Meat in foil. Recipe

Foil is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.Thanks to her, the taste of the dish will turn out to be gentle, and all the vitamins will be preserved. In addition, the dish, baked in foil, is low in calories and suitable for dietary nutrition.

In the foil you can cook vegetables, fish and, of course,meat. The latter will be discussed in this article. A very delicate taste is possessed by meat in foil. The recipe of preparation is not complicated, and even the beginning housewives are quite capable of creating such a masterpiece of culinary art.

It should be noted that the meat should be fresh.Also it is worth choosing the meat of a young animal (the color should not be too bright and red). Preparing meat in foil is not too troublesome, but baking takes about an hour.

Meat in foil. Recipe 1

For cooking, take beef - 1.5 kg; garlic - 5 denticles, mustard - 3 tablespoons; mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons; to taste salt and black pepper.

Мясо обмойте, обсушите полотенцем и сделайте в It has enough deep cuts. Nashpiguyte beef garlic, cover with mustard and mayonnaise. Now put a prepared piece of meat on the foil, which should be taken in such quantity that it was possible to turn the meat several times. Tightly wrapped beef should be put on a baking sheet and placed in an oven for an hour. Check the readiness with a fork, gently pushing aside the foil. The juice should be clear, and the meat is dodgy. You can serve with vegetables, decorated with greens.

Meat in foil. Recipe 2

For preparation take: pork - 1,5 kg; onion - 3 pieces; mayonnaise - 300 grams; pepper and salt, hard cheese - 300 grams, fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.

Washed and dried meat cut into steaks 1.5 cmthick. Beat with a hammer, salt and pepper carefully on both sides. Put the foil on a baking sheet, gently lay the meat in a row. Then wrap the foil so that it tightly covers the meat. Bake the meat in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

At this time, cut the onions into half rings and fryits up to a beautiful golden hue. Cheese grate, cut the tomatoes in circles. After a lapse of 40 minutes, open the oven, gently open the foil and lay a little onions, a tomato circle, and cheese on top. Do not cover with foil, leave in the oven for another 10 minutes. This recipe for baking meat in foil will fit the festive table, as the finished dish looks very nice and appetizing.

Meat in foil. Recipe 3

It will take: beef or lamb - 1,5 kg, prunes - 150 grams; garlic - 4 cloves; pepper, mayonnaise, salt.

Take:beef or mutton, remove excess layers of fat. In general, cut a piece. In them carefully peep the garlic and prunes. Pepper well and salt. Cover the meat from all sides with mayonnaise. Transfer to foil, wrap and tightly close, preferably in two layers. Bake for an hour at a temperature of two hundred degrees. Together with meat you can bake vegetables. To do this, slice the potatoes in small slices, fry the onion, and spread on the foil around the meat. Do not forget the potatoes and salt and pepper. You can also take tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, carrots - any vegetables to your taste.

Meatloaf in foil

It will take: minced meat - 0.5 kg; garlic soaked in milk bread.

For toppings: tomato, Bulgarian pepper, cheese - 150 grams, boiled eggs - 3 pieces, mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.

Minced meat should be put in a plastic bag androll out a rolling pin into a rectangle. Now we are engaged in stuffing. Lubricate forcemeat with mayonnaise, spread the sliced ​​tomatoes, cheese, mixed with garlic, grated eggs and pepper, diced. Gently roll the roll and roll it on a sheet of foil. Tightly close from all sides and send for 40 minutes in the oven, heated to two hundred degrees. When the roulette cools down a little, cut it into portions. Before serving, generously decorate the roll with fresh herbs.

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