/ / Somik ancistrus - indefatigable aquarium caregiver

Somik ancistrus - indefatigable aquarium attendant

Сегодня наиболее распространенный аквариумный somic - ancistrus vulgaris (designated in encyclopedias as Ancistrus multispinnis). In length, the male can reach 17 cm, the female - slightly less. Somik ancistrus is lovingly and quite deservedly called an aquarist purifier.

catfish ancystrus

The fact is that his main food isalgae fouling on the walls and bottom of the aquarium, i.e. he eats the very greens, which would have to be removed manually. In addition, the catfish does not refuse from live and dry feeds intended for other inhabitants of the aquarium world. It is recommended to feed the cleaner periodically with leaves of dandelion, lettuce, cabbage (they must be scalded with boiling water and immersed to the bottom, fixing stones).

Somik ancistrus is very peaceful, but canto organize short-term battles with other catfishes (exclusively males) only for the sake of conquering the territory, while not harming the opponent (the body of the fish is covered with dense plates, which serve as an excellent defense in the attack). Somikov can be kept with most fish species, including aggressive ones, but not too large. However, in this case it is necessary to place additional shelters: stones, shells, snags, ceramic pipes, caves, etc.

ancistrus photo

The fish is unpretentious to the conditions of the aquarium.It is comfortable even in small volumes (80-100 liters). The temperature of the water should not be lowered below 21 ° C and raised above 26 ° C. Optimal pH-7 (± 0.5). It is desirable to simulate the flow, filtration, aeration and water replacement (up to a quarter volume, weekly). Illumination is not bright.

Sexually mature somic ancistrus becomes rather late (after a year), but life expectancy is decent - up to eight, and sometimes even up to ten years.

Spawning stimulates the presence of various kindscavities (shelters, of which we spoke above), regular water substitution with minimal carbonate hardness. The male catches one of the cavities, and the female, trusting his choice, leaves a bunch of caviar, which is guarded by the partner before the appearance of the fry (5-6 days). The fry must be transferred to another container at this time, otherwise they can go to feed other fish in the aquarium. Starting feed - cut pipe, artemia, vegetable feed (all the first, it is rubbed into powder). It is desirable to leave a couple of snags in the growing aquarium, which the kids are happy to "clean". Males feline large, in the first month grow rapidly, and after growth slows down.

golden ancystrum

Much less common is another species of catfish -ancistrus gold (in Russia appeared in the late 90's). He is in many respects similar to the usual catfish, but his color really draws his own attention. For those who want to see what the gold ancistrus looks like, the photo is in the article.

As you can see, the golden color of the catfish is clearly "to the face"in color there is no unhealthy pallor, which is so typical of most albinos. True, the females are painted more pale. The color variant of the fish is quite stable - the color is inherited by the offspring 100%, without deviations. Survival of eggs of this species of catfish is quite high - 98%. Ancistrus is golden, as usual, rather unpretentious and almost omnivorous, but it is negative towards an increase in pH and salinity of water.

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