When you hear that one of the familiar houses has a bird in a cage, a parrot or canary immediately appears before your eyes. In fact, it can be an ordinary gray crow.
Outwardly, according to its constitution, the domestic gray crow is a bit like a rook. Only the physique is denser and the wings are wider. Its weight does not exceed 650-700 g. The beak is slightly inclined downwards.
Observing the lifestyle of crows, ornithologistsnoted that these birds have extremely developed intelligence. They are in any circumstances able to turn the situation in their favor. For example, crows living on city streets collect food on the roadway of the road only when the red light is on the traffic light.
For a walk in the forest, you can see that the crowsare not afraid of ordinary tourists and completely ignore mushroom pickers. But, if in their field of vision the hunter gets, who has a gun in his hands, the birds become restless, feeling danger.
In the city apartment to keep a crow prettydifficult, and the bird itself in the cage feels uncomfortable, it needs space. If you decide on such a pet as a gray crow, it's best that you live in a private country house, then you can equip such a restless feathered pet aviary and create proper living conditions.
It is not difficult to care for a domestic crow, the main thing is to know her habits and what she needs for a normal existence in captivity:
• It is necessary to establish a birch log for sharpening claws and beaks.
• That the bird does not miss the aviary and spoil the interior created by you, give it shiny balls or other toys.
• Several times a week, put in a cage a container with bathing water. The domestic crow loves water procedures and can splash in the water every day.
As you can see, everything is quite simple, in addition to the fact that this bird has to be cleaned quite often, it does not differ with accuracy.
Undeniable plus of such a pet asthe gray crow, is that this creature is omnivorous. The only condition that must be met when preparing a diet for a crow is a variety of "dishes". In the main menu, the feather consists of the following products: chicken giblets, boiled or raw meat, various cereals, eggs, fish, vegetables and fruits, bread.
In addition to the above, crows with pleasure can eat frogs, insects, chicks and all kinds of plant food. For wild birds, the main food is food waste.
For the normal growth and development of domestic crowsit is necessary to give vitamin-mineral supplements. With food, it is not recommended to mix them, instead place them in a separate feeder so that the bird chooses what it needs.
The diet of chicks differs little from an adultmenu. The first time to put the feathered toddlers to themselves, they are fed from their hands. Then gradually accustom to eat from the feeder yourself. Nestlings are recommended to prepare mashed dishes from the following products: porridge, meat and vegetables. The last two ingredients should be finely chopped.
In the availability of a feathered pet should always be fresh clean water. In order not to harm the bird, it is impossible to feed her with sharp, salted, fried foods and meat of fatty varieties.
Surprisingly, crows, despite theirrestless disposition, easy to learn and get used to the leash. Of course, this is not a dog or a cat, so in these walks you need to observe some precautions:
• During the training of crows, the hand must be in a leather glove.
• Pick up equipment for walking very carefully so that the bird will not be injured afterwards.
• Walk on walks, so that there is not her nearbyrelatives. Large clumps of wild crows can cause your home pet to join their free way of life. There are times when a crow races on foreign birds, trying to protect their territory. This, too, can turn into tragedy and trauma for her.
If you can not walk with a crow in the freshair, then the owner of this feathered beauty should provide her with enough ultraviolet rays in the house. Ideal in this situation are sunbathing. In this case it is necessary to take into account the fact that ultraviolet does not pass through the glass.