/ / Pregnancy and bath - compatible or not?

Pregnancy and bath - compatible or not?

If you plunge into our history, we will see thatin Russia, the concept of pregnancy and bath were always close by and complemented each other. It was in the baths that most peasant women gave birth, and many noble women also preferred to give birth in the bathhouse. It was not in vain that our ancestors believed that this room was ideal for childbirth, there was everything necessary, adequate temperature, cleanliness and good energy.

Modern science still does not haveunequivocal answer to the question whether pregnancy and bath are compatible. Even some 50 years ago, doctors categorically forbade visiting the bath during pregnancy. But time does not stand still and the attitude to the bath changes. Already, many experts claim that pregnancy and bath are quite compatible concepts and even recommend her visit to pregnant women.

What is the use of a bath?

The bath always had a beneficial effect on the body,since it is cleared of slags and activation of metabolic processes. A visit to the bath improves the elasticity of blood vessels and improves blood flow. Bath during pregnancy allows for a good prevention of the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. But to achieve a noticeable effect, it is necessary to visit the bath regularly, then the skin becomes elastic.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded thatvisiting the bath not only produces a healing effect on the body but also on consciousness, therefore, such concepts as "pregnancy and bath" should not frighten women who are expecting a baby. But it should be noted that all the same in the early stages of pregnancy it is worthwhile to limit the visit to the bath, especially it is worth being protected from very high temperatures.

Bath and pregnancy - the advantages of such a tandem in the following:

- such procedures improve blood circulationrespectively, and uteroplacental blood flow. In this case, the aging rate of the placenta decreases, oxygen supply to the fetus improves, and thus the risk of developmental delay is much less;

- there is an increase in the elasticity of bloodvessels, which has a positive effect in the presence of such an unpleasant companion of pregnancy as varicose veins. Regular visits to the bath reduces the risk of blood clots;

- since during the stay in the bath a lot of slags are removed through the skin, this significantly reduces the load on the kidneys of a pregnant woman, who work in an enhanced mode;

- these procedures are also effective for the prevention of edema and gestosis during pregnancy. There is an increase in the tone of the whole organism and the withdrawal of excess fluid from it.

So we see that the regular andthoughtful visit to the bath is well prepared for the upcoming childbirth. In such women, they occur much easier and faster. Since regular visits to the bath relieve muscle tension, the elasticity of the ligaments increases, the pain threshold in women rises and there is no need to use analgesics and antispasmodics during childbirth.

Parry caution

Before visiting the bath, you should always consult with your doctor, and, of course, listen to your feelings. But still we must adhere to certain rules:

- it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the presence or absence of contraindications to visiting the bath;

- for pregnant women, the temperature in the steam room should not be higher than 75-80 degrees;

- to stay in the bath can be no more than 5-10 minutes exclusively on the bottom shelf;

- Do not allow a sharp change in body temperature and you need to cool down a bit before going to the shower;

- It is not recommended to visit the bath in the first trimester of pregnancy;

- the presence of a headdress is obligatory;

- hygiene must be observed: wear rubber slippers, put a towel or mat on the shelf.

It is forbidden to visit the bath if the pregnant woman is threatened with miscarriage, hypertension or toxemia.

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