/ / Aries and Aquarius - compatibility in marriage, love and sex

Aries and Aquarius - compatibility in marriage, love and sex

Compatibility of Aries and Aquarius can be calledexplosive! Their marriage is a real time bomb. Aries in a moment is able to fan the fire of the wrath of Aquarius, and then wait for trouble ... Read more about this.

Are Aries and Aquarius compatible?

There is an opinion that the union of these two signs of the zodiacis almost the most successful that it was created in heaven. According to one data, the stars are favorable for partners: bright, talented and extraordinary children are born in their union. Other sources say that Aries and Aquarius are far from simple partners. We will discuss the second variant of the interpretation of the compatibility of these signs.

Aries and Aquarius

Love horoscope

Aries and Aquarius are very jealous.This is their greatest danger. The first partner in general is an eerie owner! Even extraneous views on his second half can awaken in Aries an attack of jealousy and possessive instinct. It is a pity that he does not understand the simple truth: his possessions and unjustified jealousy kill all feelings in the partner (if not instantly, it is still pretty quickly, without the slightest chance of resuscitation).

Sexy horoscope

Aquarius is by nature not passionatelover. For him, the spiritual component of life is more important than bodily pleasures ... At the same time he is not against experiments in bed, but he tries to keep everything in moderation. That is why in sex, the main role should be given to Aries, who will set the tone.

compatibility of ram and aquarius

Family horoscope

Bear in mind that in the marriage of Aries and Aquariusmany pitfalls. Each of the partners is in search of those or other sensations and interests that can cause major disruption in the family. Aries do not need to excessively show their authoritarianism, blocking the air of freedom for Aquarius ...

Long-term family relationships betweenrepresentatives of these two signs of the zodiac are possible only if Aries and Aquarius met each other at a fairly mature age. If this happened before, then, as we already know, something like a time bomb will work out. With a good mix of circumstances, mature Aries will always enjoy the support of Aquarius, and he in turn will admire the artistry and upbringing of Aries. Only in this case they can create a very harmonious union.

horoscope Aries and Aquarius

Spiritual Compatibility

Aries and Aquarius - two frivolous in the showerrights. They are afraid to admit it to themselves. A double dose of cheerfulness and spiritual independence from each other leads them to constant ups and downs. They collide with each other whenever they can not share leadership. All this can lead to the fact that Aries will begin to demand from Aquarius complete repentance and frankness. Aries urgently need to forget about their inclinations to leadership and give up all sorts of complaints about Aquarius. Otherwise, the punching energy of Aries can make it so that he starts to manipulate his partner and surrounding people, resorting to dishonest ways. Aquarius will certainly notice his tricks and leave the partner in a fool.

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