/ / Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy

Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy

Hyperplasia of the endometrium is often diagnosed when a woman is examined for infertility. With such pathology, it is not only very difficult to get pregnant, but it is absolutely impossible to do this.

However, do not be upset.Hyperplasia of the endometrium and pregnancy are combined well, but after the course of treatment. To date, there have been developed therapies that make it possible to successfully conceive and endure the baby.

Hyperplasia of the endometrium is its excessproliferation. The cause may be chronic inflammation, but most often this condition occurs with an absolute or a relative high level of estrogens.

These female sex hormones are justpromote endometrial growth in the first phase of the cycle. They are produced in the ovaries, ripening follicles. However, after ovulation, the main thing is progesterone, which protects the endometrium from hyperplasia.

Therefore, this disease occurs whenlong-term exposure to the uterus of estrogen, when there is no protective effect of progesterone. This is possible both with inadequate hormonal therapy with estrogens, and with various diseases, for example, ovarian dysfunction, obesity, PCOS.

Hyperplasia of the endometrium is a consequence ofprolonged absence of ovulation and progesterone in the body. In addition, fat tissue produces estrogen, especially when it is very much. In the presence of ovarian tumors that produce hormones, their amount also rises, causing hyperplasia.

With such hormonal disorders, ovulation, as a rule, does not occur. And even if it happens, implantation of the embryo and its development become practically impossible in the changed endometrium.

And even if pregnancy has occurred, it is verythere is a high probability that it will develop with pathologies. In addition, the bearing of a baby in the presence of benign formations is contraindicated, since it speeds up the onset of malignant process. Therefore, endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy can provoke the development of uterine cancer.

For prognosis and development of treatment tactics givendisease is very important in its form. It can be determined by histological examination of the endometrium. Get it by scraping. Perform this procedure better under the control of hysteroscopy. This increases the efficiency of the operation.

This manipulation is also the first stage in the treatment regimen. Then hormonal therapy is carried out. When choosing drugs taken into account age, weight, concomitant diseases of the patient.

The goal of treatment is to prevent the development of cancer and infertility. If the patient wishes to become pregnant, prepare her for this.

The best combination of glandular hyperplasiaendometrium and pregnancy, because it is the least likely to lead to cancer and is easier to treat. If complex atypical hyperplasia is diagnosed, the treatment will be longer and more complex. After performing the reproductive function, the patient may be offered the removal of the endometrium or uterus, especially if the disease recurs.

If the diagnosis is diagnosedendometrial hyperplasia, and IVF, ICSI is planned to be a couple in the future, then first it is necessary to treat the disease, otherwise attempts will be unsuccessful. After successful therapy, conception occurs.

However, endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancycan only be combined with a successful outcome of treatment. But how well the disease responds to therapy depends on neglect and individual characteristics. Possible relapse, the need to change the drug, increase the dose. Continuous monitoring of the doctor is important.

Thus, endometrial hyperplasia andpregnancy are compatible, however only after successful treatment of the disease. Conception with such a diagnosis is not only problematic, but also extremely undesirable, as the probability of complications of pregnancy and the development of cancer increases.

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