/ / Chamomile Pregnancy: tips, recipes, contraindications

Chamomile Pregnancy: tips, recipes, contraindications

Chamomile is an annual medicinalherbaceous plant blooming from May to August, belonging to the family of Compositae. For medicinal purposes, the inflorescence of chamomile flowers collected at the beginning of flowering is used, containing from 0.15 to 0.85% of essential oil. The composition of the oil includes flavonoids, nicotinic, isovaleric, ascorbic, salicylic acids, carotene, coumarins, choline, as well as gum, bitterness, mucus, proteinaceous substances. In addition, the essential oil of chamomile flowers contains glycoside, which exerts an antispasmodic effect, relaxing the smooth muscles and anesthetizing intestinal cramps.

The main beneficial properties of chamomile are:disinfecting and diaphoretic effect, reduction of gas formation, pain relief, weakening of inflammatory processes, normalization of gastric and intestinal functions. Inside, chamomile is prescribed for chronic gastritis, colitis, enteritis, peptic ulcer, flatulence, bile and intestinal colic, diarrhea. The local application of this medicinal plant consists in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of the ENT organs, diseases of the oral cavity, such as gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis. In addition, chamomile is applied topically during pregnancy, purulent-inflammatory skin lesions and increased sweating of feet.

Like any other means of traditional medicine,chamomile should be used competently, especially during pregnancy, to avoid the occurrence of undesirable side effects. The local use of this medicinal plant consists in using infusions of chamomile flowers for therapeutic compresses, lotions and baths, douching and inhalation.

Очень часто в первом триместре беременности women "pursue" any inflammatory disease of the mucous of the genital organs, get rid of it will help decoction of chamomile in pregnancy, because during this period of pregnancy other medications are strictly contraindicated. However, chamomile in pregnancy can be used not only to combat inflammatory diseases, it is an excellent remedy for excessive gas generation, constipation and bloating. In addition, chamomile during pregnancy is a wonderful relaxing remedy that will help relieve nervous tension. Use tea from the flowers of chamomile need not more than twice a day.

All women want to be attractive, notconstitute an exception and pregnant. Many women in this period also face such unpleasant phenomena as dry skin or opposite excessive sebum, and as a result, the appearance of acne and acne, fragility, dullness and hair loss, excessive sweating. Cope with all these troubles will help chamomile during pregnancy. So, to give hair shine and softness, as well as to strengthen them, you must rinse your hair and scalp with a decoction of chamomile flowers. Washing with the same decoction will relieve acne and make the skin velvety. If the skin is very dry and irritated, you can apply a mask based on a dairy or oily chamomile. It helps such infusion and with excessive sweating of the feet, it is used in the form of a bath at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. at Art. boiling water.

However, even the chamomile has its own pharmacycontraindications, even an "overdose" is possible, signs of which are irritability, aggression and uncaused outbursts of anger. Also, long-term use of this medicinal plant causes headaches, weakness and suppression of the central nervous system. It is not recommended to take chamomile for acute diarrhea and individual intolerance to the drug.

Using any herbs, remember this toodrugs that affect not only your body, but also the body of the unborn child. Herbs can be no less dangerous than medicines, so chamomile during pregnancy can be used only after consulting a doctor, who will help you choose the right dosage of the drug.

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