on the rope.

child's birthday 9 years old girl at home

Весьма оригинальным может стать на первый взгляд usual congratulation to the girl on her birthday. 9 years is such an unforgettable age when you want to play, learn something useful, make amazing discoveries.

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