/ / The best recipe for gin at home

The best recipe for gin at home

How to make gin from alcohol at home? This drink, otherwise known as "juniper vodka", has been known for more than one century and is one of the most popular and beloved on the planet.

A bit of history

Its authorship is attributed to Franciscus Silvius- a Dutch scientist of the 16th century, a professor of medicine who used this fluid as a therapeutic drug for kidney diseases. The curative composition was freely available in pharmacies.

how to make gin from alcohol at home

In the middle of the 17th century, warming propertiesjuniper liquid were appreciated by the British soldiers, and since 1689 the production of gin was put on stream in England. Favorite drink of pirates (after the Roma) at first did not differ high quality and was affordable even to ordinary commoner. The first number of gin was in America, where he reached in the late 19th century. Its quality and cost have increased significantly, and in 1920, at the legislative level, the exact characteristics of gin were identified, by the time it became popular. So, for its production it was allowed to use alcohol with a strength of not less than 96%.

Characteristic features of juniper vodka

The recipe for gin at home is simple.At the big desire this drink can be prepared by any person, understanding, what distinctive features it should possess. Strong alcoholic beverage - the result of distillation of juniper berries and wheat alcohol should:

  • when tasting in pure form, give a strong sensation of coldness in the mouth;
  • have a pronounced aroma of juniper, significantly suppressing the aroma of other ingredients: almonds, orange, coriander, lemon.

English and Dutch gin: distinctive features

How to cook gin from alcohol at home? Recipes of preparation are diverse and are associated with 2 existing types of drink: Dutch and English, differing in the technology of preparation.

gin from alcohol at home recipes

Dutch gin is made by adding tograin wort aromatic constituents and its subsequent distillation in order to obtain "malt wine". The resulting product must be diluted with water, re-added juniper, flavors and distilled. The fortress of finished gin is usually 35about. When aged in oak barrels, as is customary at the manufacturing plants, the drink acquires a characteristic golden color.

English gin is prepared by the method of adding aromatic alcohols and vegetable additives to the raw alcohol subjected to secondary distillation.

Gin on home moonshine

The recipe for gin at home from moonshine is pretty simple. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 liters of grain refined moonshine;
  • 20-40 grams of juniper berries;
  • 8-10 grams of coriander seeds;
  • 5-6 grams of orange peel;
  • 2-3 grams of lemon peel;
  • 2-4 grams of cinnamon (in the ground form of the product you need to take a little less);
  • For 1 gram of anise, fennel, hyssop, licorice.
    recipe gin at home from moonshine

Recipe for gin at home from moonshineconsists of several stages, the first of which is the preparation of tincture. All the ingredients should be thrown into a glass container, filled with alcohol and insisted in a dark place for a week. Further, it is recommended to drain the liquid, filter well and dilute with cold clean water up to 30-35about.

recipe for gin at home
Then the diluted tincture should be poured inapparatus, putting the heating device at first to a small temperature (to evenly heat the spices), and then increase it to an average. Further it is recommended to select 15-20 ml of "heads", and the main fraction - before dropping in a jet of a degree to 70-65. It is important not to miss this moment, because even because of the minimal "tails", the end product will be cloudy. The resulting alcohol should be measured for strength and diluted to 45-48about. It is recommended to do this in a separate vessel, inwhich is to pour part of the alcohol, gradually introducing water into it. A ready drink should be given a week to rest. It is required for rounding off the aromas and gaining a more pronounced and harmonious taste with such an inspirational drink as gin from home-brew. Recipes without distillation are used infrequently, since in this case the output is not gin, but juniper tincture.

The recipe for juniper tincture (gin without distillation)

To prepare a specific beverage you will need:

  • ½ liter of vodka;
  • 10 berries of juniper.

gin from home-brewed recipes without distillation
Berries should be kneaded with a rolling pin, put inglass container, pour vodka and insist for 2 weeks. Separately it is required from 25 grams of sugar and half a glass of water to boil the syrup (not leading to a boil). Stirred contents are combined with syrup, give a "rest" 2-3 days, after which you can enjoy the wonderful specific taste of homemade gin.

Gin on alcohol basis

The above-described recipe for gin at home is quite popular, but lovers of a strong flavored drink should definitely try the second recipe, for preparation which should be taken:

  • juniper fruit - 25 grams;
  • cumin - 2 tsp;
  • coriander - 3 tsp.
  • 96-degree alcohol - 610 ml.

Cumin with coriander and juniper fruits should be insisted in separate containers.

  1. In 330 ml of alcohol, add 70 ml of water, thus lowering the degree to 80. With the resulting solution, pour in the juniper berries.
  2. The remaining 280 ml of alcohol dilute 60 ml of water to 80about. Cumin and coriander are covered in the resulting liquid.
  3. Insist both solutions for 4-5 days,regularly mixing. Then each individually distilled, pre-filtered, wrung out the fruits of the remains of alcohol and diluted 1.5 times with boiled water.
  4. The first 10 ml should be discarded. From each infusion, distillate (260 ml each), mix and dilute to obtain 1 liter of high-quality gin with boiled water.

Recipe for gin at home from citrus

To make gin at home production you will need:

  • ½ liter of moonshine;
  • 70 grams of juniper berries;
  • zest of lime, lemon, orange.

This recipe for gin at home is based on the combination of all the ingredients and their infusion for 2 weeks. Then the liquid must be diluted with water to 45about fortress, add a small amount of fructose and insist another 7-10 days, sometimes shaking. The drink is ready.

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