/ / Flea feline: description, methods of control and prevention

Flea feline: description, methods of control and prevention

Flea feline (lat.fells) belongs to the group Siphonaptera. The adult has no wings, is compressed laterally, with strong and long legs, provided with numerous spines. On the sides of the head, when viewed through a magnifying glass, so-called antennae having a clavate shape are noticeable. Oral organs are ideally adapted to pierce the skin and suck blood. A cat flea - an insect rather small, rarely exceeding 2 mm in size.

flea cat

Это временный паразит, от которого вполне можно to get rid of. A female flea lays small, almost imperceptible non-sticky eggs on the coat and skin of a cat, from where they roll down to the floor, bedding, furniture. A week later (sometimes longer), larvae appear, at first having a vermiform body and eating fodder and organic remains. Two weeks later, the pupa becomes an adult and begins to lead a different lifestyle - parasitic. Blood is fed by both sexes of insects (males and females).

Блоха кошачья распространена повсеместно, на animals occurs year-round. Infect your pet by contact with the infected animals, and not even close (just a few minutes of staying in the same room with cats suffering from parasites). Look at the first photo of how the feline fleas look in an enlarged version several times.

How to look like a cat flea

It is believed that these insects attack only thoseanimals that are kept in not very good conditions, with accompanying dampness and unimportant food. However, the statement is wrong at the root. You can get infected and well-groomed, healthy cat.

Flea feline - an insect is not harmless.On the bite of parasites, the skin reacts with itching. The animal itches. There are scratches and scratching, dermatitis develops. The cat is nervous, does not sleep much, spending power on the useless fight against fleas. The consequence is a decrease in immunity, an increased likelihood of introducing infections and viruses, to which the animal would be stable in a different state. Ectoparasites are easily detected when examining the integument. Favorite places of insects - under the paws and tummy.

Как вывести кошачьих блох?The use of dust is already a thing of the past. Modern veterinary medicine offers anti-insecticidal aerosols, emulsions, solutions, powders. When choosing a remedy, be sure to consider the degree of toxicity and age of the animal. Not all preparations are suitable for young cats, and kittens are not recommended for a month at all. It should be noted that the remedies against feline fleas act mainly on larvae (adult forms are slightly more stable) and practically do not affect the eggs. Therefore, the procedure is repeated without fail (after 12-18 days).

To exterminate fleas, you can use the watera solution of chlorophos (1%), an emulsion of carbophos, eiodrin, diphos (abat), trichloromethaphos. A good effect is given by Oksamat - repellent (2% aqueous emulsion). This substance is slightly toxic to animals. Noteworthy are the synthetic pyrethroids "Ectomin", "Ectopor", "Anometrin", etc.

How to get a cat flea

Of ready-made veterinary drugs in demand are not very expensive, but effective drops "Bars" (available in the form of a spray), "Fiprex", "Advocate", "Stronghold."

Preventive measures:

  • treatment of the room (in particular - the place where the cat sleeps) with preparations of the type "Butox";
  • exclusion of contacts with infected and stray animals;
  • additional protection in the form of anti-flea collars.
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