/ / ХЦВ: Christian Center "Restoration": description, history and interesting facts

ХЦВ: Christian Center "Restoration": description, history and interesting facts

Christian Center "Restoration" (Moscow) -this is a relatively young church (in February 2017, she turned 9 years old). Despite this, the organization does not cease to develop intensively. Its main mentor is Evgeni Peresvetov - the youngest pastor, who heads a fairly large church in the Russian Federation.

Objectives of the Center

First of all, let's look at the goals that this organization sets for itself. The main tasks of the Christian Center "Restoration" (CCE) are as follows:

  1. Preach the teaching about Jesus Christ as the Savior of every person.
  2. To restore the relationship between man and God, bring the fate back to normal.
  3. To unite people of different strata of society, estates and countries into one Church.

In general, the teaching itself is in many respects similar tobeliefs of the Organization of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) and some other religious centers. By the way, it carries a lot of positive things.

People who have become disciples, come together eachSunday, to glorify God with song, prayer and preaching on vital topics. Undoubtedly, among the people who came to this Church, there are changes for the better. But, nevertheless, some people take this religious course with their heart and soul, and some people call this organization a sect. But first things first.

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Leader Yevgeny Peresvetov at the Christian Center "Restoration"

He really takes a forward position here!Peresvetov is followed by many people. According to researchers of his life and spiritual activity - only in Moscow now 700 people who became his followers in the doctrine of Christ and the ministers of the Church.

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How does he manage it?Perhaps, a big role is played by the fact that he himself experienced many difficulties at the beginning of his life, problems with his parents and his surroundings at that time. And then, when he was 15 years old (from the words of Evgeny himself on the page in social networks), an entirely new path opened before him, where there is only light. In Russia he has been serving God since he was 19 years old.

When the Christian teaching helped himto find that highest joy of life and simple human existence, he simply began to radiate this all-conquering faith - in God, in himself, in the bright future. And people feel it in their leader, and therefore they follow him. It becomes the destiny of man. He no longer imagines another life.

Currently, Yevgeny Peresvetov is leading a very rich and fruitful social life. In addition to the pastor of the Church of HCE, he is also:

  • head of the pastoral alliance, which includes more than 25 branches of churches throughout Russia;
  • the head of public projects, uniting the present Public Movement about 10 thousand people annually - across the country;
  • head of the Association of Pastors of Southeast Africa, which includes more than 1,200 pastors;
  • Member of the Apostolic Council of the Church "Embassy of God" (Kiev);
  • vice-president of the All-Russian movement "The Future Without Homosexuality";
  • rector of the Educational Centers "Creators of History" (Moscow, countries of South-East Africa).

About the Church

Pastor and servants of the Christian Center"Restoration" seek to spread their teachings throughout the country, as well as beyond. All this happens through various kinds of ministry: singing, rehabilitating, studying the Word of God in home groups (each such study leads its leader), holding thematic seminars, theatrical ministry (there is a theater called Passion dream), and so on. The main thing is the opportunity to shine for everyone.

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Based on the reviews, the Christian Center"Rehabilitation" really helps many people: the majority is changing cardinally fate, harmful addictions and bad addictions are disappearing, a unique creative beginning is developing, the human values ​​are changing for the better. In general, it is restored in the literal sense of this concept.

This Church is precisely the Center, because inits composition is realized many different social projects. Their main goal is to help people in their spiritual development, thus "healing" society from distortion and disunity.

Christian Center "Restoration" - sect?

In fact, since the Biblical times (I centuryAD) mentioned the notion of "sect". In translation, it means "a gathering of people." And in those times, as true Christians (followers of Jesus Christ), so did other religious teachings in this way.

The sect is an organization that does not break away frommain religion, mainly because of some differences in teaching, values, vision of divine craft, and having a leader or several, followed by all the others. The same concept can be applied to the Christian Center "Restoration".

Christian Center for the Restoration of the Cult

Also, according to the Associate Professor of the Theological Academy(Moscow) A.I. Glukhova, a sect is separated from the teachings of the Russian Orthodox Church current, with its teaching and rituals, having a special vision of how to serve God who lives his own independent life, introducing his own internal religious ideals in a separate environment. Let us dwell on this concept in more detail.

Signs of the sect

There are several characteristic signs of whether an independent religious movement really can be considered a sect. It:

  • The organization has in its mind andproclaims where it is possible, that her teaching is the only correct one. And on a scale of your city, country, world. And also has a sharp negative opinion about other religious organizations.
  • The absence (or almost absence) of clergymen in such an organization.
  • Equality of all participants in this teaching.
  • A charismatic leader leading the crowds.

Therefore, based on the above, it is not easy to determine precisely whether the Christian Center "Restoration" is a sect. Everyone has his own vision and understanding of this issue.

The deep essence of the teachings of HCE

The pastor of the Church talks about the essence of the current itself. He is also being taught people in HCE.

christian center restoration reviews

There is good and evil.Practically, every person born on Earth, always always strives for Good. Or rather, to God. But because of congenital sin (what the Bible says), he can not go on his own to the side of Good. Therefore, recognizing Jesus Christ and his sacrifice (crucifixion) as a ransom for human sins, a person finds this opportunity. And thanks Jesus for this, serving him all his life.

This is the depth of the teaching of this Church.

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