/ / How to summon a genie: traditions and magic

How to summon a genie: traditions and magic

Genies are creatures created from smoke from fire.According to the Quran, Allah created them at the same time as the man created from the earth, and the angel created from the light. Following the work of the famous cosmographer Al Qazvini, the genie emerges from the smoke, reincarnating into a beast (wolf, jackal, lion, scorpion or snake) or human. In this connection, a prejudice arose that the gin in the lamp lives. Confirmation of this can be found in the literature and cinema, where in most cases the genie is summoned from the lamp, rubbing it three times with your hand.

how to summon a genie
However, some sources say that the genies live in a world parallel to humans: like people, they get families, marry, believe or do not believe in God.

Good genie: look and faith

Of all four kinds of genies, the most kindthe Marids are considered to be the most rational and reasonable representatives. They are a kind of monarch of the world of the jinn. According to the work of E. Lane, genies have different sizes - large and small, and completely different shapes - they represent the embodiment of ugliness or unearthly beauty. It can be argued that good genies exist, but they have the same abilities with evil ones: to disappear, to penetrate through objects, to dissolve in space.

gin in a lamp

How to summon a gin in the traditional way

There are several ways to call a genie.The traditional way is with the help of a lamp. To do this, you need to prepare a cozy, isolated from the noise, a warm (well-warmed) place, a lamp (an old kettle), scented candles or sticks. In addition, wondering how to summon a genie, it is necessary to clearly understand whether you believe in it, otherwise you will simply waste time.

The room should be moderately lit.After you lighted the incense sticks, you should concentrate on your belief in the genie, transfer its image to a lamp, which all this time should remain in your hands. Then focus on your desire. After that, you can open the lamp (kettle) and talk with it.

How to summon a genie with magic

Ingredients: a bottle of pure copper, a cat's tail, indigo paint, a lid of lead, boiling resin.

The tail of the cat should be placed in a container ofcopper, then you should get it by dripping an indigo-colored bottle into the bottle. Next, you need to "ask" the genie to enter the bottle 33 times. The Spirit will ask you to let him go. It is at this stage that you should tell him that now you are his master, and cork him with a lead lid in the bottle. Then there it is required to pour the boiling pitch prepared beforehand and leave it until you need his help. It is important to remember that with genie should be treated in a friendly manner.

How to call a snake gin

kind genie

In a place isolated from people,During the week, pronounce the invoking spell, it should be pronounced 1000 times. The snake serpent appears first in the shape of a snake, then in the form of a black man. This genie not only fulfills wishes, but also gives good advice. However, it is more difficult to call it, because it is not always possible to communicate with a person. In this case, the aromatic oil of benzoin should be thrown on the fire to make it appear.

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