/ / Meat in pots with mushrooms - recipe with photo

Meat in pots with mushrooms - recipe with photo

Meat with mushrooms in pots is a great optionfor dinner. Prepare it usually in the oven, and you can find enough recipes. Besides, it's just delicious. To fungi and meat usually add potatoes or other vegetables, so that it is not only useful, but also diverse. And due to an interesting feed, right in the pots, the dish is loved by children.

You can also choose to simply bake the meat withtomatoes and bell pepper, and you can prepare a gentle and rich sauce of sour cream, in which the meat ingredient is cooked. When serving, the contents of pots can be sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Delicious meat with potatoes and mushrooms

For preparation of such variant of meat in a pot with mushrooms in an oven it is necessary to take following products:

  • three carrots;
  • ten tubers of potatoes;
  • 300 grams of any meat, such as chicken;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 300 grams of champignons;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a bunch of any fresh greens;
  • salt and pepper;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • water.

Instead of meat, you can also use minced meat both from beef and from the combination of two types of meat. The recipe for meat with mushrooms in the pot will not make this more difficult.

meat with mushrooms

Preparation by recipe: description

If minced meat is taken, it is initially defrosted and fried in a frying pan. And then everything is the same as cooking a whole piece of meat.

The meat is cut into cubes about two centimetersthick. In the frying pan pour vegetable oil, fry the pieces on high heat for a couple of minutes. Sour cream is bred with a glass of water, poured into a skillet with meat. Add salt and any spices. Also put the flour to make the sauce thicker. Stir thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Boil until everything is thick.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Carrots tinder on a large grater. All the salt, mix, add finely chopped greens.

Mushrooms are washed, cut into slices, fried infrying pan until half cooked, add to the potatoes. In the pots, lay out a mixture of vegetables and mushrooms, then cover everything with sour cream and meat. Add water to the pots to half, tinder the cheese on top and send it to the oven for one hour. At the same time, the temperature is maintained at 180 degrees.

This dish is independent. It has a side dish, meat and sauce. However, you can accompany it with a salad of fresh vegetables.

pots with potatoes and cheese

Another tasty option

What do you need for the recipe? Potatoes, mushrooms and meat. A pot is better to choose a ceramic, then the taste of the products will be more vivid. So, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • 300 grams of beef;
  • potatoes - one piece per pot;
  • three large bulbs;
  • one carrot;
  • one Bulgarian pepper;
  • three tomatoes;
  • salt, black pepper and bay leaf;
  • five champignons;
  • on a tablespoon of oil for one pot;
  • a bundle of any greenery.

First you need to marinate meat.What is this for? The fact is that meat in a pot with mushrooms can be cooked longer than vegetables. As a result, the latter will turn into mashed potatoes. And the marinade helps to make the meat softer in advance.

For this, the onions are cut into half rings, and the meatpieces of medium size. Add salt and pepper to these ingredients. Also it is necessary to break a couple of laurel leaves, mix everything. In this form, the marinade should stand for an hour. You can also simply cut the meat under the food film, and then cut it. But in the marinade it is much more tender and fragrant.

recipe potato mushrooms meat pot

Preparation of meat with vegetables

Potatoes are cleaned, cut into large pieces.It should stand out among other ingredients. Carrots are washed, cleaned and cut into medium-thick circles. Mushrooms cut into slices. Tomatoes are cut into slices. Bulgarian pepper relieves of seeds and legs, cut into cubes.

На дно горшочка наливают растительное масло, Spread beef with onions. Add potatoes on top, sprinkle with salt, put mushrooms. The next layer is carrots and Bulgarian pepper. Cover all this meat in a pot with mushrooms with a layer of tomatoes. Salt again and add pepper. Pour in hot water.

The oven is heated to 170 degrees and put pots in it. First they are not covered with a lid to allow the vegetables to settle. And then they prepare for about an hour and a half under the lid.

meat with mushrooms in a pot

Meat in pots with mushrooms - it's tasty and satisfying.Potatoes and other vegetables are often added to it. In addition, such a dish is an excellent way out when there is not much meat. Thanks to the serving and a lot of ingredients, this dish looks good on the table. It can even be prepared for guests. If necessary, pots can be replaced with ceramic batch forms, and in the most extreme case, use an ordinary plate. However, in this case, the feed will be worse.

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