/ / The Day of the Angel and the Name-Day of Margarita

Day of the angel and name-day of Margarita

Margarita is very beautiful, but not verypopular name in Russia. In addition, he is not in the church lists of names, and because of this there are difficulties during baptism. Among other things, the question arises as to which name to baptize Margarita and on what day she should celebrate the name day. Margaritas currently have several solutions to these problems, which we will discuss in this article. But beforehand we will find out what the name-day is inherently.

Name Day Margaritas

About Name Day

Name day is a holiday, which is officiallyis called the day of the angel. Although the angel means not an angel, as we imagine it, but a saint, in honor of whom a person bears his name. This association is established at the time of performing the sacrament of baptism, and therefore unbaptized people in principle can not celebrate the name day. That sainthood of God, whose name is given to man in the sacrament, becomes his patron, so to speak, a patron in the spiritual life and an intercessor before the Most High. And the day of his church memory is also a personal holiday of man.

Name Day margaritas according to the church calendar

How to find out the name day?

When believers are baptized or when they arebaptize their children, to choose a name and patron saint are more than seriously and consciously. Therefore, questions about when to celebrate and in honor of whom to celebrate, these people do not arise. But most of them are more careless, so a few explanations should be made. First, if a person was baptized as a child, and he does not know, in honor of whom (not preserved evidence, parents do not remember, etc.), he has the right to choose himself the patron of any of the same canonized saint, based on his personal sympathies and antipathies . If he himself can not make a choice, then the patron is calculated according to the calendar. To do this, the saints need to find a holy namesake, the day of commemoration of which will be closest to all the rest of the person's birthday. This is something holy and will be considered a patron. It is worth saying that once made a choice in the future is not subject to revision.

Below we will talk about how to choose the patronesses of Margaritas, and briefly touch on the biographies of their main saint.

margarita name-day orthodox

Name Day of Margarita in the church calendar

Traditionally it is believed that Margarita isCatholic name, which is not in the orthodox svyatsam. Therefore, the name-day of the Margarita is celebrated on the ecclesiastical calendar on the day of memory of one of the saints Marin - it is with this name that the girls named Margarita are baptized. However, the situation changed somewhat in 2010, when after the glorification of a number of holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia, two holy Margarits were introduced to the saints. And now the name-day of Margarita, who was baptized after 2010, can celebrate in their honor.

Первая из них - это Маргарита Гунаронуло, бывшая during the lifetime of the Abbess of one of the monasteries. The problem is that she does not have her own resident memory day, and therefore women assigned to her patronage should celebrate the day of the angel on January 25 - the day of remembrance of all new martyrs and confessors.

The second is the nun Margarita Zakachurina.Her memory day is celebrated, in addition to the general commemoration day of the confessors and new martyrs, on December 2. Of course, they are little known, and many continue to be baptized in memory of the more famous Marina of Antioch. It is due to the fact that in the Catholic Church this ancient saint is named Margarita. Orthodox names are therefore also most often timed to her memory. Thus, the choice remains for the person.

margarita the day of the angel's birthday

About the holy martyr Margarita (Marina)

Whatever it was, most of Margaret hasthe honor of being the ward of this holy martyr. Martyr Marina (Margarita), the day of the angel, the name day and simply the church memory of which is widely and solemnly celebrated throughout the Orthodox Church (especially in Greek jurisdictions), was born in Antioch of Pisidia. Her father was a pagan priest, and when he learned that his daughter converted to Christianity, he denied it and drove him out of the house. Together with her guardian, she began to live in the field, grazing herds of animals. Once it was seen by the prefect of the region by the name of Olimvri and, having fallen in love, offered her a hand and heart, while setting the condition that she return to the fold of the religion of her ancestors. However, Margarita, wanting to keep the virginity and faithfulness to Christ, refused. The angry ruler tortured her, as a result of which she died, having performed a series of fantastic miracles. Among other things, she allegedly swallowed the dragon, but then spat it out, because with her there was a cross.

It happened, according to the life, in 304 year.However, many historians doubt both the historical authenticity of the history of St. Margaret and its existence. Some experts claim that the legends about her are the development of a Christianized legend about the goddess Aphrodite. Moreover, as early as the end of the fourth century the Pope of Rome, Gelasius, the cult of St. Margarita was banned as false. Therefore, there the name-day Marguerites did not celebrate in her honor. However, the veneration of this saint remained in the eastern church, whence it again re-entered the western church during the Crusades. In one way or another the name-day of the Margarita is celebrated today on July 17, according to the old style or July 30, according to the new style.

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