/ / Beautiful nicknames for cats-girls

Beautiful nicknames for female cats

With the appearance of a fluffy kitten in the house risesa question of a choice of a nickname. Someone already knows in advance how to call fluffy, the other wants to see the habits and character of the animal and only then calls it. In any case, the nicknames for female cats should be sonorous and reflect their character.

Basics of choice

The choice of a name for an animal is an important stage in itsentering the family. You can not hurry and give the first name that you get, especially if the pet belongs to a pedigree species or has a pedigree. The name for cats-girls should be liked by all members of the family. But at times, it is diversity that makes the dead end more than the lack of options at all. Therefore, when choosing one should be guided by the basic principles.

Clicks for cats

Euphony and reflection of the owner's habits

The name of the animal will be repeated in the house not onea dozen times a day. Therefore, the combination of sounds and ease of pronunciation should be in the foreground. After all, many believe in the energy of sounds and the way you call a pet, that's the way it will be. No wonder one famous millionaire named his cat Bax.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that there is quiteneutral nicknames - Murka or Snowball. But here is an interesting at first glance Byaka could soon become the cause of hooliganism in the house. And Mila is not always a nice cat.

Beautiful nicknames for cats girls

Meaning for pet

Beautiful nicknames for cats-girls, of course, canbe inscribed in the pedigree. But it is important to choose a shortened version. An animal is not a human being. So that the pet can quickly get used to his name and respond to it, the name should have hissing sounds. Of course, it is difficult to understand how a cat will react to a name, so in any situation it must be repeated. It is especially important to do this before feeding or stroking the animal. The most successful in terms of sound are the following nicknames for female cats:

  • Shelley;
  • Chelsea;
  • Stiefi;
  • Fani;
  • Frieda;
  • Fiona;
  • Phoebe;
  • Sally.

It is necessary to make the animal's nickname a favorite sound, so that the cat quickly responds to it.

Cats for girls light

Beware of sarcasm

Of course, the proportion of humor does not hurt.But it's better to call a cat attractive, and not the name of an evil neighbor. So you can run into trouble and relate to the animal such a situation will greatly affect. After all, the negative, which is expressed in sarcasm, will eventually pour out onto the animal. It is worthwhile to understand that with a good scenario the pet will live under one roof with the family for more than a decade, so in his name there should be only positive. The most attractive in this regard may be the following nicknames of girls' cats:

  • Belinda;
  • Squirrel;
  • Brilla;
  • Witt;
  • Dasha;
  • Yoka;
  • Kalinka;
  • Horses;
  • Laura;
  • Moles.

Such names are sonorous and positive.

Cat name

Taboo on human names

Of course, there are nicknames for female cats who repeat female names. They have long been accustomed to and perceived quite normally. These include:

  • Mashka;
  • Dasha;
  • Liza;
  • Marusya.

However, it is better to avoid explicit correspondences in order tothere were no complaints from the neighbors. After all, it will not turn out well when the owner calls on his Sophia, and to respond is a familiar girl. In addition, some will be unpleasant if, when meeting a cat, it turns out that her name is also like this person. Exceptions may be unspecified in the given locality names or foreign. The following beautiful nicknames for cats-girls are a good example:

  • Beatrice;
  • Gerda;
  • Grace;
  • Zhuzha;
  • Inessa;
  • Ingrid;
  • Catherine;
  • Lassie;
  • Lily;
  • Maggie;
  • Nora;
  • Stesha.

Such nicknames decorate a cat and will not cause embarrassment.

Choosing a nickname for a kitten

The nickname must reflect the character

Sometimes with the selection of the nickname is no difficultybecause the nature of the cat fully indicates her. In addition, the name of the animal reflects the worldview of the owner himself and his attitude to the animal. After all, if each pet is named Murka, then it is clear that the animals are left to themselves. When a cat is given a nickname too fanciful, it means that the owner wants to stand out through his animal.

Often nicknamed pets, you can guess the passions of the owners or their profession. So, a musician can call his darling Nota, and a biologist - Chromosome.

