/ / Alaska fried pollock: cooking recipes

Alaska pollack: cooking recipes

Минтай нельзя назвать элитной рыбкой, но если to prepare it competently, then he will play with new taste accents, becoming unusually appetizing. By the way, one of the main advantages of this product is that it is completely non-greasy. Thanks to this, even fried pollock is considered a pretty low-calorie delicacy.

Some information about the seafood

This fish is not as popular as cod orpink salmon, but it is much cheaper than them. But in spite of this availability, you can make a whole culinary masterpiece from pollock. After all, even in fried form, this fish turns out to be unusually tasty. And in combination with vegetable salads or other side dishes this treat can be safely served to the festive table.

Вообще, минтай - универсальный продукт, который has not too bright taste. It is thanks to this quality that it is possible to prepare a variety of various treats from it, combining it with all sorts of ingredients and spices.


В зависимости от выбранного рецепта, жареный Alaska pollock can be cooked in batter, breaded and without any shell. It can easily be combined with various vegetables: for example, onions, bell peppers, fresh greens, zucchini, carrots or tomatoes. Such treats have delicious taste and low calorie content. But before proceeding to such complex methods of preparation, it is advisable to master the basic recipe for roasted pollock. So you will learn how to make the fish soft, tender and juicy.

Simple recipes of roasted pollock

К слову, рецепт жареного минтая не требует some special culinary skills and exotic products. Just take into account that this fish has a rather peculiar smell. But in this pollock has an excellent taste, especially if it is correctly marinated.

Product selection

Before getting acquainted with the recipefried pollock, find out how to choose the right carcass competently. Buy this fish in fresh form is quite difficult, so often you have to be satisfied with the frozen product.

As a rule, pollack is served in ice icing,the volume of which does not exceed 4% of the total weight of the carcass. Be sure to pay attention to this factor, otherwise you risk paying for simple water. If the glaze is, as expected, rather thin, then through it you may well consider the flesh of the fish - it must be white. But all sorts of spots, mostly pink or yellow shade, indicate the stale product.

How to prepare pollock for frying

Defrost the fish is only necessarynaturally: at room temperature or on the shelf of the refrigerator. Then pollock should be thoroughly washed and cut off fins. It is most convenient to do this with scissors. After this, gently cut the abdomen of the carcass and remove all the insides. If pollack in the scales, be sure to clean it.

If you are dealing with gutted carcass, it's enough to simply defrost it and rinse it.

Recipe for pollack, fried with onions and carrots

This very delicate and tasty treat can bewithout fear of giving even the smallest family members. After all, cooked according to the recipe of pollock, fried with onions, simply melts in the mouth. Also? when properly processed, there is no risk of choking with a small bone. If you add pollock to potatoes or rice, then a full second course will be released.

So, for the preparation of tasty roasted Alaska pollock on a recipe, you will need:

  • 1 kg of fillets;
  • 3 onion heads;
  • 2 medium sized carrots;
  • 6 tablespoons breadcrumbs;
  • egg;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil.


Rinse the carcass thoroughly and dry with napkins. Slice the fillets in small pieces, then salt and pepper to your taste.

Put the frying pan on the stove and pour oil into it.

How to cook fried pollock with carrots and onions

Onions peel off the husks and chop the half rings, and chop the pure carrot on a large grater.

Egg in a deep bowl and lightly blab. Place the breadcrumbs on a flat dish.

Pickled Alaska pollack slices first inegg mass, and then - in breading. Send the fillet to the hot pan. Fry fish from two sides to a beautiful ruddy crust. To remove excess fat, put the finished pieces on paper towels. And then send the fillet to the serving dish.

Now send the onions and carrots to be browned in the pan. After 10 minutes, put the golden vegetable mixture to the pollack. That's all, fragrant and tasty treat is ready!

Recipe for roasted pollock (with photo)

Such a method of preparation can come toRevenue, when unexpected guests came to you or you were just hungry. But despite the simplicity of the recipe, fried in a pan of pollock is very delicious and tender. This dish is guaranteed to become one of the most favorite treats in your home.

To prepare a treat you will need:

  • 0.6 kg of pollock;
  • 10 g of spices for fish;
  • 6 tablespoons of flour;
  • some salt, best marine;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil.

The process itself will not take more than half an hour, and with a certain skill you can cope with this delicacy and in just 15 minutes.

Cooking method

Prepared carcass chop portionwisepieces or divide into a neat filet. Transfer the meat into a deep container, season with salt and season with selected spices. In this form, leave the fish to marinate for an hour.

How to roast pollock

Pour the flour on a flat plate. Fry the pan and butter on medium heat and allow to warm up properly.

Prepared fillets roll in flour and sendon the frying surface. Prepare the fish from two sides to a ruddy color. Finished pieces put on paper, so that they stack excess fat. On this roasted fillets pollock recipe is ready. As you can see, the process is absolutely simple and fast. Such an uncomplicated, but very useful treat can please the household even though every day. Your family will surely be happy!

Roasted Pollock Fillet

Fish in the dough

One of the most delicious roasted pollock recipesIt is rightly considered the one in which the batter is used. Despite the simple cooking, the fish turns out incredibly tasty, soft and delicate. By the way, such a treat can take the place of a full meal or act as a cold snack. And in fact, and in another embodiment, pollock turns out to be extremely tasty.

The thinnest layer of batter helps to preserve the natural juiciness of the fish, with virtually no effect on the caloric content of the finished delicacy. This dish is worth to try everyone!

First, prepare:

  • 0.7 kg of pollock;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons flour;
  • 130 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt and seasoning at your discretion.

Cooking process

For cooking fish in batter you will needfillet. So the first thing to defrost the pollock, rinse it thoroughly under running water and let it dry. Then carefully remove the skin from the carcass and remove the bones.

Duly fillet slicedeven strips, fold into a deep container and salt. Do not forget to add selected spices and spices. It is advisable to let the fish marinate at least half an hour.

How to cook roasted pollock in batter

Hammer the eggs into another bowl, add flour to them and carefully loosen it so that there are no lumps in the mixture.

Put the pan on the fire, pouring oil into it.Dip each piece of fillet in cooked batter and send to a hot surface. It is necessary to fry the fish, as usual, until golden brown. Such pollock always turns out to be extremely tasty.

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