/ Finger gymnastics in preschool age. Value for mental development, dignity and the main stages of its conduct

Finger gymnastics in preschool age. Value for mental development, dignity and the main stages of its conduct

Why does one child learn to write quickly andsimple, but for another it is very difficult? Of course, there are several reasons for this phenomenon. One of the main is insufficiently developed fine motor skills of the hands. This is an established scientific fact. That is why the process of improving motor skills should become the main one at the preschool age. Help in this can finger exercises, games with peas, stones, lacing, buttons, plasticine and others. Thanks to these studies, the child will learn to "really" really own palms, making any manipulations with all subjects.

The positive effect of finger surgery on the mental development of the baby is as follows.

  • Rhythmic movements will promote the activation of speech centers in the brain.
  • Finger gymnastics is able to develop the child's abilities and skills to imitate the adults, listen to their speech and concentrate on it.
  • Exercises create a very good emotional atmosphere.
  • Even the smallest child learns to focus his attention and distribute it optimally.
  • Finger gymnastics is able to developalmost all mental cognitive processes. So, in the process of remembering the finger games, the correct position of the fingers, the sequence of movements, poems, memory develops actively. In addition, such activities develop imagination and imagination, because with the help of hands you can "tell" the whole story.
  • Classes will help to ensure that the fingers and hands become flexible, mobile and strong.

Finger gymnastics has the following advantages in comparison with the main developmental activities:

  • First, even very busy parents will be able to work with preschoolers, since it will require a minimum amount of time.
  • Secondly, for classes there is no need to purchase additional "tools", only baby's pens and parental imagination are needed.
  • Thirdly, finger exercises can be suitable even for the youngest children.
  • Fourthly, such lessons are very popular with all children - both kids and seven-year-olds.

That is why finger exercises forpreschool children can become very effective for the development of fine motor skills. But, it must be borne in mind that she is recommended to deal with children regularly and systematically.

The first stage should begin with the birth.In the process of feeding, you can constantly stroke the baby's fingers and palm. In the future, the most effective occupation will be playing a "magpie-thief," necessarily pronouncing the well-known proverb. And it should be borne in mind that it is recommended not only to stroke the child's hand with an adult, then do so that he also repeats the same movements, but on the hand of an adult.

The second stage implies the inclusion ofindependent movements. After a year, children will be able to "tell" with the help of hands elementary poems that will "make" the child to do movements up and down, squeezing, rubbing and stuff.

The third stage.Later finger exercises begin in the kindergarten. The texts should become more complicated. Moreover, you can use not only rhymed text, but also fairy tales, stories and novels. The child must represent with the help of the hands of animals, objects and so on. It is recommended to diversify the storyline as much as possible, so that it would be interesting for the preschooler.

The fourth stage.Finger gymnastics should now be complicated by the application of the bill. The preschooler does not only manipulate his fingers, but also considers them. It is necessary to constantly complicate the exercises, making them more interesting.

We wish you interesting and effective lessons!

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