/ / Meatloaf with stuffing - the best idea for any dinner

Meatloaf with stuffing - the best idea for any dinner

This dish in our family is traditionally consideredFrench, although from the French it inherited only the name. The word "roll" comes from the verb "rouler", which means "roll", "roll up". Many housewives believe that it is necessary to spend a lot of time and energy to cook a meatloaf with a filling, and prefer to go to the store after it. The main advantage of this dish is the ability to create and fantasize. And it really is: all your efforts and efforts will not go unnoticed - a meatloaf with a filling will take its well-deserved place both on a festive table and on a modest family dinner. After all, the kitchen - the best place for creativity, and the process of cooking should be approached with a soul. Filling for a roll can be very diverse, which gives you the opportunity to experiment boldly. But in any case, the unique taste and aroma of a freshly prepared meat roll with a filling will not leave anyone indifferent.

How do I make a roll?Of all the varieties of meat, I prefer pork to taste. I choose big, but thin pieces, carefully beat each with a wooden hammer, sprinkle with salt and pepper. I spread the prepared pieces overlapping each other onto the food film so that a whole meat stratum is formed. Cover the second piece of food film on top and once again beat the meat with a hammer. This allows the pieces to be better attached to each other. I take off the top film and grease the meat with mustard. Now I'm starting to prepare the filling, which is very fond in our family. I boil quail eggs (chicken also fit), fry mushrooms with onions. Purified eggs are cut in half and spread in one row along the edge of the layer of meat. Slightly retreating, I put fried mushrooms with onions, and on top of them stripes of raw carrots. To ensure that the roll is folded neatly, the filling should not be too much. Lifting the film over the edges, turn the meat layer into a roll and tightly wrap it in foil. I pour hot water on the baking sheet and spread my meat roll with stuffing there. The most laborious stage of work can be considered complete. The optimum temperature for baking is 160-180 degrees, the required time for baking is 2-3 hours. The meatloaf is baked in the oven. At the end of this time I take out the roll from the oven, I make several punctures in the foil and put it under pressure until it cools down completely. I cut the cold roll into small pieces. A meat loaf with a filling is ready, and its taste and appearance is simply amazing. To eat is served, gentlemen!

If you are preparing a meatloaf from beef,I dare to recommend you a filling of carrot and spinach. To make such a filling you need half a glass of green peas, carrots, spinach, bacon and cooked eggs, one glass of breadcrumbs, a few spoonfuls of milk, spices to taste. Bacon cut into pieces and fry in a pan without adding oil until golden brown. Mix in the bowl of fried bacon, green peas, bread crumbs, a little milk, spices. Stir thoroughly. On the prepared meat lay the thinly cut spinach strips, from above evenly distribute the prepared mixture, and cut the carrots onto it. On the edge of the layer of meat lay out in one line peeled and cut in half eggs. Roll it into a roll and tightly pack it in foil. Put on a baking tray, pour hot water, put in the oven. Bake for two hours until the roll becomes soft. Cook the roulette in the form for a few more minutes, then remove the foil and cut into small pieces. The appearance of the prepared dish not only pleases the eye, but really causes aesthetic pleasure. You can serve it both hot and cold.

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