/ / Open class in the middle group on GEF for the development of speech, physical development, drawing, on the theme: "Autumn, winter", with ICT, with self-analysis

Open class in the GEF Intermediate Group on Development of Speech, Physical Development, Drawing, on the theme: "Autumn, Winter", with ICT, with self-analysis

So, today we will learn how to conductoccupation in the middle group on GEF. In general, these "standards" are extremely important. And they must be respected. After all, this "set of rules" regulates how it is worthwhile to conduct classes with children of different ages. Important role in the kindergarten such subjects as speech development, physical education, as well as drawing. Let's try to conduct an open class in the middle group on GEF in all these areas. Such activities will be of interest not only to children, but also to adults.

Open class in the middle group on phogos

Rules for conducting

But before that, you need to think a little bit aboutrules for conducting classes. This is extremely important. After all, old methods on modern children simply do not work. So what is advised for the successful development of children in the garden?

First, each child will have to look for an approach. This is important, since it is necessary for everyone to be interested in this or that subject. Only in this case the maximum result can be achieved.

Secondly, an open class in the middle group on GEF on the theme of autumn (winter, spring, summer) should be held directly at the selected time of the year. So the theme will be clear to all kids.

Thirdly, the educator is obliged to maintain interest in the subjects, and also to ensure that the occupation does not impose any specific point of view. For example, there was no open propaganda of religion.

Fourth, a modern educator shouldUse ICT for interesting events. At the end of the "presentation" is to sum up and encourage children to engage in self-analysis. This is very good for development.


An open lesson in the GEFbe held without any problems on any topic and on any subject. The main thing is to come up with an idea that will interest the kids. For example, pay special attention to the development of speech. This is an important point in development. After all, speech is extremely important in the life of a modern child. Yes, and an adult, too.

Open class in the middle group on GEF "Development of Speech" can take place both on a specific theme of the season and generalized. Let's start with the second scenario.

open class in the middle group on phgos development of speech

To organize this kind of event,try to prepare interactive material on the topic "Speech". It is desirable that this was a presentation. For example, a fairy tale. Or rather, illustrations for it.

Then choose a story to read. In the "printed" version. We will develop the speech with the help of reading. It will be very interesting for parents to see what their children know how.

In principle, that's all.Now it is enough for you to gather children and parents, turn on the presentation and read with the children (let the students do it themselves, in turn) a fairy tale, changing the slides on the computer. At the end of the lesson, the children must come to a conclusion about what the story teaches them.

Development of speech and subjects

Well, sometimes an open class in the middle groupon GEF means conducting a lesson on the development of speech on a certain theme of the seasons. It is important that this event is held according to the topic. That is, "Winter" - in the winter, and "Spring" - in the spring.

The day before the event, spend an excursion with the children.Let them look around the world and remember it as it is. On the day when an open lesson is held, you will need to pick up thematic music (for example, "Autumn Waltz"), as well as slides with pictures and pictures for the chosen time of the year. You will show them during the lesson.

open class in the middle group on phlogs on the theme of winter

Now that the day of the open class has come,let the children tell how they imagine autumn or winter, summer or spring (depending on the current season). What did they see on the street? How does the situation change with the change of season? What do they like in this or that period, and what is not? All this helps introspection.

Read the poems onselected topics. It is advisable to show them on the interactive whiteboard. So an open class in the middle group on GEF with ICT will be held at the highest level. In the end let the children sum up the results of the lesson. What did they learn? What were they talking about? What useful have you learned?

Such kinds of lessons are taught to develop speech, andalso conduct self-analysis and see the differences between the seasons. In addition, the child learns to express his opinion and interpret what he likes and what does not. This is what the goal of speech development is.

Physical education - autumn

Open session in the middle group on GEF:"Physical development" can also take place on a variety of themes of the seasons. In truth, this is a more difficult task. After all, in order to hold an interesting thematic event, you will have to try hard.

For example, if the theme "Autumn", preferenceis given to the autumn sports. Prepare slides for this topic. They should have images with the sport that is suitable at a given time. What can you offer? Football, athletics, ball games and so on. The chosen sport is limited only by the teacher's imagination.

Then take care of the musical accompaniment. It must be energetic, but at the same time unobtrusive. So that you can do exercises with children.

The next stage is the preparation of a story about that orother sports, as well as its benefits. Such an open class in the middle group on GEF with introspection necessarily teach children to "drag on" to physical development.

Open class in the middle group on social security

How to hold an event?Tell the children about the "autumn" sports, but before that ask what options they can offer. Next, we must interpret the benefits of physical development. Discuss with the kids what they would like to do or what they do in the fall. After that, it's enough to turn on the music and offer the pupils to do exercises for health promotion. Let them repeat for you. For example, you can offer "Dance of small ducklings." In the end, the children will have to sum up the lessons - what they learned and what they learned.

