Many of us have ever heard ofall sorts of methods of self-improvement, clairvoyance and other extrasensory abilities. And if anyone can practice yoga, then what is the true nature of all these mythical supernormal abilities? Are they given to a person from above, or can everyone develop them in themselves? In this article we will examine in more detail such a thing as the third eye chakra. Where is this chakra located, what properties does it have, how to open it? Read in this article.
Before starting a detailed reviewthe third eye itself, you should clarify what chakras are. In esotericism, this word is called certain nodal points of energy concentration located in the human body, or more precisely, in its aura. It is believed that the chakras are an important component of the human body, consciousness, their nature is of the most practical importance in our lives. The quality of the latter and the state of our health are directly dependent on the state of the energies that are concentrated in the chakras.
Energy is everywhere.Some of its types interact with others, and those energies and vibrations that have the same wavelength attract each other according to the principle of a magnet. Each of the chakras also corresponds to a specific type of energy and a specific element. The third eye chakra, for example, corresponds to the Element of Mind.
Чакра, которую еще называют третьим глазом, located in a place that is just above the point between the eyebrows. What is the third eye chakra called? Her name is Ajna, which means “order, command” in Sanskrit. This chakra is responsible for the functioning of the pineal gland, the carotid plexus, as well as the brain. In general, the ajna chakra is responsible for how the world is perceived by human consciousness, and it also affects the ability of a person to see subtle energies. The third eye is clairvoyance, the ability to see the past and the future, to perceive the thoughts of people. All seven chakras have their colors, which correspond to the colors of the rainbow - from red to purple. The chakra of the third eye, the color of which is sky blue, is the sixth in a row and corresponds to higher energies than the chakras below it.
Считается, что у всех детей возрастом до трех лет Ajna chakra is open. Young children have some clairvoyance, they can see or at least feel subtle energies and biofields. However, as they grow up under the influence of traditional upbringing, this ability of theirs is drowned and lost. The development of the sixth chakra will help to achieve harmony between the physical and spiritual body of a person.
Actually the state of the third eye chakramatters to any person, not even possessing extrasensory abilities. An individual who can activate this chakra is able to perceive messages on the mental and energetic levels, control his subconscious, he has a better developed intuition. At the same time, the third-eye chakra oversees mental work, memory, and willpower — the physical characteristics of a particular person.
The development of the third eye chakra is necessary for everyone, especially for those whose activity is connected with creative or analytical thinking.
The gift of clairvoyance is possessed precisely by those peoplewhich open the third eye chakra. What is this ability? Clairvoyance is not only the ability to obtain information from otherworldly sources, it is also the ability to see the biofield, including the aura of other people. One who is able to sense the aura cannot be deceived, because such a person can see feelings, thoughts and desires. In addition, clairvoyance will help to recognize the presence of various diseases, both physical and mental.
However, it should be understood that the gift of clairvoyance canbecome a heavy burden. A person whose third eye is developed and functioning can be very susceptible to all sorts of negative things. Our world is cruel, and the things that happen in it are not always pleasant. Many people simply do not notice all this, but not those who have the ability to see the hidden. Nevertheless, one can learn to “turn off” the subtle vision in order to lower one's susceptibility and sensitivity.
There are many methods by whichthe third eye chakra develops. How to open it and balance it - we'll talk about it. Perhaps the easiest way is to exercise with a candle. It should be done every day for a month, preferably after sunset. The essence of this method is as follows: you need to take an ordinary candle, light it and put it in front of you at arm's length. Then within one minute it is necessary to look at the fire of the candle, trying not to blink or look away. After that, close your eyes and try to visualize the glare from the candle in the very place where the third eye is located.
With each new day, increase the durationcontemplation of the flame from the candle for one minute. Thus, after a month, the exercise time will have to be at least half an hour. If you are doing everything right, then every day this exercise will be easier, you will be able to hold the glare without much effort. Of course, this method cannot guarantee 100% opening of the third eye, but it will help develop your inner vision, which is also important.
The development of psychic abilities islong and difficult path, so there can not do without meditation. Learn to relax, use different breathing techniques, meditate. Besides the fact that this practice will help to open the chakras, it is also able to have a positive impact on the state of your body as a whole.
Even the open ajna chakra needs regularworkouts. For example, in your free time you can do the following exercise: Lie on your back, close your eyes, relax. Mentally visualize a blue ball, feel the heat that comes from it. Focus on it and move it to the third eye zone. Do not strain and try to hold the ball by force. Feel how your ball pulsates and the third eye chakra is saturated with its pleasant warmth. What will it give you? Such exercises will help accelerate the activation of the sixth chakra.
Chakras need constant energizing and cleansing. That is why you should perform meditation sessions. Here is another useful exercise.
Concentrate on the center of your head, onlevel between the eyebrows, approximately between the hemispheres of the brain - where the very third eye chakra, whose name is ajna, is located. Imagine that there is a bright blue energy vortex. It has the shape of a ball and rotates clockwise (as viewed from above), while the same bright blue energy of your thought accumulates in it. The chakra sucks in this energy of the mind and illuminates your head with a cold blue light. The cells of your brain are filled with power, they feed and are cleansed, you feel the tension leaving your blood vessels and capillaries. Improves the speed of thinking, memory and work of other functions of your brain.
By performing this exercise for 10–15 minutes, you will be able to fill your chakra with energy and also improve the performance of the brain.
The presence of a large number of negative emotions andbad thoughts, unwillingness or inability to accept oneself — all these factors lead to the closing of the sixth chakra. Open the third eye will succeed only when you can clear your mind of all this negative.
A man whose third eye chakra is closed orclogged, becomes vulnerable in many ways. It is difficult for him to tell lies from truth, it is difficult for him to understand himself, in his dreams and aspirations. Ultimately, in the life of people whose chakras are closed, there is a mass of contradictions and conflicts, both internal and external, which regularly lead to nervous tension and fatigue. Disappointment in oneself, in one’s own strengths and in the sense of life - this is the end result.
Actually open the third eye chakra is not soeasy. To do this, it may not be enough to perform a course of simplest exercises, like an exercise with candles. Cultivation is a difficult path and, choosing it, you have to go all the way. You should not stop halfway or limit yourself to a certain extent - having achieved the result, set yourself new goals and continue to work on yourself.
In order for the chakra of the third eye to open,you need to change, learn to look at the world in a new way. Get rid of all the negativity that is present in your life, say goodbye to bad habits, you may even have to reconsider your diet. Self-discipline and self-discipline again. Finally, get ready for the fact that you can open the third eye only after you can activate all the previous five chakras.
Вполне очевидно, что большинство людей хотели бы to have a clear and clean mind, and not to be able to use all the possibilities of your body - mental, emotional, metaphysical. In order to achieve this, it is worthwhile to get down to work on clearing and opening the sixth chakra. Everyone wants to achieve some success in life, and for this you need to use all your mental and creative abilities to the maximum. The pure open ajna third eye chakra will allow you to take full advantage of your intuition, ensure clarity of mind and stability of the emotional state.