/ / Lasagne with minced meat: fast and tasty

Lasagna with minced meat: fast and tasty

In each house, at least once, lasagna was preparedstuffing. This dish is gradually created by preparing the filling and dough, which are layered in layers in a deep container, and then baked in the oven. For the filling are taken different types of meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, various cheeses, vegetables. Lasagna with minced meat can be baked in a deep pan and in a special form. The dough is taken commercially or is mixed by prescription.

The very word came from Greece, where the hot platescalled "lasagne." Later the word was borrowed by the Romans, having designated a cauldron of a certain form. Today this dish is probably known all over the world, since lasagna, a simple recipe of which can be found in any cookbook or on the Internet, is very accessible and tasty.

Lasagna is a purely Italian dish.In Italy there is a special variety of wide pasta produced in layers, they are boiled and baked with all sorts of additions. The only difference from the casserole is that the filling is completely mixed and laid out not layer by layer, but evenly. Lasagna with minced meat is prepared in several ways, you can use different types of meat and vegetables, dressing with sauce or baking without it. Today we will consider the recipe for this simple dish.

Lasagna with minced meat. Ingredients:

- veal (beef) and pork - for 190 g;
- mushrooms - 130 g (champignons are undesirable);
- two cloves of purple garlic;
- purple bulb (it is less sharp);
- 55 ml of tomato paste;
- 90 ml of creamy white oil;
- nine layers of pasta, purchased or independently made;
- 550 ml of fresh cream;
- 200 g of any cheese;
- 170 ml of sifted flour;
- large salt and ground pepper (optional).

Lasagna with minced meat. Preparation:

Chop in a blender or pass throughmeat grinder pieces of meat, adding a purified purple bulb in them. Boil the creamy white oil in a frying pan and put the minced stuff there, smooth it on the bottom and fry for twenty minutes, then add the tomato paste and stew for another eight minutes. Remove from the heat to cool down.

Proceed to create the sauce.To do this, in the prepared container, melt the butter, fry the flour on it, pour in the prepared cream, add and pepper. Boil until thick, which should be moderate.

Fry mushrooms, pre-browned in a frying pan shredded slices of purple garlic. Scrunch or cut into thin plates of cheese. Stir mushrooms and stuffing.

On a deep tray, greased with meltedcreamy white oil, pour a little sauce, lay the plates around the perimeter and connect, crushing or pinching. Spread half the prepared mixture of minced meat and mushrooms. Lightly season with sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Spread the pasta again, then the rest of the filling, cheese and sauce. Now you can cover the layers, the resulting layered pour the remainder of the sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Remove the lasagna in the oven (the temperature is not less than two hundred degrees) and bake until ready, usually enough for twelve minutes.

Having got out of the oven, cover the dish tightly with a towel so that the lasagna with minced meat is infused and soaked. When cutting, it will not crumble and exfoliate.

If you could not get a special dough, then do not get upset. Prepare the dough to make a delicious lasagna with minced meat, simply. For this we need:

- 400 ml of sifted flour of the highest grade;
- four selected large eggs;
- a large salt.

Everything is done in the following way.Flour is sifted onto a cleaned table, on a board. In the center is a deepening, into which eggs are broken. Prisalivaem and start circular forks of the fork to drive the flour into the eggs, then moisten the hands in the water and begin to quickly knead the dough. When it stops sticking to the work surface, roll it into a bun, close it with a towel and let it rest for about twenty minutes. Then cut and roll out into the finest layers, which must be slightly dried before cooking. Do not allow crumbling dough for lasagna, otherwise the dish will not turn juicy. Lasagne with ground meat can be supplemented with grated walnuts or favorite seasonings.

We considered a simple lasagna recipe, which will become a welcome dish amongst the domestic ones. Bon Appetit.

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