Sports and winter

But the lesson on the "winter" theme in the fieldSport passes, as practice showed, more interesting and easier. The thing is that here the area of ​​studying the types of "athletics" is small. Yes, and it looks more interesting for children.

Preparation for the event must be held accuratelyas well as the last time. Prepare slides, play music, and think up stories about the benefits of a particular sport. Here it is necessary to tell about skiing, figure skating, snowboarding, sledging, and also hockey.

Of course, the event will also be heldthe same way. First you show the slides and tell the children about the "winter" sport (do not forget to ask the kids what kind of lessons they know themselves), as well as its benefits. Read the poems and conduct a conversation on "What kind of winter sports do I do?" And "What winter sport would I like to do." Why? " All this will not only give knowledge about physical development, but also teach children to properly build their speech, to conduct a dialogue and express their own thoughts. At the end of the event, it is recommended to perform a wellness exercise or dance.

Open session in the middle group on phos with self-analysis


Open session in the GEFDrawing on a variety of themes of the seasons - a favorite event for all children. Perhaps, there are no restrictions either on inventory or on ideas. Nevertheless, the best options for the development of events will now be presented to our attention.

Let's start with the theme "Autumn".It would be nice to invite children in advance to take a tour of the autumn garden. Let them remember what the world looks like at the moment. In an open class all this will come in handy.

On the day of the event, you will need:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • pencils;
  • markers;
  • White paper;
  • slides on the theme "Autumn";
  • music on the theme "Autumn" (suitable, again, "Autumn Waltz").

Gather the children together and talk with themon the selected topic. Let the little ones tell what they saw on the street. How has the situation changed compared to the summer? What do they like in the autumn? Such an open lesson in the middle group on GEF teaches not only fine arts, but also develops speech. Do not forget to show children slides and talk about the fall: the weather, the behavior of animals and birds and so on.

open class in the middle group on physical development

Next, give the kids paper and supplies fordrawing. Let them picture how they see autumn. In the end, organize an exhibition of children's drawings. For example, hang them on a board - let the parents admire the creativity of their kids. The goals and objectives of such events are simple - they develop the knowledge of children about the world, teach them to tell something, and also draw and portray.

Winter drawing

If the question is about holding an openoccupation in the middle group on GEF with introspection on drawing on winter themes, then the ideal theme is "New Year". Perhaps, in this case, the organization will be fun and interesting for every kid.

Prepare New Year's music, as well as slides on the relevant topic. It will not hurt to make a fairy tale about the New Year, traditions, customs. All this is what you tell the children at the beginning of the lesson.

From the inventory you will need:

  • a computer;
  • player;
  • interactive board;
  • accessories for drawing (paints, brushes, pencils, markers);
  • paper.

Turn on the music and tell the children about the New Year.More precisely, conduct a conversation with them on this topic. Let everyone tell you that he knows about this event. Next - show the kids slides, in parallel telling a fairy tale and information about the New Year. Let the guys draw the way they imagine this holiday. Let them use any means for drawing. If you have any difficulties in the image of something, help. At the end of the lesson an exhibition is organized, and every pupil is given the floor. Let the children tell how they celebrate the New Year, and also explain what exactly they painted on paper. An open lesson in the middle group on GEF on the topic: "Winter" is something that can involve all children in the educational process.

Benefit or harm

Sometimes caregivers argue about the benefits and harmsuse of introspection and ICT in modern occupations. In addition, there are often statements that open events should not be integrated, as in our case. Is it so?

an open lesson in the middle group on phogos on the theme of autumn

In fact, a good open class inthe middle group on GEF should really be integrated. That is, it should teach not only the development of speech, physical education or visual arts, but all together. It is useful for children to do introspection in class. According to the norms, all this contributes to their correct development, and also helps to adapt in the adult world. It is also impossible to refuse ICT. The modern world is literally teeming with technology, and it is capable of helping many classes. Especially in schools and gardens. So a good and professional educator will necessarily take this into account in thematic open classes.


So, today we learned how to conduct an openoccupation in the middle group on GEF on the theme: "Autumn". Besides, they did not forget about the winter either. As you can see, this is not so difficult. The main thing is to organize the process so that the children are fun and interesting.

All listed options areintegrated. They teach children several skills at once. For example, it is true to depict some of your thoughts on paper, as well as assess the situation, build stories and suggestions. Of course, in all classes children also receive new knowledge and facts about this or that topic: the time of year, sport and festive traditions. All this is extremely important for kids in the middle group of the kindergarten.

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