Attention to appearance

It is foolish to call a black cat Snowball orSnow White. Therefore, the name is better to choose after meeting with the animal. Often it is the bright exterior that gives a powerful inspiration and the name comes to mind. In the nickname can be reflected not only the general form of the pet, but also its individual expressive parts - the tail, features of the face, the structure of the legs, ears and others. An example would be the nicknames for cats-girls light and sonorous:

  • Shashechka;
  • Lynx;
  • Night;
  • Sonya;
  • Pusya;
  • Lyra.

The main thing is that the nickname does not enter into discord with the appearance of a cat. After all, the simple name Maroussia is quite suitable for a purebred animal, and a lop-eared kitten is not quite.

Nicknames for cats girls easy and beautiful

Nickname depending on the breed

Nicknames for cats-girls are easy and beautiful alwayscharacterize belonging to a particular breed. If an animal has a pedigree, then most likely it will be necessary to call it by the name of a certain letter, with which it is characterized. If there are no such requirements, then you can ask advice from breeders of this breed. Thus, the nicknames of the cats-girls lop-ears always reflect their features of appearance. An example would be the following nicknames:

  • Wisla;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Winnie;
  • Wendy;
  • Weissy.

Nicknames for cats-girls light and beautiful always accompany a certain breed. Thus, the oriental names of the Oriental and Thai are named: Zulfiya, Pearl, Zakura.

Siamese cat has its own unique character, proud character and recognizable appearance. Nicknames to match her:

  • Simka;
  • Turquoise;
  • Violet;
  • Ivory;
  • Siam.

English nicknames are called British Shorthair cats and Scottish. The most popular names are:

  • Betsy;
  • Beatrice;
  • Brila;
  • Janie;
  • Jane;
  • Julia;
  • Jerzy;
  • Kitty;
  • Bark.
  • Mary;
  • Alice.

Of course, a pedigreed cat that haspedigree and participates in exhibitions, there are documents where you can write quite a long and artsy name. However, for everyday use, you should choose a shortened and sonorous option.

Nicknames cats girls lop-eared

Interesting habits

Serve as the basis for choosing the name of the animalcan its distinctive habits. So there are funny nicknames for cats-girls: Egoza, Nick, Maid, Fun, Pumka. Sometimes a kitten from birth is affectionate, too nimble or inquisitive. From here it turns out Shustriki, Mila, Tikhon, Nyashi, Lapuli and Laski.

Nicknames in honor of famous heroes

Sometimes it is difficult to find nicknames for cats, girls.Light, and at the same time sonorous were the names of the ancient Greek goddesses. If a cat is pedigree or has an important and proud look, why not award it with such a nickname? To make the choice easier, you can use the dictionaries, where there are names of goddesses, fairy-tale characters or famous mythical heroes. Sometimes it helps to translate words into a foreign language. Nicknames for cats girls can reflect the owner's hobbies. Then you can safely call your darling as well, as the idol did.

Funny nicknames

Funny nicknames for cats girls can reflect some of their features. So, lovers of food can be called:

  • Sausage;
  • Sprat;
  • Pear;
  • Hemlock;
  • Wafer.

If there are features of appearance, then such options will do:

  • Walkway;
  • Snowflake;
  • Haze;
  • A cloud;
  • Smokey;
  • Zolka

Tricolor pets can get the following nicknames:

  • Lyapa;
  • Pandora;
  • Bead;
  • Turtle

You can also beat the color of eyes or wool - Violet, Amber, Sun, Ryzhik, Zlata, Mavi.


Often the chosen nickname speaks more aboutpredilections of the host than about the features of the cat. A person who is not deprived of a sense of humor can name his favorite Zyam, Pyshka, Masyanya, Lolita. There are actually a lot of options. There are fans of cars and gadgets, which animals call in their honor, which sounds quite acceptable: Nokia or Subaru.

However, after choosing a nickname is to teach heranimal. To do this, each time calling the cat, you must call her name. This is especially important to do in minutes of communication with the pet. The cat may not immediately get used to the nickname, but over time, if it is sonorous and short, the animal begins to react. The main thing - after the decision on the name of the pet does not change it. Otherwise, the cat may become confused and stop responding.

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