/ What is Tequila Sunrise and Tequila Sunset?

What is Tequila Sunrise and Tequila Sunset?

Many connoisseurs of cocktails adore sunnyinvigorating Tequila Sunrise. This drink is usually served in a tall glass with a volume of 150-400 milliliters with large pieces of ice. In such a cocktail a sufficiently high alcohol content, its strength is 11.4%.

This unusual drink began to recruitpopularity in the 70s of last century. The development of cocktail history Tequila Sunrise was promoted by the American famous band Rolling Stones, who often chose this amazing mixture during her tours around the world.

Tequila Sunrise consists of tequila, orangejuice and grenadine (pomegranate syrup). Tequila is a traditional strong Mexican drink that is made from agave and has been in high demand since the 16th century. Grenadine is called a thick pomegranate syrup, giving the cocktails a bright color and used as a sweetener.

Tequila Sunrise cocktail can be prepared by mixingall of the above components. Grenadine is added to the drink last. The ratio of tequila, pomegranate juice and grenadine is usually 3: 6: 1. In each portion of the cocktail, 5-6 ice cubes are added. A few drops of the grenadine make Tequila Sunrise's drink similar to the sunrise. It is this unusual color scheme that the cocktail owes its name.

Inventive bartenders have come up with an alternativeThe Tequila Sunrise drink is a Tequila Sunset cocktail, which means sunset. The main components of this masterpiece remain the same - tequila and orange juice. However, instead of grenadine, the barman uses blueberry brandy.

To prepare Tequila Sunset, put it on the bottomglass layer of ice. Then they pour tequila and orange juice, in the end add some bilberry brandy. He must gently drain to the very bottom of the glass, thereby depicting the sunset. Serve a cocktail of Tequila Sunset in a tall glass with a cherry or a slice of orange.

Of course, the main secret of these two cocktails in combination tequila and orange juice. The origin of orange juice we all know, but what do we know about tequila?

Many believe that tequila is made fromcactus. This is one of the most common misconceptions. An invigorating alcoholic beverage is made from agave, which belongs to the family of lily. There are more than 300 plant species worldwide, however, only one species - blue agave - is suitable for obtaining tequila.

Tequila production is very difficultprocess. Agave plantations can exist only in Mexico, and they need to be looked after for at least 8 years to make such a drink. Therefore, tequila can be produced only in Mexico, it is not prepared in any other place on the globe.

Each tequila is made according to an individual recipe. Different versions of this drink differ in the percentage of alcohol of agave (from 50% to 100%), in age and taste.

In tequila there is a different content of fusel oils,but a light herbal shade successfully masks them. Tequila "hits the head" much faster than vodka, so it is almost not drunk separately. However, this drink is ideal for creating a variety of strong cocktails, it is well connected with ordinary juice.

It is said that there is never a hangover from tequila.This can be explained by the fact that a person suffices quite a small amount of such an alcoholic beverage. However, if you get to drink a lot of tequila at once - a hangover will be guaranteed.

The most popular are silver and gold tequila.

Silver - pure invigorating tequila without impurities, which could not stand a second. It immediately bottles, yielding to the more expensive types of this drink in the fortress.

The golden tequila is also not aged, but caramel is added to it, which makes this drink easier to drink and seems more interesting to the taste.

But today in shops you can see the mostValuable types of tequila with the maximum content of agave alcohol and with a sufficiently long exposure. These drinks will need to get used, however spoiled Mexicans choose only expensive elite tequila, leaving gold and silver to unsophisticated Europeans.

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