/ / Lasagna: lavash recipe

Lasagna: a recipe for lavash

As you know, lasagna is such a dish, forthe preparation of which requires special sheets of dough. But quite often it happens that it is not at hand at the right time. And then come to the aid of the most ordinary, generally available products. And the lasagna, cooked with their use, by appearance almost does not differ from such a dish, as cooked by all the rules of lasagna. The recipe for pita bread gives the same result as when using sheets of dough. But the recipes from different sources have their differences, and therefore below - several options for the dish.

Lasagna. Recipe for lavash with chicken

For cooking, you need the followingIngredients: half a kilo of chicken, 1 onion, 4 tablespoons tomato paste, 100 milliliters of cream, oregano, pepper, basil, salt. For the sauce you need: 50 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 300 milliliters of milk, 400 grams of melted cheese, 4 small pita breads (usual, that is, it's still big, but it's usually worse in quality).

Peeled and finely chopped onion to fry onvegetable oil, and then add to it chicken mince and fry for another 7 minutes. Add salt, pepper, tomato paste and simmer for 5 minutes, then add cream and stew as much and remove from the plate.

In another frying pan, melt the butter,fry the flour in it for 2 minutes and pour the milk in a thin stream, while adding salt and pepper. Cook only a couple of minutes and then remove from the fire, so that the milk did not have time to form a crust.

Cheese is rubbed on the smallest grater. With minced meat and onions, squeeze the sauce and divide into 3 equal parts.

Take the baking mold and dip it 2tablespoons of white sauce from another frying pan (to make a delicious lavash from lavash, the recipe recommends using it). Stew lavash, 1 part sauce on it, and sprinkle cheese on top; then - lavash, on it - as much white sauce and cheese; lavash - it is minced with cheese; lavash - on it sauce with cheese; lavash - it is minced with cheese. At the very top, lower the last sheet of pita bread, pour in sauce and cover with the remains of cheese. The oven is half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. When serving on a plate, you should lay out already cut into a serving of lasagna. Enjoy your meal!

Lasagna. Recipe for lavash with beef

Products:8 sheets of Armenian lavash, 300 grams of melted cheese, 300 grams of hard cheese, one and a half kilograms of beef, 3 onions, a pound of tomatoes in its own juice. For the sauce of the first: a liter of ready-made béchamel sauce, 300 grams of frozen spinach. For the second sauce: half a kilo of grainy cottage cheese and 3 chicken eggs.

Fry onion in vegetable oil, then add tomatoes and minced meat to it and cook until ready.

To get a piquant lasagna, the recipe fromlavash prescribes the use of two different sauces in preparation. Sauce the first is prepared as follows: "Béchamel" is mixed with spinach. And sauce the second way: mix cottage cheese with eggs, it is better to whip, and add salt.

Spread the form from the oven and butter on it.pour torn pieces of pita bread so that the bottom is not visible. Next go tomatoes with minced meat, grated cheese and first sauce. Then lavash, and on it - the second sauce with minced meat, on top a layer of parmesan grated and sauce with spinach. The oven of the resulting lasagna should be at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Cut into portions and can be decorated with cherry tomatoes and finely chopped greens. Bon Appetit!

Even in the absence of special products forYou can use puff pastry from the store. Then in any of these recipes in place of pita bread it is possible to substitute a layered dough divided into the same in thickness and slightly dried in a frying pan. It turns out then also very delicious lasagna from puff pastry.

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