/ / Angelina: the days of the Angel according to the church calendar

Angelina: the days of the Angel according to the church calendar

Day of the Angel has long been considered an important celebration.Several centuries ago this holiday was covered with a beautiful and tasty table, baked pies and registered loaves, went to receive communion to the church - in general, celebrated almost as an anniversary. Day of the Angel, as a rule, is celebrated according to the saints (on the date of the patron s memory, in honor of which the person is named). Only one saint is venerated for each Orthodox name, but there may be several name-days. For example, Angelina, whose angel days are celebrated four times a year, has one patroness - Reverend Angelina of Serbia.

angelina angel days

Choosing a baby name, it is very important to know, in honor ofwhat saint you call it, because it is believed that it has a very strong influence on the character and on his fate. There is one more important nuance: the name of the child at baptism may not necessarily correspond to that which is written in the birth certificate. If you chose this option, then the name you baptized must be kept secret from everyone. Such a maneuver can save from spoilage and evil eye. Now let's try to figure out what days Angelina's name day is celebrating.

Angel Day and the Reverend Angelina

Angelina Serbskaya grew up in an Orthodox familyAlbanian prince of Aryan. At a young age, she married the blind king of Serbia, Stefan, and in the marriage they had two wonderful sons and a daughter. The life of the Monk Angelina was full of sorrows and disappointments. Her husband died very early, and she had to wander with her two sons and relics for a long time in search of refuge. Children of Saint Angelina died too early. The rest of her life an Orthodox Christian woman spent in the women's cloister in prayer. The Monk Angelina was very devoted to God and preached Christianity all her life.

angel angel day


Angelina, whose Angel days are celebratedseveral times a year, came from the male Greek name Angelos. It's easy to guess that this is what it means "an angel," that is, a messenger. In different European countries, Angelina's name may sound different: Evangelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Andeline. At us Angelina can briefly be called Lina or Gel.

Contradictory character

Very many mothers like this name, and theycall their daughters so, hoping that they will behave like God's messengers. But Angelina, whose Angel days are celebrated in honor of the Serbian saint, in fact is not at all sweet and docile, but rather even vice versa. Girls with that name are often very warlike and stubborn. They really like to command, and, as a rule, they always get their way. They do not tolerate a deficit of attention, and in order to somehow attract the attention of their relatives, they are ready for anything. However, Angelina's attention is only needed in order to once again self-affirm. These girls need help and support rarely and usually take all the advice and recommendations with hostility.

angel angel day according to the church calendar

Very great dignity of a baby by nameAngelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, is her independence, because for girls this is a great rarity. Asking for something for her is much more difficult than doing it yourself. Angelina loves home and coziness, frequent trips to visit - it's not for her. It is very difficult for her to transfer and travel. Angelina does not immediately adapt to a new place, and at this time she feels defenseless.

Angel Day influences character and destiny

Become interesting, why girls with sucha wonderful name have such a complex character. Some philosophers believe that this is connected with the name-day. Angelina Angel's Day, for example, is celebrated on July 14 (according to the old style on July 1). On this day, in the month of Ramadan, according to Islamic teachings, the "Night of Power and Predestination" is celebrated. Ironically, the girls Angelina, most often really very powerful and powerful.

angelina name day angel day

Angelina in Adult Life

Love for her is above all.She appreciates comfort, comfort and care. Angelina is inherently very jealous and does not tolerate rivalry. You can not call her and too purposeful. In case of a clear defeat, she quickly goes into the shadows. Angelina is, as a rule, a creative person with a very vulnerable soul. She can be closed, especially if she had a difficult childhood. On Angelina Angela's day, you must leave her alone for a little while, so she can enjoy loneliness.

 angel day angels date

How and when to congratulate on the day of the Angel?

Angelins do not like surprises too much (unlessonly from very close people), so do not try to surprise this girl too much. Your attention for her will already be very pleasant and unexpected. Day Angel Angelina on the church calendar is celebrated on July 14 and 30, August 12, and also on December 23. It is in these days that the memory of the Monk Angelina of Serbia is honored.

Be sure Angelina on this day is necessaryvisit the church, put candles and confess. If possible, it is advisable the next day and receive communion. It is necessary to know the prayers of your saint and at the right time to ask her for help. It is believed that the patron, in whose honor the person is named, is a guardian angel who will help him all his life. It is necessary to say the words of thanksgiving to the Monk Angelina of Serbia on Angelina Angelina's day.

 angelina of name-day

The date that symbolizes the name day can beone is chosen and celebrated as a second celebration. For example, from all four days in which the memory of Angelina Serbskaya is honored, one can choose one, the most important one - on December 23, and celebrate the day of the name day. But most often the date chosen is the one closest to the birthday of the birthday person.

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