Often women are in "interestingposition, they are wondering whether pregnant apricots can be pregnant. This can be answered positively, as this dried fruit is not only very useful, but in some situations it cannot even be dispensed with. However, we should not abuse it either. together to figure out what is so good dried apricots during pregnancy.
As you know, in the autumn-winter period quiteIt is not easy to find fruits that would be really useful for the future mother's body. Beautiful looking products that are brought to us from abroad, despite their attractive appearance, have practically lost all the vitamins and trace elements as a result of processing them with chemicals and preservatives. In addition, these fruits are often harvested in an immature form, so that they finish the ripening process on the road. In this case, the fruits do not have time to accumulate enough vitamins and are also not beneficial for the human body. It is quite another thing - dried fruit! They contain all the nutrients, minerals, vitamins and trace elements. In addition, no dyes, flavors or other chemicals are used in the production process.
Taste qualities deserve special attention.dried fruit. They are very sweet, but they do not contain sugar, but fructose and glucose, which do not have a negative effect on insulin levels in the blood, and also do not spoil the figure. One of the most popular dried fruits in our country, of course, is dried apricots. We offer a closer look at this dried fruit.
This dried fruit is apricot fruit,sun dried. Dried apricots should not contain bones. If they got you, then the basis for the dried fruit was not apricot, but apricot. Dried apricots are produced mainly in Asian countries, as well as in Turkey, Ukraine and the Krasnodar Territory. However, you can buy it almost everywhere.
Oddly enough, the vitamins in this dried fruitnot so much is contained - only A, B and C. However, dried apricots are very rich in minerals. So, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus are contained in it more than in most fresh fruits. Magnesium helps not only in prevention, but also in the treatment of anemia and anemia. Calcium contained in dried apricots strengthens the bones of the developing fetus, and potassium strengthens the muscles.
Dried apricots during pregnancy are indicated for women with stool problems. After all, this dried fruit, as well as the fresh fruits of apricot, has a pronounced laxative effect.
Также всем известно, что женщине, находящейся в position, often want to taste something sweet. But it is not recommended to abuse candies and chocolates during pregnancy. Dried apricots come to the rescue. After all, this dried fruit has a sweet taste and not only does not harm the body, but also contributes to strengthening the immune system, which is very important in this period of a woman’s life.
In addition, dried apricots during pregnancy with edema, as it has diuretic properties, are excellent.
As you know, in the use of all, even the mostuseful products, you must comply with the measure. An exception to this rule is not dried apricots. So, if you plan to use this dried fruit to combat constipation, then you should eat no more than 100 grams per day. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect in the form of diarrhea. For the same reason, this product is not recommended if you suffer from intestinal upset, as the situation can only get worse.
Also, dried apricots during pregnancy is contraindicated in women with low blood pressure, as it contributes to its decrease.
In general, this dried fruit is recommended practicallyall women in an interesting position. After all, dried apricots contribute to the replenishment of the body's minerals and the proper formation of the fetus in the womb of the expectant mother. If during pregnancy you are worried about constipation, there is no need to resort to medications, it is enough just to include this dried fruit in your diet.
With pronounced toxicosis and heartburnExperts recommend drinking dried apricots. In addition, to avoid problems with hair loss, brittle nails and tooth decay during pregnancy, it is advisable to use these dried fruits rich in minerals and microelements.
There are plenty of options for using this.dried fruit in food. Most often, dried apricots are eaten raw, because so it retains the greatest number of useful trace elements. You can also add it to various salads or meat dishes. It is especially well combined with chicken and beef.
In addition, very tasty is baking with dried apricots. However, abuse it during pregnancy is not worth it.
Also from this dried fruit can be cooked compote. It will be even tastier and more nutritious if in addition to dried apricots, add raisins, prunes and dried apples or pears to it.
In general, it can be said that all dried fruits haveexpressed in some way laxative effect. Dried apricots and prunes during pregnancy have a positive effect on intestinal perforation, improving its functioning. Compote and infusions from these dried fruits are excellent for constipation.
To prepare the infusion, you need to pour sixpieces of dried apricots and the same prunes with two glasses of boiling water and leave overnight. The next morning, drink the mixture on an empty stomach. After several days of use, you will notice how your bowels work.
In addition, you can cook delicious, healthy andnutrient mixture, which not only fill your body with nutrients, but also contribute to the fight against constipation. For this we need 200 grams of figs and the same amount of dried apricots and prunes. They need to grind with a meat grinder. In the mixture, add 100 grams of honey and take one teaspoon before bedtime, be sure to drink a glass of water.
Если же вам необходимо слабительное средство, whose actions do not have to wait long, we suggest using the following recipe. Take 300 grams of dried apricots and prunes, chop dried fruits, add to them 100 grams of honey and 50 grams of finely chopped aloe. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and consumed one spoon twice a day. As an option, you can spread this mixture on bread and use it before bedtime with a glass of cold water.
In order for the dried fruit brought to your bodyOnly benefit, you need to carefully approach the process of buying it. After all, today it is not a secret for anybody that some unscrupulous manufacturers do not stop using sulfur vapors and other chemicals to give the product a more attractive appearance. Of course, such dried apricots during pregnancy will not only bring no benefit, but also can harm such a vulnerable body at this time. Therefore, when choosing dried fruits, use a few tips:
- Do not take the brightest orange fruit, as it is likely that they are processed with harmful substances;
- give preference to products that havenatural, even slightly "dusty" color with a gray or brown tint (this appearance indicates that the drying was carried out in natural conditions);
- Keep in mind that dried fruits should not be sticky, as this indicates that they are underdried;
- you should not get brilliant fruits, as this can also be the result of chemical processing, it is best to buy dried apricots with a matte surface;
- to the touch the fruits should be elastic, bend under the fingers, but in no case should not be too soft.
Today we talked about the usefulness of dried apricotsfor pregnant women, about its basic properties. We sincerely hope that this information will be useful to you in such an important period for any woman as carrying a baby.