/ / Name day and the Angel of Catherine

Name Day and Angel Day of Catherine

Catherine is a Greek name, the meaning of which is -purity and purity. It is common both in the secular world and in the church environment, being traditional for many countries of Europe, as well as for Russia. The subject of the discussion of this article on those who bear the name Catherine is the name day (the day of the angel) - that is, the day in which the memory of their patron saints is celebrated.

the day of Catherine the Great

February 5th. The Monk Martyr Ekaterina (Cherkasova)

The first in the list of our saints will beThe Monk Martyr Catherine. She was born in 1892 in the Moscow province. Since 1915 she was a novice of the monastery in Klin district. The cloister was closed in 1922, after which Catherine moved to one of the villages of the Istra district. Like many other monastics and clergymen, Catherine was arrested during the repressions of 1937-1939 on charges of anti-Soviet activities. Based on the accusation, she was sentenced to be shot. The verdict was carried out on February 5, 1938. In 2001, it was ranked among the saints, setting a day of memory, and, accordingly, the day of Catherine the Great on February 5.

February 17. The MonkMartyr Catherine (Decalina)

This woman was born in 1875 in Simbirskprovince. At the age of fifteen, she became a novice in the monastery of the city of Simbirsk, where she lived until the closing of the monastery in 1920. In 1937, she was arrested along with a group of others, accusing the organization of counter-revolutionary activities, and sentenced to be shot. The verdict was carried out in 1938 on 17 February. As a saint, she was glorified in 2004 by the definition of the Holy Synod of the ROC MP. February 17 is the day of Catherine the Great. The date corresponds to the date of death of this woman.

angel's day date

20th of March. The Monk Martyr Ekaterina (Konstantinova)

Ekaterina Konstantinova was born in 1887year near Moscow. Already in 1905 she enrolled in obedience in one of the Moscow women's monasteries. Like many other monasteries, it was closed shortly after the revolution. When this happened, Catherine moved to live in her native village, where she lived until 1938, when she was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet activities. March 20 of the same year, she was shot. By the face of saints Catherine was ranked in 2002. The day of the angel Catherine, named in honor of this saint, falls on the day of her death - March 20.

7 December. The Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria

About who really was this woman,there is little information. It is possible that the life is represented by a collective, in many respects mythological image of a saint, which differs significantly from the prototype. Anyway, the church tradition claims that this woman lived in the III century in the city of Alexandria. In Christianity from paganism, she was converted by a certain monk from Syria. The death of a woman is connected with her attempt to convert Emperor Maximin to Christianity, when he made sacrifices during a pagan holiday. Instead, the ruler deceived her beauty and tried to bring her back to the bosom of the fatherly faith, wanting to make her his wife. But Catherine refused, for which she was betrayed by torment and, in the end, beheaded. The day of the angel Catherine named in memory of this saint is celebrated on December 7.

day of the angel

17 December. The Martyr Catherine (Arka)

This woman was born, who later became a saintmartyr, in 1875 in St. Petersburg. She graduated from St. Petersburg University, was married to a military artillery officer. In 1918, she lost two daughters, who died from an epidemic of cholera. Two years later, Catherine completely lost all family members - the spouse and the remaining children, who died of dysentery. Life tragedies led her to a close relationship with the Alexander Nevsky Brotherhood, which later played a key role in her destiny. On charges of counter-revolutionary activities, she was arrested in 1932 and sentenced to three years of correctional labor in the camps. When the term of punishment expired, she was forbidden to return to St. Petersburg, and so she settled in a village in the Novgorod province. In 1937, a second arrest followed and a verdict to the death penalty. December 17, Catherine was shot. As a saint was glorified in 2003. The day of the angel Catherine bearing a name in honor of this martyr is celebrated on December 17.

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