/ / Delicious lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

Delicious lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

A popular Italian dish is lasagna.What is such a dish? These are thin sheets of dough, which alternate with various fillings. The whole dish is filled with incredibly tender béchamel sauce. This is how you can briefly describe the Italian food, which from the first piece is able to win love. As you remember, a big lasagne lover was the Garfield cat, who stole a whole dish from his master and immediately ate it completely.

Due to the wide variety of fillings, thisthe food of many gourmets is a favorite. The sheets are laid out as minced meat, as well as vegetable mix. In Italian restaurants you can see a wide variety of dishes: lasagna with chicken and mushrooms, with minced meat, vegetables, spinach, etc.

The history of the appearance

Initially, this dish looked different. The ancestor of the lasagna is Greek bread. Later, the Romans began to cut this product into wide strips.

lasagna with mushrooms

Lasagna is recognized all over the world.The first document, in which the recipe of the dish is indicated, is dated the fourteenth century. It happened in Italy. In that recipe, it is indicated that the cooked leaves of the dough were interlaid with grated cheese and spices.

The indigenous people believed that the best lasagnado in cafes and in rural farms. When you try a traditional dish in a family restaurant, each time you discover a new taste of the food, as the citizens of Italy add different sauces and cheeses to it.

What do you need for cooking?

To prepare our dish, you will not need the seafood. The main components of the dish are: sheets, cheese, chicken mushrooms, béchamel sauce. The lasagna is also complemented by greenery.

sheets for lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

To prepare the sauce you will need:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • salt;
  • 50 grams of flour;
  • nutmeg;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • pepper.

To cook lasagna with chicken and mushrooms, you will need:

  • one onion;
  • sheets for lasagna;
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken;
  • greens (required for decoration);
  • 250 grams of cheese;
  • 300 grams of champignons.

Preparation of sauce: step by step instructions

First you need to make a sauce. Despite the fact that the name is unusual enough, it is prepared simply:

  1. First, melt on medium heat oil. After that, pour in the flour. In the process, stir constantly so that lumps do not form.
  2. After slowly pour in the milk. In the process, still stir the sauce.
  3. Gradually it will become thicker, then add salt, pepper and nut to taste.
  4. When the sauce becomes a necessary consistency, remove from heat.

Lasagne with chicken and mushrooms: recipe

recipe of lasagna with chicken and mushrooms
  1. Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices.
  2. Clean the bulb. Then finely chop. Fry the onions and mushrooms in a pan. Do not forget to salt and pepper. While the mushrooms are cooling down, prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Cut the chicken (already boiled).
  4. In the shallow grater, grate the cheese.
  5. Note that the pie from lasagna is distinguished by the dough. For this dish is used fresh, not sweet. That is, the dough should be from solid wheat varieties exactly the same as for pasta.
  6. First, sheets for lasagna with chicken and mushrooms are placed in salted water for five minutes. To prevent the dough stuck together, vegetable oil is added to the water, about one tablespoon.
  7. After that, oil the bottom of the mold with oil, lay the lasagna sheets.
  8. On them lay the first layer of the filling, which consists of mushrooms. Next, pour the dish with sauce. The next layer is grated cheese.
  9. Then put a sheet of dough on top.Top with meat, which is also filled with sauce. Further, lasagna with chicken and mushrooms is sprinkled with cheese and covered with the following layers of dough and filling. When all the ingredients are finished, the dish is once again sprinkled with cheese.
lasagna with chicken

Further in this form, lasagna with chicken and mushrooms withsauce goes to the oven. There it should be baked for thirty minutes. At the same temperature should be about two hundred degrees. Prepare the dish until the appearance of a crust.

After cooking lasagna with chicken and mushroomsis decorated with greenery. Then it can be served to the table. By the way, this dish should be eaten hot. Note that lasagna is eaten with a fork and knife, cutting off small pieces in size.

step-by-step recipe of lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

A small conclusion

Now you know how you can cook thisdish like lasagna. We told the story of the appearance of food, as well as the recipe was considered in detail. We hope that this information was useful and interesting for you!

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