When a small home appears in the housefavorite, caring owner immediately tries to learn more about how to properly care for a newfound family member. This applies to feeding, habits, and hygiene procedures. Do not think that once cats are considered an example of cleanliness among animals, they do not need to help in hygiene. And a practical guide on how to clean the ears of a kitten, is useful to every owner of a pet from the family of felines.
- The ears of kittens are cleaned before participating in exhibitions, as this is an obligatory procedure for preparing for the show of an animal to professional felinologists.
- Often requires regular cleaning of the earshells to those breeds of cats, which by nature have large ears, and even in the case if they like to climb into some dusty corner. Usually this procedure at least once a week is carried out by sphinxes, Bengali, Oriental, Siamese and Cornish Rex. These are leaders in dirty abies among feline breeds.
- The third reason for cleaning is medical. With inflammation of the ear, defeat of the ear mite, this procedure is part of the mandatory course of treatment.
If you need to know how to clean the kittenears, arises from time to time, be prepared for the fact that a brisk and flexible animal is to learn how to properly fix. The fact is that the ears of cats are very sensitive, and any embarrassing movement can cause their inflammation. Firmly but surely hold the kitten by the paws, so as not to break out, and behind the base of the head behind the ears. For a few trial attempts, you will necessarily succeed.
Well, and one more way of how to clean the kittenears, is most often used for medical reasons. It is necessary to pour medicine or lotion on a pair of drops in each ear of the animal, cover the ear canal and gently massage the base of the ears with fingers. This method is the least traumatic for an animal, but it will also require a certain skill. So practice, and your pet's ears will always be in perfect condition.