/ / Interpretation of dreams. What does the deceased parents dream about?

The interpretation of dreams. What dreams of dead parents?

Research scientists from CaliforniaThe International Association for the Study of Dreams showed that about 60% of men and about 45% of women with an enviable regularity see dreams of certain deceased relatives, in particular, about deceased parents. What does the deceased parents dream about? They come to us in dreams to warn about danger or to call with them? Now we will try to answer these questions in detail, based on the opinions of various people.

Why do the dead parents dream? Kelly Balkeli

President of the International Study Associationdreams Kelly Balkeli argues that the plots of these dreams are typical. For example, people often see how they fly in an airplane or ride a train with their deceased parent. Further everything develops according to one scenario: a dreamer comes out of a train or an airplane, and a person who has died awake continues his journey without him. Balkeli believes that the plot of these dreams is not important at all, because they are all a sign of warning from above. For example, if the father or mother had a happy and happy dream, then in reality between the sleeping person and his living relatives everything will be all right and well.

what does the deceased parents dream of

Opinion of psychologists

Modern psychologists give a completely differentexplaining to what the dead parents are dreaming: "To nothing!". You did not misinterpret. Scientists engaged in the study of human consciousness, explain this phenomenon by elementary work of the brain and memory, but nothing more. Many people after a loss of their close relatives for a long time can not accept their death. They are constantly worried about this. The work of their brain and memory, aimed at constant experiences and memories, continues even during dreams. It is at this point that they are projecting the real reality to consciousness. As a consequence - constant thoughts about the deceased, but in a dream.

Dreams of the deceased parents living

Why do deceased parents come to sleep? National interpretation

К чему снится умерший родитель?People say that such dreams promise serious changes in the weather. Here they can be considered as folk signs: the late father and mother came to be a torrential rain. Of course, do not believe in this blindly. It is reasonable to believe that this is just a coincidence. Any weather on our planet is changeable and submits to gravitational forces from space. Traditional healers claim that the deceased mother, who has fallen asleep to her child, bears him a warning against performing various rash acts. Often it promises new trends.

Clergymen claim that the deceasedparents who come into their children's dreams, bring them news from heaven. The fathers and holy fathers are sure that parents in such an uncomplicated way ask their children to remember about them, putting a candle in the temple for the repose.

Why are the dead parents still alive?From time immemorial there is a belief in the people that this is a message from the other world. It is believed that the deceased after his true death is in close contact with our world for 40 days. At the same time, his soul will not find rest, until the living will fulfill any of his lifetime request. Healers recommend listening to such dreams.

what dreams of the deceased parent

Dreams of deceased parents. Dream interpretation Tsvetkova

Interpreter of dreams Yevgeny Tsvetkov givesslightly different explanation for this. If you dream of dead parents alive, you need to try to remember as many different details and details as you can see. For example, parents who dreamed in a warm environment personify well-being in their personal lives and stability at work. In turn, if the deceased mother or father appeared in a dream with swearing and threats, then this is definitely their disapproval from the other world. Apparently, they do not approve of any of your affairs. To talk with them in a dream - to real help waking.

What will Wang tell us?

The famous prophetess Vanga responds tothe question: “What do the dead parents dream of?” - with its intrinsic mystery and drama. If, for example, a deceased father already dreamed of a man, then he needs to look into himself. Perhaps, in reality the dreamer is tormented by remorse. Repentance will help. Wanga recommends confession to get rid of negative emotions, "devouring" the sleeper from the inside.

The departed father can dream and in case of reluctancethe dreamer turn back time, avoiding repeated mistakes. The father comes to sleep, as it were, in order to affect his careless son. If a deceased mother dreamed of a girl, then in reality a quick deception from her loved one is coming. A mother, as it were, warns her daughter that in reality a unworthy and insincere person is spinning around her, receiving some benefit from communication. Wang strongly recommends to listen to the advice of the deceased mother and father, because parents will never advise the bad to their children!

why do dead parents dream

What dreams of dead parents. Dream Miller

The American psychologist Gustav Miller divides dreams of deceased close relatives into two groups:

  • dreams seen with parents who are still alive;
  • dreams seen after their true death.

It is curious that in both situations Miller sees nothing wrong at all. Moreover, the dead in a dream, but their living parents are a sign of their subsequent longevity. This is the view of Gustav Miller.

Esoteric dream book: deceased parents

Unfortunately, the interpreters of this dream book usdisappoint. The fact is that such dreams, in their opinion, bring only unhappiness and health problems. Often, deceased parents dream precisely during a period of life instability and professional instability of a person. It is at this time that people are most at risk of failure and problems.

deceased parents often dream

Например, приснившаяся мать сулит вам хвори и various ailments. But it will be only in the case when she starts talking to you. In no case can not go after her, if she calls you! Otherwise, you can get sick, get into an accident, etc.

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