/ / How to choose a polish for a car body. Car polishes: tests and expert reviews

How to choose a polish for the car body. Car polishes: tests and expert reviews

Body is one of the most valuable parts of anycar. But, unfortunately, it is he who is most often exposed to external factors - ultraviolet radiation, road dust and small stones. Therefore, car owners often wonder: how to protect the body paintwork from all external stimuli? There are only two options - the installation of armored film or regular polishing of the car.

car body polish
And if the first option will be for you greatlydear, you can always keep the original appearance of your iron friend with a polishing paste. And about what kind of polish for the car body is better to choose, tell our today's article.

Varieties of pastes

In order to polish the body does not become a waste of money for you, you should choose the right paste. Currently, there are three types of these funds:

  • Abrasive.
  • Wax
  • Synthetic.

Each of these types of polishes has a different composition and is used for different purposes. Let's look at the features of each of them separately.

what polish for car body

Abrasive paste

Данный тип полироли содержит в себе различные abrasives. It can be clay, marble powder or chalk. All these components greatly enhance the cleansing effect. However, they should often not be used. Such a polish for a car body is needed only when there is a need to polish and remove shallow scratches on the paintwork of the metal. At the same time it should be used very carefully.

How effective is such a body polish?car? Reviews of the owners say that when used properly, this paste copes well with old, stubborn spots and scratches on the paintwork. As a result, after processing the car body becomes fresh and presentable again.

However, it is worth noting that with each newprocessing this paste cleans a small layer of paintwork. Therefore, it can only be used no more than ten times. Then the paste will not scrub the paint and paint, and the soil. It is also possible that abrasive components will completely remove paintwork materials down to the metal. Therefore, before use, you should carefully read the instructions. Otherwise, you risk damaging the body of your iron friend to an even greater extent.

Upon completion of the work with grinding, the car is additionally covered with another type of protective paste, less abrasive than before.


This is one of the most popular types of polishes.With this type of paste, you can quickly make the car shine and get a bright body color. What is most interesting - the effect of the use of this polish lasts a very long time. However, after re-washing the entire protective layer is washed off with a large pressure of water. But, as a rule, the actions of this polish last for three to four months. Such a body has good water-repellent properties, microcracks are not formed on it and road dust is not delayed.

The most high-quality polishes enough for two or three sessions of washing. After that, the machine must again be processed with protective paste.


the best polishes for the car body

Synthetic are polishes, which include synthetic materials. Now there are three types of pastes:

  • Recovery.
  • Polymer.
  • Silicone.

Recovery pastes

Their composition also includes chemicalcompounds that help remove the old layer of enamel from the paintwork and small scuffs. Also, restorative pastes perfectly remove oxidized paint, due to which the body color becomes dull and ugly.

Polymer paste

They are also very popular withmotorists. The main reasons why this polish has become so popular is its low price, high efficiency and long-lasting body protection. Polymer paste is able to protect the car from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, dust, salts and small scuffs, which may arise as a result of contact of the metal with any branch or shrub when leaving the country.

Silicone paste

This polish has almost the sameproperties, as well as wax - it perfectly protects the body from external negative factors. But, unfortunately, it is also short-lived. Its layer disappears in two or three months of intensive use of the car.

In what forms are these substances sold?

Protective polishes for car body canbe presented in the form of liquids, pastes and aerosols. There are also solids. To find out which type is best for your car, consider the features of each of them.

Liquid agents

So, liquid polishes for the car body.Such substances are among the most uneconomical. The fact is that after applying this substance is strongly spreading, and it is unlikely that a thick layer can be squeezed out. In addition, the liquid professional polish for the car body has a high cost. Therefore, if you buy it, then only the one with a large percentage of the content of silicone.

protective polishes for car body


As for solids, they are compared toliquid does not spread, and you can apply them in a thick layer (this will allow you to restore the color of even the dimmed paint). However, we should not forget that the use of such funds is a very long and painful business.

Creams and pastes

Polishing paste - this is probably the mostsuitable option for motorists. They contain both silicone and wax. This composition allows you to give a maximum shine to the car. In addition, the paste does not spread according to its consistency and at the same time it is well rubbed into the surface. The cost of such polish is several times less than liquid analogues. Polishes for the car body "3m" can be purchased for only 150-200 rubles. In this case, one tube is enough for you to re-process the car body twice (or, to be economical, three times). Also considered very good pasta "TEMRO" (this company produces the best polishes for the car body).


As for aerosol substances, they have their ownspecial benefits. The main advantage of such polishes is ease of application. However, when choosing these substances should pay great attention to the composition. High-quality polishes should contain a large percentage of silicone. Otherwise, there will simply be no sense in using these aerosols. At best, the gloss effect will disappear in a week. Therefore, you should not buy cheap aerosols - so you will spend in vain not only your money, but also precious time, which is spent on the processing of paintwork.

liquid polishes for car body

What to choose in the end?

In fact, everything is very simple.In order to choose the most suitable polish for the car body, it is necessary to assess the external condition of the paintwork. Only after that make a decision on what kind of paste to acquire. If the paintwork of the body of your car has a large number of chips and scratches, it is best to use abrasive substances with a reducing effect. Note also that such polishes should be used only in the case when the life of your car is more than three years. Otherwise, abrasive particles will severely damage the body and will not provide any reducing effect.

Well, if you just want to give the car more brilliance, get wax or synthetic paste.


Which manufacturer is better to choose by purchasingpolishes for car body? Tests and studies have shown that ABRO Super Gold substances, as well as products of the company Likvi Moli, cope with their functions with the highest quality. In addition, the protective properties of well distinguished PINGO Hi-Sheen paste wax (imported polishes for the car body). Tests have shown that this substance perfectly protects the car from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays. In addition, this paste is very durable and able to stick to the paintwork, even after several car washes.

Polishing rules

Finally, we note several rules for applying polishing technology to a car body:

  • Before polishing, wash and dry the body paintwork thoroughly. At the same time on its surface should not be bitumen deposits and tar.
  • Choose the most suitable weather. It is best to polish not in the sun, but in the shade. In this case, the greater the humidity, the better the wax will fall on the paintwork.
  • Наносить пасту следует на равномерные участки.To do this, divide the hood and trunk into two parts, and the roof - into four. Do not apply the paste in a very thick layer - it will make it difficult to polish. Moreover, after processing the gloss on the body will be uneven.
  • Polishing substances produced with a soft dry cloth. The latter should not have a pronounced lint.

Please note that if your bodyworkThe car was recently painted, it is not recommended to process these areas even with a gentle polish. The fact is that within 4-8 weeks fresh paint will polymerize, and the solvent will gradually come out. If you apply the polish before this time, it will simply clog all the pores, and the paint will remain soft for a long period. In this case, at the slightest damage, it may fall.

polish for car body reviews

After body treatment with polishing pasteit is necessary to make a small test on the quality of work performed. To do this, pour water on any part of the body. If the liquid begins to collect in large drops and flow out, you should know that you have done the job qualitatively.


So, we have considered the best polishes forcar body and found out what rules should be followed when polishing. As you can see, paying a little attention to your iron friend, you can give it a more fresh and bright look, the one in which it came off the assembly line. And even if you notice a scratch on his body, you can still remove it with polishes. The main thing - to know exactly what type of pasta for this should be used.

The polishing itself can be produced asindependently, and at the service station. However, if you have a special circular machine with a nozzle, then the quality of your work will practically not be inferior to the level of professional.

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