/ Chicken with oranges - you will yum.

Chicken with oranges - you lick your fingers.

Курица с апельсинами - это достаточно an original and beautiful dish that perfectly suits both for a casual table and a festive one. Thanks to the presence of citrus, the dish is very juicy, soft, has a piquant taste and delicate exquisite aroma. I offer you three simple and delicious recipes, with which I like to treat my relatives and friends.

Chicken with oranges

Necessary ingredients: one medium chicken, four oranges, five cloves of garlic, pepper and salt.

Preparation. We wash the chicken well, if we remove the insides, rub it with salt and sprinkle with pepper.

Mine oranges and cut them into thin slices. If desired, you can peel the citrus peel.

Now we proceed to the most important and difficult part.We need to put oranges under the chicken's skin, and this should be done as carefully as possible. We cut the skin with a sharp knife in several places and put ready-made circles. On each side can fit six circles of orange.
Cut the garlic into slices and lay it in the chicken. If there are oranges left, send them to the garlic.

Now we take a twine or a very strong thread and tie the chicken legs.

We preheat the oven, lay the bird on a baking sheet and set to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Cooked chicken with oranges for about two hours. In the process of baking, water it with its own juice from the pan, so it will be much juicier. The finished bird is cut into pieces and served to the table.

White rice or mashed potatoes can be cooked as a side dish.

Chicken with oranges, cooked according to this recipe is very juicy, with a crispy crust and has an unusual taste. This dish will be a worthy decoration of your table.

Chicken with oranges in the sleeve, baked in the oven

We will need: 700 grams of chicken meat, onions, 50 grams of lemon juice, orange, five potatoes, a glass of boiled water, a glass of sour cream, spices, pepper, salt.

Preparation. Chicken cut into medium pieces. Onion finely shred half rings. We squeeze out the juice from a lemon into a bowl, and marinate the onion in it for about 15 minutes.

Remove the peel from the orange and cut it into half rings. We clean the potatoes, wash them and cut them in the same way as citrus.

We take the sleeve for baking, tightly tie iton the one hand and lay the pieces of chicken. Sprinkle on top with any spices and salt. Place an orange on top of the meat, then potatoes and onions marinated in lemon juice. Pour water and lemon juice into the sleeve. Thoroughly fasten the second side of the sleeve, spread it on a baking sheet and set to bake in a preheated oven for about forty-five minutes.

Remove the finished dish from the oven, put it in the pan, add a little sour cream, stir and simmer for about five minutes.

Now the dish is ready and you can serve it to the table.

Chicken with oranges and honey

Ingredients needed: medium chicken, half a glass of liquid honey, two oranges, half a lemon, a spoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of turmeric and coriander, fresh herbs, salt and pepper.

Preparation. We wash the chicken well under cold water, soak it in a napkin and rub it with salt and pepper.

Squeeze juice from one orange, add honey, olive oil, turmeric and coriander. Rub this chicken inside and out with this fragrant mixture and leave in the fridge for two hours.

After that, put it in the form and pour the remaining mixture. Put the orange circles on top of the chicken and send them to bake in the preheated oven.
We bake the dish for about an hour, until a ruddy and appetizing crust appears. In the process of cooking plentifully pour chicken juice from the form.

We decorate the finished dish with greens, lemon rings.

Enjoy your meal!

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