/ / What if the cat burp yellow liquid?

What if the cat burp yellow liquid?

Нередко владельцы домашних питомцев вынуждены Observe the unfavorable picture: the cat burps with yellow liquid. Of course, this should not happen. However, the body "Barsika" is designed in such a way that the vomit mass out quite often.


If you see your cat burp yellowliquid, but you are firmly convinced that he has an excellent state of health - this is probably a sign that he just ate. In this case, the composition of vomit will necessarily contain undigested particles of "Viskas" (or other food). In some cases, a mustache predator specifically provokes a gag reflex in order to clear the stomach of wool accumulated in it.

However, when you notice that your cat is burping with yellow liquid, this is a “serious” reason to pay attention to the pet's health.

Dangerous forms of disease

It is possible that the vomit has an orangeshade, because it leaked bile. Such a symptom may well indicate that the cat is sick and needs the help of a qualified veterinarian. Bile in vomit can only mean one thing: a pet has a liver or gallbladder disorder. Moreover, the pathology can be very diverse, including those that are fatal.

The cat is burping with yellow liquid.

Failure of the liver often leads to illnesses of the pancreas, intestines, kidneys and other organs.

If a cat burps with yellow liquid, then it is quite likely that he will be diagnosed with such pathologies as hepatitis, liver failure, lipidosis, and so on.

Гепатиту присущи такие признаки, как снижение appetite, uncontrollable vomiting, loose stools. In this case, the urine becomes darker, the mucous membranes become yellow, and the feces become colorless. At the same time, the size of the liver increases, and the body temperature rises. This pathology may be due to the vital activity of parasitic microorganisms, prolonged use of medication, food poisoning. If you observe the above symptoms, and against this background, your cat burps yellow - immediately contact a veterinarian.

How can you help the animal before going to the vet?

Of course, in no case should you self-medicate - in these cases you should be assisted by a qualified specialist.

The cat is burping yellow

He will write out not only necessary for treatment.pharmacological agents, but also will recommend an optimal diet for your pet, so that its gastrointestinal tract functioned sparingly for some time. Before going to the doctor, you can alleviate the pet's suffering if you prepare herbal infusions for it (chamomile, St. John's wort, dog rose, calendula).

Be prepared for anything

Be prepared for the fact that the above diseasemay acquire a complicated form, in this case, the cat burps yellow foam for several months. And the pet will have a high body temperature and there will be a lack of appetite. Liver failure can even provoke coma.

The animal may develop jaundice, which, again, may last for several months.

The cat is burping with yellow foam

As soon as you notice your cat is burping yellowfluid, and the mucous membranes and sclera from her acquired an orange tint, immediately change the food system, but rather go straight to the vet for advice.

Cholecystitis, an inflammation of the gallbladder, is very dangerous for the health of a pet.

This disease is accompanied by frequent diarrhea,increased body temperature and pain in the liver. In this case, it is also necessary to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. It will not be superfluous to include easily digestible food in the diet, and a heating pad should be applied to the liver area.

Proper nutrition - the guarantee of health

Do not forget that your pet should receive a complete and balanced nutrition, which is rich in minerals, vitamins, trace elements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Cat burp yellow liquid

It is not recommended to combine in the food system ready-made food with dishes prepared by yourself at home.


To minimize the risk ofthe above pathologies should be aware of preventive measures. You should regularly show your pet to the veterinarian, do all the vaccinations recommended by the specialists and do not forget about such an important procedure as de-worming the animal. Special attention should be paid to your cat's power system. As soon as the mustache predator vomits - quickly run with him to the veterinarian

If pet gag occursoften enough, and you are absolutely sure that in this way he is trying to clean the stomach of wool, then do not be lazy and get a special paste for him. It will help to remove particles of wool from the body of the animal, along with faeces.

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