/ / Low-alcohol drink "Aperol" - is freshness in a glass

Low-alcohol drink "Aperol" is a freshness in a glass

The ideal aperitif, which arouses appetite, according to many knowledgeable people, is "Aperol". What kind of drink is this? Let's talk about him in the article.

A bit of history

"Aperol" is a low-alcohol drink thatwas created at the beginning of the last century in Italy by the brothers Barbieri. Already after the Second World War "Aperol" received worldwide fame. And today this drink in Italy is considered one of the most popular. Currently, the brand "Aperol" belongs to the concern "Campari".

apero is

Brew composition

"Aperol" is a drink that is produced byancient secret recipe using tinctures, which include only natural selected ingredients: sweet and bitter oranges, as well as roots and herbs (buckwheat, rhubarb, cinchona fruit), and in compliance with perfectly balanced proportions. The peculiarity of the unique taste are the original, slightly bitter shades and low alcohol content (only 11 degrees). Used in the production of natural orange concentrate gives the drink a bright orange color, which is a kind of brand name of an aperitif, which has remained unchanged for almost 100 years. "Aperol" has excellent tonic and refreshing properties, so that it is very popular among Italian youth, especially on hot summer days.

How to drink a drink?

So, what is the "Aperol", we found out, nowwe learn how to use it correctly. If you bought a bottle of this drink, do not rush to drink it in its pure form. At home, in Italy, "Aperol" - it is often one of the ingredients of cocktails. The most common combinations are as follows:

  • In a glass two-thirds to pour grapefruit or orange juice and a third - "Aperol", add ice cubes.

  • In a glass with "Aperol" add sparkling water and an orange slice.

  • Three-quarter glass filled with dry wine, add "Aperol" and a little soda water.

Such mixtures really refresh and quench thirst in the hot season.

aperol what is it

Cocktail "Aperol Syringe"

In 1950, on the basis of aperitif "Aperol" becameprepare a cocktail, thanks to which the drink became popular not only in Italy, but also in the whole of Europe. It is called "Aperol Syringe". The above third mixture can be considered a likeness of this cocktail. And although in European countries a long time used white dry wine with soda, but with the advent of the alcoholic beverage in question, this mixture has become very popular. And today, the cocktail "Aperol Syringe" is a huge success. To some extent, this contributes to the marketing pitch of Campari: right on the label of the bottle of Aperol the recipe of this world famous cocktail is given.

what is aperol

We present it to your attention:

  • "Aperol" - two parts;

  • soda - one part;

  • dry sparkling wine (ideally Prosecco) - three parts.

It all fits in pre-chilled.a glass, ice pieces are added, everything mixes well and is decorated with a slice of any citrus, usually orange. Connoisseurs recommend that this cocktail be served without fail with a straw, since the density of the beverages in the composition have different, therefore they do not mix very quickly. It is undesirable to mix the drink with “Aperol” before serving, since as a result of this carbon dioxide of sparkling wine will quickly evaporate.

aperol spritz

Cocktail "Aperol Flip"

This cocktail appeared recently. And, frankly, it is not very correct to call it a flip, because for its preparation it is not the whole egg that is used as it should be, but only protein.

It is prepared as follows:Shaker filled with crushed ice, add 30 ml of "Aperol", 20 ml of lemon juice, 1 egg white, a tablespoon of sugar syrup. The resulting ingredients are well whipped. Then pour 60 ml of sparkling wine into a cocktail glass, top with a whipped mixture. Traditionally, the glass is decorated with a ribbon of orange peel. You can also squeeze a drop of juice (essentially, an essential oil) onto the surface of the drink. It is necessary to make a cocktail very carefully, as often whipped egg white sticks into sparkling wine. To avoid this, for such a mixed drink should take a large glass.

"Aperol" is still not a very familiar drink for us, but the one who tries cocktails based on it will definitely be pleased.

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