/ / Solar plexus where is a person?

Solar plexus where is a person?

One of the most sensitive areas in the human body is the solar plexus. Where it is located, every person should know in order to try to protect it from injury if possible.

man's solar plexus

In the human body there is one verysensitive area called solar plexus. It concentrates a large number of nerve endings, as well as their nodes. Often, people may feel an incomprehensible pain in this area, but they cannot say exactly what is bothering them. To understand what kind of pain can be dangerous, you need to figure out what the solar plexus is, where it is, and also what its meaning is in the human body.

What is included in the solar plexus

Солнечное сплетение также называется чревным.This area of ​​the body includes several large nerve nodes, as well as numerous nerves that connect them. The composition of the solar plexus includes two celiac nodes lying to the left and right of the celiac trunk, having a lunar shape. There are also two aorto-bud nodes located between the left and right renal arteries. And the third node in the composition is the mesenteric, upper unpaired node.

Where is the solar plexus

The solar plexus is located in the upper region of the stomach, and more precisely between the end of the chest and the beginning of the abdominal cavity.

The celiac plexus is located behind the stomach, inthe epigastrium, on one and the other side of the spinal column. Many people describe the location of this area "between the ribs under the rib cage." So much easier to understand the area of ​​concentration of the solar plexus.

The role of the solar plexus

The celiac plexus plays a very large role inin humans, many even underestimate the values ​​of this nervous zone. It is able to control the main internal organs, emotions and other important body functions. The solar plexus in humans is one of the many vital centers of the body.

Causes of pain in the central nervous zone

solar plexus. where is

Pain in the celiac plexus warns that problems occur in the body. Without attention, this pain can not be left.

The pain may be different:

- pulling;

- pressing;

- cutting;

- piercing.

Pain characterizes the failure of an internal organ in the body.

The following conditions can cause pain:

- infection;

- inflammation of the digestive organs;

- heart failure.

Pressing pain most often speaks of ulcerativeexacerbation of the digestive tract. Such diseases include gastric ulcer, esophagitis, reflux, duodenal ulcer. In addition to pain, a person may feel weakness of the body, he may be disturbed by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

If acute and severe pain occurs in the area,where the solar plexus is in humans, this may indicate pancreatic diseases, for example, pancreatitis. In this case, besides the pain, the temperature rises, it hurts in my side.

where is the solar plexus in humans

Acutely expressed stitching pains that occur with seizures and are aggravated after physical exertion may indicate such a disease as neuritis and neuralgia.

Also pain can haunt a person afterinjuries of the solar plexus. In this case, the pain can be dull and aching, and acute, having a paroxysmal character. Anything can be the cause of injuries, but basically it is a blow during a fight, a ball hit during a sports game, and also injuries from a fall.

If the pain in the area continuesa long period and no measures are taken at the same time; a solarium can develop, which is the most severe damage to the solar plexus. The inflammatory process of the solar node may develop. Also, this disease is accompanied by pain in the heart, stomach, appetite, and general weakness of the body.

Strike to the solar plexus area

Удар в чревное сплетение считается одной из самых serious human injury. Injury can lead to loss of consciousness, respiratory failure or even death. It should beware of a blow to the solar plexus. Where this zone is located, there is no bone protection. Weak protection is only due to the muscles, but even far from every person is so pumped up to perform a protective action. A blow to this area of ​​the human body may cause a rupture of the diaphragm or contribute to the penetration of intestinal loops into the chest area.

solar plexus area

Hernia may develop from a stroke, requiringsurgical removal. The rupture of the diaphragm can only happen with a penetrating bounce; in the case of a less powerful blow, the diaphragm shrinks, leading to difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness.

Solar knot chakra

Not only a physical, but also a spiritual role.performs solar plexus. Where is this zone, there is the main chakra of the spiritual world of man. The solar plexus chakra is manipura. It is considered the most important chakra for both the person himself and his body. It is believed that it contains in itself all our strength of spirit.

Manipura absorbs the stimulating and life-givingthe power of the sun, and also assists in establishing the active connection of man with another physical world. The development of the human spiritual world is connected with this chakra.

Also manipura performs the function of cleansinghuman desires that are transmitted to other chakras of the lower rank. Other chakras contribute to the development of personal growth and spirituality of a person, using their creative energy.

solar plexus is located

Manipura is able to control the main parthuman consciousness. It forms the attitude of a person towards other people. Love, trust, sympathy and antipathy - all this is formed by the main chakra of the body.

It should be remembered that the solar plexusis a rather fragile place in the human body, so care should be taken of this area and for any painful sensations it urgently needs to see a doctor for more than a few days, because the consequences of pain can be very adverse.

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